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1、wordEnjoy your hobby董艳红市第四十九中学Enjoy your hobby一 课程简介:在新课程理念的引领下,我校开展了英语第二课堂。主要的目的是激发学 生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的听说读写四项基本技能,使学生在学中玩, 在玩中学,敢于讲英语,敢于用英语。二 容分析: 本课的主要话题是“Hobby”。这一话题贴近学生生活,与学生 息息相关。通过“do a survey”hobby showSearch for bosomfriends等各种活动吸引学生参与到课堂中来,同时训练学生的 听、说、读、写四项基本技能,并激发学生对英语的热爱,对生活的热爱。三 学生分析:1我所在的学校

2、是一所城镇中学,部分学生不敢嘴讲英语,害 怕自己讲错,学习英语的兴趣不是很高,所以教师创设各种活动,鼓励、激发学生,使他们爱上英语老师,爱上英语课堂。 2. 我所教的学生,他们思维敏捷,每个人都有自己的爱好,各个“身怀绝技”。根据这一特点,我把他们请上课堂,展示自己的 爱好。四 教学目标:1. 能够介绍并展示自己的爱好,与他人交流。 2. 通过各种活动,使学生学会“自主学习,互助学习”,并达到练习听、说、读、写四项基本技能的目的。 3. 激发学生享受爱好,热爱生活的情感。五 教学过程:学生活动教师活动故事会励志台脱口秀作业开始导入做调查爱好展示寻找知音结束思考回答问题做调查完成表格每组代表发言

3、观看同学的爱好展示回答问题完成听力填空回答问题猜测读故事讨论回答问题观看录像小组讨论如何落实写作完善waht,why,how脱口秀表演出示图片播放音乐提出问题组织学生分组,做调查出示图表设置游戏学生展示爱好提出问题设置情境,接出示题目引出奇怪爱好讲故事点拨出示录像激励学生怎样落实点拨鼓励学生完善作文并口头表达表达播放音乐Procedures & ActivitiesTeaching Procedures & ActivitiesLearning Procedures & ActivitiesNotesI.Lead in 1. Show the ss a picture of Zhang lia

4、ngying, playing her music at the same time. The teacher can ask the ss Who is she ?What is her hobby? Her hobby is singing, and today we will talk about our hobbies.2. The teacher can ask three or five students Whats your hobby? Why do you like it? The students are going to look at the picture and l

5、isten to the song . Then answer the teachers questions. 出示明星靓颖的照片,同时播放她的歌曲。借此询问学生她是谁?他的爱好是什么?引出本节课的主题。在一开始就要吸引住学生的注意力,激发学生的求知欲。II. Do a survey 1 The teacher will make the ss into four groups. 2 Ask the ss to do a survey. They can ask other students like this What is your hobby? Why do you like it?Na

6、meHobbyWhyLi HuaWang ShuoZhang Lin .(The teacher should observe the ss carefully if they help. Maybe they have some words that they cant say)3. Ask the representative of each group to give a report about the results.1.The students are going to do a survey about hobbby.2. Then the representative of e

7、ach group will give a report about the results.学生分组合作,并通过做调查了解其他同学的爱好是什么,为什喜欢。通过“做调查”这个活动达到生生互动。同时又是学生知识输出的过程,学生的英语口语也得到了练习。III. Hobby show The teacher is going to say: Every student has own hobbies. Some of our classmates would like to show their hobbies, do you want to have a look? Play a game: Ev

8、ery group only has one choice. Each number represents a student who will show his or her hobby, And each group can choose a number. 1342 1)Wang Zhengliang and the other three students will show their dancing 江南style。 2)Lin Yue will show her hobby drawing 3) Zhang Xin will introduce his collection of

9、 stamps. 4) Chen Jie will show her clothes which are made by herself. (According to the four students hobbies, the teacher can ask some questions.)The other ss will watch their performances. And then answer some questions.通过课下观察,发现了一些学生的爱好,所以设置了“hobby show”这一活动,让这些学生在课上把他们的爱好展示出来,每一组只能选一个数字,而每个数字代表着

10、一个学生的爱好。这样通过这一游戏,增强了课堂的趣味性。目的是增强学生的自信心,使之发现学英语的乐趣,乐于用英语展示自己IV. Search for bosom friends1. The teacher will set a situation : I have a pen friend, she isJenny Smith who is a Canadian girl. She is 15 years old. She has a hobby. And she wants to find bosom friends who has the same hobby as her. Now she

11、 is calling.2.After listening to the call, make the ss fill in the blanks.“A happy child has a_.” Thats what my mom always says. My hobby is to find books with_. Because it is _ for me to collect these books. _it is very_. I spend a lot of time in bookstores. You might say_. But thats his hobby. Wha

12、ts your hobby? Do you have the same hobby as me?3. According to the call answer the questions. 1) What is Jennys hobby? And Who has the same hobby as her? 2) Why does she like that? 3) Is it hard to collect books with green covers? 4) What do you think of her hobby? Is it strange? The ss are going t

13、o listen to the calling. And then fill in the blanks and answer the questions.创设情境,“寻找知音”通过Jenny 打介绍自己的爱好,设置一些听力填空和问答题,目的是训练学生的听力。V. Storytelling1. The teacher can give some pictures of her daughters collection, then ask the ss to guess what her daughters hobby is. At last, show the ss the answer to

14、 the riddle: Her hobby is collecting anything pink.2.Do you think my daughters hobby is strange? I think it is strange. Different people have different hobbies, and there are many strange hobbies. Do you want to know? Then show an interesting story to the ss.After that make the ss do the exercises about this story. When they finish, they


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