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1、形容词、副词形容词考点一、 考纲:形容词比较级和最高级的构成1、 形容词的比较级和最高级的用法2、 形容词的用法和位置一、翻译下列单词1、small young wide large fat thin red dry2、heavy dirty narrow clever simple quiet careful famous3、important interesting beautiful观察翻译规律:_二、组词Eg: 一个小的平果 a small apple ; 一个年轻女孩_; 大屏幕_; 一个胖男孩_干燥的气候_ 一个重袋子_ 一件重要事情_一个有名的作家_ 一个简单的问题_ 一个聪明的

2、男孩_画出句子中的形容词: Candy is a smart girl. It is a wide world. Nanning is a big city.思考:形容词用来修饰_. 一般放在其_.二形容词的比较级和最高级:单音节词和少数双音节词,加词尾-er, -est来构成较级和最高级。其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more, most来构成比较级和最高级。构成规则原级比较级最高级单音节词一般加-er和-estsmall,youngsmaller,youngersmallest,youngest以e结尾的只加-r和-stwide,large重读闭音节词,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅

3、音字母,再加-er和-estfatthinred一辅音字母加y结尾的,先改y为i,再加-er和-estdry双音节词一辅音字母加y结尾的,先改y为i,再加-er和-estheavydirty以ow,er,le,et结尾的,同单音节词narrowcleversimplequiet其他的在前面加more和mostcarefulfamous多音节在前面加more和mostimportantinterestingbeautiful原级比较级最高级good(好的)well(健康的)bad (坏的)ill(有病的)old (老的)much/many(多的)little(少的)far (远的)三什么时候比较

4、级?什么时候用最高级?1. 表示两者(人或事物)的比较时用比较级,通常用连词 _引导,表示“较”或“更一些”的意思造句: 他跑得比我快。_.2 表示三者或三者以上(人或事物)的比较用最高级,最高级的前面一般要加定冠词_,后面可带of(in,among)短语来说明比较的范围Eg: Shanghai is the biggest city in China. He is the most careful among us.注意:1.可以修饰比较级的词,much,a lot,far的多a little,a bit,一点even甚至,still仍然例如,Lesson one is much easie

5、r than lesson two.第一课比第二课容易得多。 Tom looks even younger than before.汤姆甚至比以前更年轻。 This train runs much faster than that one.这辆火车比那辆跑地快。 She drives still more carefully than her husband.她开车仍然比她丈夫还认真。要避免重复使用比较级 ( ) He is more cleverer than his brother. ( ) He is cleverer than his brother. 2.几种比较级的使用句型1).“

6、 比较级 + and + 比较级 ”表示“ 越来越 ” Your English is getting better and better.2). “the + 比较级,the + 比较级” 表示“ 越就越 ” The more, the better. Eg:Themoreyou study,thebetteryou are clever.你学的越多越聪明3).“ more than ”表示 “不止”, “less than” 表示 “不到”She is more than thirty. 她三十多岁了;She is less than thirty. 她不到三十岁。4) 在表示 “和一样”

7、 和 “不及” 这类概念时,可以用 “as+原级+as” 和 “not as(so)+原级+as”的句型 He runs as fast as Mike. He does not run so (as) fast as Mike.练习:形容词比较级最高级练习题一、 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级1. old _ _2. busy _ _3. thin _ _4. many _ _5. slow _ _ 6. delicious _ _二、 用适当形式填空:1. Bob is_( young )thanFred but_(tall)thanFred.2. He is _ (bad) at lea

8、rning maths. He is much _ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _ (bad) at English.3. Annie says Sally is the _ (kind) person in the world.4 A dictionary is much _ (expensive) than a story-book.5. An orange ia a little _ (big) than an apple, but much _ (small) than a watermelon.6. Playing computer games is

9、_ _ _ of all the activities.(interesting).7. The Nile(尼羅河) is _ _river in the world. (long)8. Good health is _ _ _thing life. (important)9. Taking a taxi is _ _ way to get to the airport. (easy)10. She is_ than all the other students. (young)11. Where is the _bus-stop? (near)12. Tom drives much _ _t

10、han John. (careful)13. The white flower is _(beautiful). The yellow flower is _ _ (beautiful)than the white flower. The red flower is the _ _ of the three.三、 选择题1. She is _ than _ . A. busier / us B. busier / we C. more busy / us D. more busy / we2. China is _ country in the world. A. the third larg

11、est B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest3. -Which is _ season in Beijing?-I think its autumn.A.good B.better C.best D.the best4- Which is_ , the sun, the moon or the earth?- Of course, the moon is.A.small B.smaller C.smallest D.the smallest5.The air in Beijing is getting much _

12、 now than a few years ago.A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest6. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _ than before.A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest7 Which is _ , a bicycle or a computer?A. expensive B.more expensive C.the most expensive8. The Yellow River is one of _rivers in China A long B longer C the longest9.She is the second _student in our class. A. tall B. taller C. tallest第二部分 近年高考真题


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