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1、译林版五年级英语上学期单词拼写审定班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求写单词。(1)look(现在分词)_ (2)sing(现在分词)_ (3)is not(简略形式)_ (4)do not (简略形式)_ (5)talk(现在分词形式)_ 2. 根据句意和单词首字母提示,完成单词。1. Today I won a chess game. Now I feel h_.2. Yesterday I lost my pen. I am s_.3. I want to eat something. I feel h_.4. I helped my mother tidy the room. I am t_

2、.5. She took my beautiful dress. I feel a_.3. 单词拼写。(1)帽子_ (2)袜子_ (3)雨伞_(4)照片_ (5)机器_ (6)外套_4. 看图,写短语。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_ 6_5. 根据句意和首字母提示补全月份单词。(1)Tree Planting Day is in M(2)Childrens Day is in J(3)Mothers Day is in M(4)New Years Day is in J6. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。(1)What do you do (在操场上)_ _ _?(2)I found the milk _

3、 _ _.(在厨房里)(3)How many _(蜡笔)did you buy?(4)Where did Tom lose his _(尺子)?(5)There are _ (60个)children in the classroom.7. 根据括号中的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。1My mother is a teacher, she_(教)English in my school.2Dont_(给)sweets to the little girl.3I can write_(信)in English to my e-friend.4Is she good at_(跳舞)? Sorr

4、y, I dont know.5He is tall, we often sit in front of_(他).8. 将下列字母组成单词。(1)e, q, t, u, i_ (2)t, i, p, e, o, l_ (3)s, i, t, c, r, t_ (4)l, f, h, e, u, p, l_ (5)h, s, y_ (6)v, e, c, r, l, e_ (7)t, s, o, g, r, n_ (8)u, f, n, y, n_ 9. 我会抄写单词。enjoyedEnglishpartyrhymeitembeachwaveswishfirstthirdsecondmadepl

5、ayedjoke10. 根据图片和首字母提示,写出单词或词组。(1)E_ (2)s_(3)m_ (4)y_(5)t_ (6)h_(7)r_(8)m_11. 根据图片写单词。(1)_ (2)_(3)_ (4)_(5)_ (6)_12. 根据图片和首字母提示,写出单词。(1)s_ (2)s_ (3)f_ (4)f_ (5)t_ (6)d_ (7)h_ (8)h_ (9)i_ (10)s_ 13. 根据首字母提示补全句子。1. Look at thec_. Its 9:00 a.m.2. My waterb_is yellow.3. The bike is inf_of the house.4. W

6、_is the dog?Its behind the door.5. There is a photoa_the bed.32My music teacher is old, he is very_(可亲的).14. 按要求写单词。1. past(反义词)_ 2. 8:30(英文)_3. skip(现在分词)_ 4. do exercise(中文)_5. does not(缩写)_15. 单词拼写。1I give some gifts to Mr Wang on T_Day.2N_Day is on October 1st.3C_is coming soon.4M_Day is in May.页码 / 总页数


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