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1、吉林市长岭县第四中学2012届高三英语知识运用(1) 第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever答案是:B21. Have you ever found _ flash drive has no enough space? Bett

2、er replace it for _ bigger one. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a22. - I rang you at about ten, but there was no reply. - Oh, that was probably _ I was seeing the doctor.A. for B. why C. when D. how23. I heard that some patients who had undergone laser eye surgery experienced sudden losses of

3、vision, _?A. didnt I B. hadnt they C. didnt they D. isnt it Whether29. For many years we have been keeping in _ by sending each other e-mails or phone calls. A. connection B. contrast C. relation D. touch30. The number of farmers with Internet access has dramatically increased, _ the way farmers do

4、business.A. having changed B. to change C. changing D. changed31. -Please dont forget to water the flowers during my absence. - _. You can depend on it. A. I will B. I wont C. I dont think so D. Sorry, I wouldnt32. Clare finally decided to leave the company she _ for since she graduated from univers

5、ity. A. would work B. has worked C. was working D. had worked33. - Well, a soup, a salad, and anything _, sir? - An apple pie, please. A. follows B. to follow C. following D. followed 34. The book, _ are true stories about great scientists of the 20th century, is well worth reading. A. which B. what

6、 C. in which D. of which35. - The free gift doesnt look good. - _, madam, but if you want good quality, you have to pay for it. A. No doubt B. No offence C. No problem D. No way第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It takes true courage to stand u

7、p to face the _48_ we all make and say, “I was wrong. Im sorry.” What makes this _49_ unique is that it wasnt meant for the world to _50_, it was meant simply as a way to stay _51_ to his own heart.The truth is at one time or another we have all been this boy - _52_ out in anger, saying hurtful thin

8、gs, and feeling _53_ for doing so. But the real test comes later when we are _54_ with the choice to say “sorry” or to walk away thinking, “Ah, theyll get over it.”Maybe the “they” is a customer, a friend, or a child. Whoever it is, dont pass up the opportunity to get right with your own heart. The

9、time for apology is now! Courage is a _55_ of the heart. 36.A. brokenB. scoredC. hitD. completed37.A. downB. inC. offD. out38.A. judgeB. fanC. coachD. player39.A. temperB. strengthC. moodD. spirit40.A. peacefulB. paleC. hopefulD. disappointed41.A. explanationB. argumentC. performanceD. behavior 42.A

10、. satisfactionB. guiltC. embarrassmentD. pride43.A. doesB. hatesC. likesD. receives44.A. untilB. becauseC. whenD. if45.A. accompaniedB. sentC. broughtD. tracked46. A. repairB. cleanC. destroyD. drive47.A. faultB. rudenessC. mistakeD. carelessness48.A. promise B. impolitenessC. effortD. attempt 49.A.

11、 situationB. excuse C. announcementD. apology50.A. praiseB. rememberC. hearD. see51.A. trueB. stillC. calmD. sensitive52.A. settingB. actingC. lookingD. holding53.A. regretfulB. braveC. nervousD. right54.A. offeredB. awardedC. presentedD. charged 55.A. matter B. description C. bottom D. expression第三

12、部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A诉), Annans argument was that the design had to be his, because no woman could possibly understand the complex mechanics. Knight proved him wrong when she brought back her wooden prototype and explained how ev

13、ery part worked. She won the case in 1871, making her the second woman to hold an American patent. Over a hundred years later, her design is still used as the basis for many modern flat-bottom bag machines. But that wasnt the last the world heard of Mattie Knight. During her lifetime, she made about

14、 90 inventions and received 26 patents, becoming one of the most productive female inventors of the 19th century. 56. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _. A. Knight behaved like boys B. Knight had an unhappy childhood C. Knight did a poor job of making toys D. Knight liked inventing things as a child57. What do we know about Knights first invention?


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