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1、关于质心提取的若干图像处理问题的总结关于质心提取的若干图像处理问题的总结 1.提取多个目标物的质心位置 I = imread(test.png);%加载图图像 I1 = im2bw(I); L = bwlabel(I1);%将I1转换为标记矩阵 stats = regionprops(L, Centroid);%求质心 imshow(I) hold on; for i = 1 : length(stats) temp = stats(i).Centroid; plot(temp(1), temp(2), r.); end 2提取一个车轮的中心 clear all;clc rgb = imrea

2、d(wheel.jpg); I=rgb2gray(rgb); Ibw=im2bw(I); Ibw=imclearborder(Ibw); Ibw=bwmorph(Ibw,close,2); Ibw=imfill(Ibw,holes); Ibw=bwmorph(Ibw,open,2); imshow(rgb) l,m=bwlabel(Ibw,8); stats=regionprops(l,Centroid); hold on; plot(stats(1).Centroid(1),stats(1).Centroid(2),R+); hold off 3提取两个车轮的中心,并计算他们之间的距离 cl

3、ear all; close all clc rgb = imread(wheel1.jpg); I=rgb2gray(rgb); Ibw=im2bw(I); Ibw=imclearborder(Ibw); Ibw=bwmorph(Ibw,close,2); Ibw=imfill(Ibw,holes); Ibw=bwareaopen(Ibw,500); imshow(rgb,notruesize) %figure,imshow(Ibw); l,m=bwlabel(Ibw,8); hold on; for i=1:m stats=regionprops(l,Centroid); plot(sta

4、ts(i).Centroid(1),stats(i).Centroid(2),R+); end a=stats(1).Centroid(1); b=stats(1).Centroid(2); c=stats(2).Centroid(1); d=stats(2).Centroid(2); sd=sqrt(a-c)2+(b-d)2); title(strcat(两个车轮的距离为:,num2str(sd); hold off 4.求两个同心圆的半径差 clear close all clc RGB=imread(yuan.jpg);%读入图像 I = rgb2gray(RGB); threshold

5、 = graythresh(I); BW = im2bw(I,threshold); dim = size(BW); col = round(dim(2)/2); row = min(find(BW(:,col); connectivity = 8; num_points = 180; contour = bwtraceboundary(BW, row, col, N, connectivity, num_points); % imshow(RGB,notruesize); % hold on; %plot(contour(:,2),contour(:,1),g,LineWidth,2); x

6、 = contour(:,2); y = contour(:,1); abc=x y ones(length(x),1)-(x.2+y.2); a = abc(1); b = abc(2); c = abc(3); xc = -a/2; yc = -b/2; radius1 = sqrt(xc2+yc2)-c) %figure img4=BW(15:170,15:170); img4=imclearborder(img4,8); imshow(img4) dim = size(img4); col = round(dim(2)/2); row = min(find(img4(:,col); c

7、onnectivity = 8; num_points = 180; contour = bwtraceboundary(img4, row, col, N, connectivity, num_points); % imshow(img4,notruesize); % hold on; % plot(contour(:,2),contour(:,1),g,LineWidth,2); x = contour(:,2); y = contour(:,1); abc=x y ones(length(x),1)-(x.2+y.2); a = abc(1); b = abc(2); c = abc(3

8、); xc = -a/2; yc = -b/2; radius2 = sqrt(xc2+yc2)-c) imshow(RGB) message = sprintf(The estimated radius of big circle is %2.3f pixels, radius1); text(15,15,message,Color,y,FontWeight,bold); title(大圆) message = sprintf(The estimated radius of small circle is %2.3f pixels, radius2); text(25,25,message,

9、Color,y,FontWeight,bold); title(小圆) distance=radius1-radius2 message = sprintf(The estimated distance of two circle is %2.3f pixels, distance); text(90,45,message,Color,y,FontWeight,bold); 5. 求桃形物体最宽的部分的宽度 img=imread(seed.jpg); img=rgb2gray(img); img=im2bw(img); img1=img; m n=find(img1=1); max(m)-min(m); ans = 369


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