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1、高一下学期-英语语法模块练 习-人教版高一下学期语法模块练习人、情态动词 情态动词有 can (could), may (might), must, have to, shall (should, will (would), dare (dared), need (needed), ought to等。情态动词无人称和数的 变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构 成谓语1. -May I sit beside you, sir?一 No, you . My girlfriend is coming soon.A. can tB. mustn t C. neednD. shouldn t2.

2、 -I speak to Mary, please?-Sorry, she she isn t e to the phoneA. Might; won tB. Can t; mustn t C. May; can t D. Couldn t; shouldn“NO3. I want to know if I smoke here.-No, you. Could you see the sign SMOKING there?A. can; needn t B. must; can tC. shall; won t D. may; mustn 4. My wife never remembers

3、my telephone number. She always look it up.A. mustB. should C.wouldD. has to5. 一 you pass me the English magazine, please?一 Sure. Here you are.A. Could B. Need C. Must D. Might6. -Must I go to work with you?一 No, you. Linda go with me.A. mustn t; can B. can t; has toC. daren t; should D. needn t; ma

4、y7. 一 _ I tell Mary the test results?ore.一 No, you. She s already got the s(A. Will; won t B. Shall; needn tC. May; mustn t D. Can; don t8. You be careful when crossing here. Thetraffic lights aren t working.A. mightB. ought to C.couldD. may9. 一Could I borrow your bicycle?一 Yes, of course you.A.will

5、 B. should C. can D. need10. Joan come with us this afternoon, butshe isn t very sure yet.A. can B. may C. must D. will11. I ask you the question because I thinkI be wrong.daren t; must B. mustn t; canbe hereC. needn t; may D. can t; should12. It s nearly eight o clock. Mike at any moment.A. needB.

6、has to C.shouldD. can13. The fire spread through the building very quickly but everyone get out.A. had toB. would C. couldD. was able to14. 一What do you think of this answer?-1 don t think it be right.A.shouldB. might C. mustD. can15. - Is John coming by train?-He should, but he. He likes driving hi

7、s car.A. can tB. needn tC. may notD. mustn t16. He doesn t have to work tomorrow, but you have got to,you?A. don tB. haven t C.haven t got D. can t17. You wake me up when I fall asleep,you?A. haven etter; haveB. would not rather; wouldC. had better not; shouldD. had not better; must18. 一Why! I could

8、n t get you on the phone this morning.一 We tennis in the yard when youphone me.A. could be playingB. must be playingC. must have been playingD. should have played19. - We didn t see him at the lecture.-Neither did anybody else. He it.A. may not have attendedB. mustn t attendC. can t have attendedD.

9、couldn t attend20. -I came here by taxi and the driver charged me 50 yuan.一Really? You have come by bus.A. could B. must C. may D. should21. 一 Do you still remember when we went to the Great Wall?-I can remember it well, but it have been sometime last May?A. shouldB. must C. couldD. would22. 一I wond

10、er why Mr Lin didn come to work.一 He have been ill.A. needn B. should C. might D. can23. 一Noone passed the mathematicsexamination today.一I guess wethe exercise last night.A. could review B. should review C. might24. Shereview D. should have reviewedthe hospital so soon, for she hasnyet recovered.A.

11、wouldn h ave left B. shouldn have leftC. needn t leave D. hadn t lefttoday? I25. Why did n t you tell me there was no meetingall the way here through theheavy snow.A. needn t have drivenB. can t have drivenC. must have drivenD. shouldn t have driven.26. The book is neither yours nor mine. Whose it b

12、e?A. must B. may27. It is surprisingC. should D. canthat hehave been sofoolish.A. mustB. couldC. shouldD. can28. It must have rained last night,it?A. mustn tB. can t C. hasn tD. didn t29. Will you stay for lunch?一 Sorry, I. My brother is coming to see me.A. mustn t B. can t C. needn D. won t30. - Ar

13、e you coming to Jeff s party? 一 I mnot sure. I go to the concert instead.A. mustB. would C.s mucishouldD. might.31. Michael be a policeman, for hetoo short.A. needn tB. can t C.shouldD. may32. Mr Bush is on time for everything. How it be that he was late for the ceremony?A. can B. should C. may D. m

14、ust33. T stayed at a hotel while in New York?-Oh did you? You with Barbara.A. could have stayed B. could stayC. must have stayed D. would stay34. If I go with you, I would feel very glad.can B. could C. should D. may35. There was a lot of fun at yesterday party.You come, but why didn t you?A. must haveB. shouldC. need have D. ought to have36. 一When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.-They be ready by 12:00.A. can B. should C. might D. need37. I didn t hear the phone. I asleep.A. must beB. must have beenC. should be D. should have been38. I do all the difficult


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