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1、2022年考博英语-陕西师范大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Her dairy was full of the insignificant, happy daily that had made up her life.问题1选项A.pursuitsB.triflesC.trivialD.premise【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项pursuits n.追求;B选项trifles n.琐事,鸡毛蒜皮的;C选项trivial adj.不重要的,琐碎的;D选项premise n.假定,前提。根据句意可知,她的日记中记载着许多微不足道却又快乐的生活琐事。因此,正确答案为B

2、项。2. 单选题More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Rene Coty. Charles Deschanel was then the financial minister. He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production. It would be necessary to produce quality goods for

3、 the international market to complete with those produced in other countries. The French economy needed a larger share of the international market to balance its import and export trade.French industrial and agricultural production was still inadequate to meet the immediate needs of the people, let

4、alone long-ranged developments. Essential imports had stretched the national credit to the breaking point. Rents were tightly controlled, but the extreme inflation affected general population most severely though the cost of food. Food costs took as much as 80 per cent of workers income. Wages, it i

5、s true, had risen and there was full-time and overtime employment. Taken together, these factors enabled the working class to exist but allowed them no sense of security. In this precarious and discouraging situation, workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.The government was reluctan

6、t to let workers leave the country. It was feared this migration of workers would deplete the labor force. The lack of qualified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced. Qualified workers produced in foreign countries. Also the quantity of quality goods pr

7、oduced in France would not be able to increase as part of its qualified labor force moved to other countries.1. According to the passage, the French workers were().2. Rene Coty and Charles Deschanel were both interested in().3. The French government was reluctant to let the workers leave the country

8、 because().4. Rents in France().5. According to the passage, the French government().问题1选项A.better paid than the workers in any other European countries.B.able to save more money with the increase in their wages.C.anxious to work abroad.D.often unable to find work in France.问题2选项A.better quality in

9、productionB.increasing quantity in productionC.having the government raise tariffs on foreign importsD.eliminating unions in France问题3选项A.it would enlarge the working forceB.it would hinder the improvement of quality in industrial productionC.it would hinder the increase in quantity of exportsD.it w

10、ould damage the imports问题4选项A.were extremely highB.were extremely controlledC.took as much as 80 percent of the workers incomeD.had doubled in two years问题5选项A.prohibited French to work abroadB.reduced taxes to fight inflationC.paid family allowances and benefitsD.prohibited the French workers to joi

11、n labor unions【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。根据文章的第二段:In this precarious and discouraging situation, workmen were willing to work overseas for higher wages.可知:在这种不稳定和令人沮丧的情况下,法国工人想出国工作以获得高薪。因此,C项anxious to work abroad“渴望出国工作”正确。2.细节事实题。由文章第一段More attention was paid to me quality of product

12、ion in France at the time of Rene Coty. Charles Deschanel was then the financial minister. He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production.可知:Rene Coty在位期间,法国很关注产品质量,而时任财政部长的Charles Deschanel更是坚持产品的质量比数量更为重要。因此,A项正确。3.细节事实题。由文章最后一段The lack of qual

13、ified workers might hinder the improvement in the quality of industrial products produced.可知:如果工人们去国外打工,可能会影响本国产品质量的提升。所以,政府不希望工人们离开法国去国外工作。因此,B项正确。4.细节事实题。根据文章第二段中部Rents were tightly controlled可知:租金被严格地控制着。因此,B项正确。5.推理判断题。由文章第三段 The government was reluctant to let workers leave the country. It was

14、feared this immigration of workers would deplete the labor force.可知:政府担心移民会削弱本国劳动力,所以不愿意让工人离开法国,出国工作。因此,正确答案为A选项。3. 单选题The whole embarrassing in the bar was a great disappointment to them and set a bad example of English hospitality.问题1选项A.incidentB.accidentC.thingD.matter【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项incide

15、nt n.事件,事变,插曲;B选项accident n.事故,意外;C选项thing n.事情,东西,情况;D选项matter n.物质,原因。句意:酒吧里那件令人尴尬的事让他们非常失望,这为英国人的好客树立了一个不好的典范。因此,正确答案为A项。4. 单选题Satellite communications are so up-to-date that even when_in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as if they were next door.问题1选项A.glidingB.cruisingC.pilotingD.patrolling【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项glide“滑行,滑翔”;B选项cruise“(船,飞机)航行,游行”;C选项pilot“驾驶,领航”;D选项patrol“巡逻,巡查”。根据in the middle of the Pacific可知B选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:卫星通信高度发达,即使商人在太平洋的中部航行,也可以和办公室及时联



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