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1、Welcome you in his busy schedule to visit our school to direct our work, I wish to take this opportunity on behalf of all the students and teachers led the express to you a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks! our school environment, covering an area of 9810 sq school 9639 square meters. 31 existing c

2、lasses, 1763 students, 91 teachers. For many years, our school run fertility potential habit Development Foundation in the future as a aims to work towards the green campus cultural conservation scholarly students of teachers in the classroom, school, peoples harmonious civilization for school spiri

3、t. Put care cooperation harmony peace as school moral work of theme, put courses reform, active building as quality education of main direction, put created learning type campus, led teachers professional growth as XING school strong division of road, effective to promote has education resources of

4、optimization, inspired has solidarity struggle of team spirit, upgrade has overall running level, made has fruitful of education teaching results. Moral education is the soul of school education, students healthy growth and job security. Therefore, the school moral education work in the important po

5、sition, always set up the idea of teaching, management and service to ensure the smooth implementation of the school moral education work. In recent years, the University comply with the development of the times, to update educational concept, fully implement the partys education policy, with moral

6、education as the soul, adhere to the green school, quality education, comprehensive development, have grown up the basic ideas from little things picked up, according to real line, as effective. Adhere to the Foundation for every child of a happy life idea of educating people, and follows a series o

7、f mental and physical development of students management and educational activities. Our schools to environmental education for features, adhere to green education teachers and students, in school-wide penetration of sustainable development awareness, environmental values, ethics, and environmental

8、education and innovation consciousness, to create green culture campus brand characteristics. Established in 1992 from the environmental education group, Nanchang city, in 1996, as the first environmental education pilot schools, in 1999 by the provincial environmental protection Bureau awarded mode

9、l schools on environmental education in 2001, was named the national green schools in 2011 by the national environmental protection agency awarded international eco-schools in 2012 by the national environmental protection agency awarded national model schools on environmental education. So far, expe

10、rienced a transition from point to plane, making environmental education-rolling available, from low to high, environmental education at many levels, from single to comprehensive, many subjects, from the classroom to the community of environmental education, all-round advance of environmental educat

11、ion process of growth. Good school environment is the main position of environmental education for students, therefore, we focused on strengthening the construction of campus culture, and raise the educating people everywhere on campus, campus time educating people slogan. Campus also has many green

12、 signs, characteristic class culture, special class design, corridor to warn of environmental education resources can be seen everywhere. Enter the campus trees shade, footprint-ecological park, colorful Gallery, ping trail, life is movement and cultural wall, m-zone, and othersMeasures. Town leader

13、ship determination according to Central, and provincial, and municipal and County of indicates spirit, strongly overcome open finished democratic life on everything of slipped thought and slack mood, continues to twist tight thought clockwork, develop nail nail of spirit, from thought political cons

14、truction, and for people ruling concept, and set tight style and full strictly rule party, aspects clear has rectification中大网校引领成功职业人生 2009年造价工程师建设工程技术与计量(土建)真题总分:100分 及格:60分 考试时间:150分一、 单项选择题(共60题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意。)(1)在地基为松散软弱土层,建筑物基础不宜采用()。 A. 条形基础B. 箱形基础C. 柱下十字交叉基础D. 片筏基础(2)应避免因工程地质勘察不详而引起工

15、程造价增加的情况是()。 A. 地质对结构选型的影响B. 地质对基础选型的影响C. 设计阶段发现特殊不良地质条件D. 施工阶段发现特殊不良地质条件(3)某岩石的抗压强度约为200 MPa,则其抗剪强度和抗拉强度可能约为()。 A. 100 MPa和40 MPaB. 60 MPa和20 MPaC. 10 MPa和2 MPaD. 5 MPa和1 MPa(4)某竣工验收合格的引水渠工程,初期通水后两岸坡体出现了很长的纵向裂缝,并局部地面下沉,该地区土质可能为()。 A. 红黏土B. 软岩C. 砂土D. 湿陷性黄土(5)边坡最易发生顺层滑动的岩体是()。 A. 原生柱状节理发育的安山岩B. 含黏土质页岩夹层的沉积岩C. 垂直节理且疏松透水性强的黄土D. 原生柱状节理发育的玄武岩(6)下列关于地下水影响边坡稳定性,叙述错误的是()。 A. 地下水改变岩体的构造B. 地下水对岩体会产生浮力C. 地下水使岩石软化或溶蚀D. 在寒冷地区,地下水渗入裂隙结冰膨胀(7)单层工业厂房屋盖支撑的主要作用是()。 A. 传递屋面板荷载B. 传递吊车刹车时产生的冲剪力C. 传递水平风荷载D. 传递天窗及托架荷载(8)以预制构件组成外墙、楼板和屋面,以现浇钢筋混凝土形成内墙的建筑物为()。 A. 全装配式建筑B. 现浇、现砌式建筑C. 部分现砌、部分装配式建筑D. 部分现浇、部分装配式建筑


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