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1、五年级人教PEP版英语上学期句型转换专项真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按照要求完成下列各题。1.David is a doctor. (写出工作地点)He works at a_.2.Ted goes to work by bike. (将Ted改成They)3.How does Kim go to work? (根据图片回答问题)4.I workat the hospital. (对句子主题意思提问)5.What does your mother do? (用doctor回答)2. 按要求做题。1They have a dancing class.(改为现在进行时)They_a dancing

2、 class.2Are you eating lunch?(作肯定回答)_,_.3Theyredoing morning exercises.(对句子主题意思提问)_they_?4Is Oliver reading a book now?(作否定回答)_,_.5here, can, read, books, I, the, (?)(连词成句)3. 句型转换。1David is tired.(改为否定句)David_tired.2Kate isbetween you and me. (对句子主题意思提问)_Kate?3Shehas dancing lessons.(对句子主题部分提问)What_

3、she_?4What does she do at weekends?(用sometimes/ have dancing lessons)She_dancing lessons.5Ihave dinner with my grandparentson Sunday.(对句子主题部分提问)_do_do on Sunday?4. 按要求完成下列各题。1.Thereisasnackbaronthecorner.(改为否定句)2.CanIhelpyou?(做肯定回答)3.get,go,to,bed,sleep,and, I,some.(连词组句)4.IdlikeaCoke.(主题意思提问)5.It i

4、sten yuan.(主题意思提问)5. 根据要求改写句子。1. We have a great time today.(改为同义句)We_a lot of_today.2. My birthday ison the third of May. (对句子主题部分提问)_is_birthday?3. Sams birthday is on the ninth of January, too. (改为同义句)Sams birthday is_on the ninth of January.4.We eat some noodles. (改为否定句)We_eat_noodles.5. I was b

5、orn on the second of October. (改为同义句)_is on the second of October.6. 按要求改写句子。1. He is going to buy a music book. (改为一般疑问句)2. Alices father isin the park. (对句子主题意思提问)3. is, favourite, what, book, your (连词成句)4. Do you likeStories for Children? (作肯定回答)5. I am readinga storybook. (对句子主题意思提问)7. 按要求完成各题。1

6、I boughttwo kilosof noodles yesterday.(对句子主题部分提问)2Ivisited the British Museumlast month.(对句子主题部分提问)3I went thereat eight oclock.(对句子主题部分提问)4We went thereby bus.(对句子主题部分提问)5What did you do at the weekend ?(用play football作答)6He can wear the new Tshirt.(改为一般疑问句)8. 按要求完成句子。1She likesplaying basketball.(

7、对句子主题部分提问)2I like wearing yellow clothes.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_wearing yellow clothes?No,_.3He has an animal friend.(变为一般疑问句)4I havea book.(对句子主题部分提问)5Push me. (否定句)_.9. 句型转换。1. Is there a hospital nearby? (作肯定回答)2. You cantake a taxiget there? (对句子主题部分提问)3. How can I get there? (回答:右转然后直走。)4. need, to, I

8、, to, go, hospital, the (.) (连词成句)5. Take Bus36. (对句子主题部分提问)10. 按要求改写下列句子。1. Betty will go to Hangzhou next year. (另写一句,意思不变)Betty_Hangzhou next year.2. We have some good plans for the summer holiday. (改为否定句)We_have_good plans for the summer holiday.3. Ben is going toswing with his cousin. (对句子主题部分提

9、问)_is Ben going to_?4. They will stay in this hotelfor two days. (对句子主题部分提问)_will they stay in this hotel?5. No, its not mine. (写出问句)Is it_?6. What is your favourite fruit? (回答问题)My favourite fruit is_.7. the, storybooks, are, students, going, to, buy, some, (.) (连词成句)11. 句型转换。1Hes a policeman.(改为复数

10、句).2I teach English and write stories. (用she代替I)Sheand.3My uncle isa cook. (对句子主题部分提问)uncle?4Im a teacher in a international school. (改成否定句)a teacher in a international school?5Billy iscold and wet. (对句子主题部分提问)thewith Billy?12. 按要求改写下列句子。1.Jenny livesin Room 302. (根据句子主题意思提问) 2.I like this show,beca

11、use its funny. (根据句子主题意思提问) 3.There is a wild goose on the river. (改为复数句) 4.My brother sees a filmonce a month. (根据句子主题意思提问) 5.His study faces south. (改为般疑问句并作否定回答) _?13. 按要求改写下列句子。1. I should buy a toy for my son. (改为一般疑问句)_buy a toy for your son?2. They likethe redcar. (对句子主题部分提问)_do they like?3.

12、We canwrite wordson the paper. (对句子主题部分提问)_can you_on the paper?4. Peter will go to the beach next week. (改为否定句)Peter_to the beach next week.5. The Wright brothers want to inventa flying machine.(对句子主题部分提问)_the Wright brothers want to invent?6. The bookshop ison the second floor. (对句子主题部分提问)_is the bookshop?7. think, the, a, invention, computer, we, is, great, (.) (连词成句)14. 句型转换。1My school is next toa supermarket.(对句子主题部分提问)_your school?2Tom goes to school by bike every day.(改同义句)Tom_a bike to_every day.3Itake a busto go home. (对句子主题部分提问)_you go


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