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1、新版小学英语三年级上册Lesson 23教学设计教学内容: 本课书是新版小学英语三年级第四单元的第5课。本课在功能语句I have的基础上,进一步充实对话内容。学习“Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome.”这一组常用的交际性语句,使学生在这一话题的交流上内容更丰富,更全面。教学目标:l 知识目标:1学习单词 ship ,plane, boat.要求听懂,会说,能认读,并在生活中运用。2在功能语句I have的基础上,运用Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome.并能在真实情景中理解运用。3能听懂指令性语句:Bounce

2、 a ball. Ride a bike. Drive a car. Row a boat.并能形象地表演出来。l 能力目标: 结合本单元的语句,自由创编对话。培养学生运用句型进行日常交际的能力。教学重点:l To learn the new words:ship plane boatl To learn the new dialogue教学难点:l 运用本单元的词汇和语句创编对话,深化语言在日常交际中的作用。教学方法:l 从学生的兴趣着手,以直观教学为突破口,利用课件展开学习过程。学习方法:l 以小组合作为主,主动探究掌握知识。教具准备:l 折好的飞机、小船;词组条 ;录音机。教学过程:St

3、ep1.Warm-up.1. First invite the class to sing a song:Li Yan has a little doll.( 熟悉语句,缓解学生的紧张气氛,提高学习兴趣。)2. Make a new sentences“I have” T:LiYan has a little doll.What do you have? Please show it to us. You should give more chances to students. So you can make a short dialogue like this: S:I have a pl

4、ane. ( It made by himself.) T:Really ? Can I see it ? S:Sure. Here you are. ( Do the action.) T:Thank you. S: ?(运用语言,教师在其中与学生合作复现前面几课的词汇和句子。在真实的情景中熟悉语句,并提出本课的学习重点。)Step2. Presentation. 1. Practise the sentences:Thank you You are welcome. Ask the class to read after the teacher and put on the phraes

5、paper on the blackboard. You can give the stickers to the students when she/he say loudly and correctly. Practise these two sentences in the real scene. T:Here you are. S:Thank you. T:You are welcome.( Here you are.这一句话我已在前课做好了铺垫,为这节课的学习扫清了障碍。Thank you.和You are welcome. 在反复训练后不仅要求学生能明白其含义,而且能在其他对话中灵

6、活地运用)2. To learn the dialogue T:Lets take a look at Peters plane. Ok? S:Yes! ( 播放电脑课件 ) First, look and listen and then read after TV .You can show the Chinese meaning of the whole dialogue. ( 通过观看,熟悉语言材料,体会语句在情景中的作用。) Next, Look at the book and read after the tape together. Finally, read in pairs a

7、nd invite some to read and act. ( 反复操练,达到熟练,便于交际。)3. To learn the new words T:I have some other things. Do you want to see ? S:Yes! T:Ok. Lets begin. ( 播放电脑课件 ) First, look and listen then repeat the words and sentences“I have ” with paper. When the student say:“I have a boat.” You can make a new di

8、alogue with your student. Practise it more times as you can .Let them know how to use:“Thank you .”and “You are welcome.” ( 在单词的学习过程中融入情景式的对话,让学生在真实情景中体会语言交际的用途。) Last, learn the next two words “ship and plane” like above.Step4. Practice Play the computer and do the exercises together.1. Look and ma

9、tch.( 熟悉词汇,建立单词与图形的正确联系。)2. Number the dialogue of Lesson 23. ( 巩固对话,明确含义,加强语句之间的联系.)Step5. Lets act You can learn the three sentences before which has the words“ball, car ,bike”. So you cant worry about it.1. Listen and say with the sound.2. Do with the sound.3. Listen and number. ( 课件演示 )( 在初步感知材料的基础上,理解语句的含义。在具体的实践中强化记忆。)Step6. Homework Make up a new dialogue with the new words or any we have learnt. ( 巩固学习成果,丰富学生的学习的学习所得,展现学习魅力。) 板书设计:Lesson 23 ship Thank you! boat plane Youre welcome.



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