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1、2022年考博英语-黑龙江大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The firemen( )the abandoned warehouse for potential fire hazards.问题1选项A.scannedB.inspectedC.scrutinizedD.audited【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。scan“浏览,扫视”;inspect“检查,仔细挑剔”;scrutinize“细看,仔细阅读,仔细挑剔地检查”;audit“审计,查账”。句意:消防员检查了废弃仓库是否存在潜在的火灾隐患。B项符合题意。2. 单选题He admitted that he was _

2、cocaine and couldnt get himself out of it.问题1选项A.condemnedB.committedC.addictedD.abandoned【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. condemned 判了死刑的 B. committed 尽心尽力的;坚信的;坚定的C. addicted 入了迷的;上了瘾的D. abandoned 被离弃的;被遗弃的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】句中couldnt get himself out of it,这里的it指的是and前面的 cocaine“可卡因”,句意为不能摆脱可卡因。因为是由and连接两个句子,两个句子表

3、并列关系,综合理解and前面的句子表示他对可卡因上瘾。选C. addicted,形成固定搭配be addicted to,对上瘾。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项均无法与空格前后构成相应逻辑关系【句意】他承认他对可卡因上瘾,而且戒不掉。3. 单选题Recent stories in the newspapers and magazines suggest that teaching and research contradict each other, that research plays too prominent a part in academic promotions, and that

4、 teaching is badly underemphasized. There is an element of truth in these statements, but they also ignore deeper more important relationships.Research experience is an essential element of hiring and promotion at a research university because it is the emphasis on research that distinguishes such a

5、 university from an arts college. Some professors, however, neglect teaching for research and that presents a problem.Most research universities reward outstanding teaching, but the greatest recognition is usually for achievements in research. Part of the reason is the difficulty of judging teaching

6、. A highly responsible and tough professor is usually appreciated by top students who want to be challenged but disliked by those whose records are less impressive. The mild professor gets overall ratings that are usually high, but there is a sense of disappointment on the part of the best students,

7、 exactly those for whom the system should present the greatest challenges. Thus, a university trying to promote professors primarily on the basis of teaching qualities would have to confront this confusion.As modern science moves faster, two forces are exerted on professors: one is the time needed t

8、o keep up with the profession; the other is the time needed to teach. The training of new scientists requires outstanding teaching at the research university as well as the arts college. Although scientists are usually “made” in the elementary schools, scientists can be “lost” by poor teaching at th

9、e college and graduate school levels. The solution is not to separate teaching and research but to recognize that the combination is difficult but vital. The title of professor should be given only to those who profess and it is perhaps time for universities to reserve it for those willing to be an

10、earnest part of the community of scholars. Professors unwilling to teach can be called “distinguished research investigators” or something else.The pace of modern science makes it increasingly difficult to be a great researcher and a great. Yet many are described in just those terms. Those who say w

11、e can separate teaching and research simply do not understand the system, but those who say the problem will disappear are not fulfilling their responsibilities.1.What idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?2.In academic promotions research universities still attach more importan

12、ce to research partly because( ).3.According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following will the author probably agree with?4.The title of professor should be given only to those who first and foremost do( ).5.The phrase the problem” (Line 3, Para. 5) refers to( ).问题1选项A.The relationship betwee

13、n teaching and research should not be simplified.B.Teaching and research are contradictory.C.Research can never be emphasized too much.D.It is wrong to overestimate the importance of teaching.问题2选项A.research improves the quality of teachingB.students who want to be challenged appreciate research pro

14、fessorsC.professors with achievements in research are usually responsible and toughD.it is difficult to evaluate teaching quality objectively问题3选项A.Distinguished professors at research universities should concentrate on research only.B.It is of utmost importance to improve teaching in elementary sch

15、ools in order to train new scientists.C.The separation of teaching from research can lower the quality of future scientists.D.The rapid development of modern science makes it impossible to combine teaching with research.问题4选项A.scientific researchB.teachingC.field workD.investigation问题5选项A.raising the status of teachingB.the separation of teaching from researchC.the combination of teaching with researchD.improving the status of research【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。通读第一段“Recent stories in the newspapers and magazi


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