2012-2013学年八年级英语上册 单元综合练习题7 人教学目标版

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《2012-2013学年八年级英语上册 单元综合练习题7 人教学目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2012-2013学年八年级英语上册 单元综合练习题7 人教学目标版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!单元综合练习题71. 制作香蕉奶昔2. 剥香蕉 3.切碎香蕉4.将牛奶倒入搅拌器5.打开搅拌器电源6.将酸奶放入搅拌器7.关上, 旋大(灯火等),开大(煤气等)调高(声音等),把(灯火、电器等)关小一点 8.多少调料9.一茶匙调料 10.制作水果沙拉 11. 两片面包12.将它们混合在一起 13.轮流做某事 14.火鸡肉片,一片面包 15.烤鸭片 16. 卷上薄饼 17.作鬼脸,与交朋友,吵闹, 犯错误, 整理床铺, 往走去, 给腾出地方18.做某事容易,做某事难,做某事必要 19.将某些东西按顺序排列 20. 的烹调方法, 的菜谱 欢迎阅读本文档,

2、希望本文档能对您有所帮助!1.我们需要多少美乃滋? 2.我想做水果沙拉? 3.下一步,将包米放进爆米花机。 4.切碎这个苹果并把它放进碗里。 5.你需要在面包上放两茶匙糖。 6.请将所有的东西混合在一起。 7.比尔将番茄酱放到面包上。 8.然后,把这些句子按顺序排列。 9.山姆刚才吃了两片面包。 10.请将热水倒进搅拌器。 1.我们需要多少美乃滋? 2.我想做水果沙拉? 3.下一步,将包米放进爆米花机。 4.切碎这个苹果并把它放进碗里。 5.你需要在面包上放两茶匙糖。 6.请将所有的东西混合在一起。 7.比尔将番茄酱放到面包上。 8.然后,把这些句子按顺序排列。 9.山姆刚才吃了两片面包。 1

3、0.请将热水倒进搅拌器。 一、 单项选择:1-Would you mind turning down the music? -_.A. Yes, I would B. No, of course C. No, not at all 2. Would you mind _ here?A. smoke B. smoking C. not smoking3. - Would you mind getting up? - _.A. It wont be long B. I wont be long C. It doesnt take long4. I will do it _.A. after a m

4、inute B. in a minute C. right way5. Could you please _?A. do the dishes B. doing the dishes C. to do the dishes6. I cant hear the piano piece. Would you mind _?A. turn down the TV B. turn up the TV C. turning the TV up7. Why not _ help when you were in trouble?A. you ask for B. ask for C. asking for

5、8. She would like _ a violin lesson.A. have B. to have C. having9. - I cant find my eraser. - Well come _ help you.A. to B. and C. for10. Youd better _ football in the street.A. play B. not play C. not to play11. The electricity was cut, as the lights suddenly _.A. went on B. went over C. went out 1

6、2. _ to our school!A. You do welcome B. Welcome C. Welcome you13. I am sorry, but you are on the _ .A. different line B. wrong line C. right line14. We play the dialogue _.A. in turn B. take turns C. by turn15. Im going to be _ late.A. a little of B. a little C. a bits16. I want _ lucky.A. to B. to

7、be C. be17. Be polite _ others!A. to B. at C. about18. Mom comes in while Dad _ newspaper in the living room.A. is read B. is reading C. reads19. Whats wrong with you? You _ well.A. look B. dont look C. look not20. I dont like this JeansWest coat! Just think of its _!A. style B. sound C. effect二、 单项

8、选择:1 She gets _ when people cut in line, the _ phenomenon(现象)happens on Christmas.A. annoyed, annoyed B. annoying, annoying C. annoyed, annoying D. annoying, annoyed2.- Would you mind not wearing the old hat. It looks terrible! - OK, Ill put _. A. on another pair B. another one on C. on others D. on

9、 another 3. Would you mind _? A. if I open the window B. my open the window C. my opening the window D. that I open the window4. He used to be greedy ,but now he gets more and more _. A. greedy B. ingreedy C. generous D. genious5. The diamond is _. A. of valuable B. valueless C. invaluable D. value6

10、. Im sorry you have to be _ for what you did just now. A. paid B. fined C. taken D. spent7. _ seems a good-for-all solution to delay mid-term exam. A. That B. It C. This D. What8. They thought the dogs _ the neighbourhood . A. harmed B. were harmed C. were harming D. harming9. The popular book _ out

11、. A. sold B. sells C. was sold D. was sell10. The citizens complained _ the police _ the noise from the neighbourhood. A. to ,about B. about, to C. to, for D. of , to 三、阅读填词: A child of four is studying at college because he is too intelligent for school. Nicholas McMahon has computer lessons at the West London Institute. Nicholas 1.s_ well before he was one. At eighteen 2.m _ he took telephone messages for hi


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