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1、2022-2023年考博英语-湖北省联考模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Many students find( ) jobs during their summer holidays.问题1选项A.contemptibleB.temperateC.temporaryD.contemporary【答案】C【解析】contemptible卑劣的,可轻视的;temperate温和的,适度的;temporary暂时的,临时的;contemporary当代的, 同时代的。根据句意可知,这里指临时的工作,选项C符合句意。2. 单选题They are working( )time to fulfill

2、the task according to the schedule.问题1选项A.againstB.overC.ahead ofD.before【答案】A【解析】work against time为固定搭配,指抢时间完成工作,以全速工作。句意:他们正在争分夺秒地工作,以便按时完成任务。选项A符合句意。3. 翻译题由于世界范围内的高校采用越来越以市场为导向的管理模式,为了用可度量的方式来显示自己的价值,学者们所承受的压力也与日俱增。常用的度量方式就是研究成果, 研究成果通常是按照发表文章的数量和质量来计算的,而质量则常常由是否有文章被引文索引库(citation index)所收录来决定。因此

3、,要想在专业上成功, 学者们需要写出一系列会被索引引用的文章,当然这些文章很可能是用英语写成。【答案】As institutions of higher learning worldwide have adopted an increasingly market- oriented mode of management, scholars are bearing increasing pressure in order to demonstrate their values in a measurable manner. A common way of measurement is to me

4、asure research fruits , which are calculated in accordance with the number and quality of published papers . But quality is usually determined by whether a paper is included in one of the citation indexes. Therefore, to succeed in their specialties, scholars need to write a series of papers cited in

5、 the citation indexes. Of course, those papers are likely to be written in English.4. 单选题The key to success is remembering that every hurdle crossed is one less hurdle in the( )of your personal ambition.问题1选项A.pursuitB.proportionC.promotionD.propulsion【答案】A【解析】pursuit追求;proportion比例;promotion促进, 推销;

6、propulsion推进, 推进力。根据句意可知选项中能和目标搭配的只有选项A。5. 写作题You applied to a professor at an American university for a postdoctoral position. You were asked by him to write an introduction of your research plan.1.The title can be An Introduction of My Research Plan.2.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER

7、 SHEET.3.Do not sign your own name at the end of the introduction . Use “Li Ming” instead.4.Do not write the address.【答案】Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Li Ming. I got my doctors degree in education three years ago. I have made some achievements in my academic research. In recent years, my research int

8、erest has shifted from Chinese Students State of Mind in Job-seeking to American Students State of Mind in Job-seeking. In order to have an international field of vision and deepen my research, I would like to pursue postdoctoral research in your university, which is supposed to last two years. In t

9、he first year of my postdoctoral research, I will conduct social investigations. Concretely speaking, I will talk with college students from different institutions of higher learning in the United States and their career planners so that I can have a very good understanding of their state of mind wh

10、ile seeking their jobs. Of course, designing questionnaires for American students to answer is another way of solving my problem. The last method of solving my problem is information retrieval. I will read as many documents related to my research topic as possible. In the second year, I will try my

11、best to publish my research fruit in the form of a monograph. The above is my research plan. I hope cordially that I can receive support from you.Yours respectfully Li Ming 6. 单选题This is the industrialists( ): invest, and risk going bankrupt, or not invest and risk losing your share of the market.问题

12、1选项A.paradoxB.junctionC.premiseD.dilemma【答案】D【解析】根据下文列举出的两种情况可以推断, 填空处应指进退两难的境地。句意:这就是实业家的困境:要么冒着破产的风险投资;要么不投资, 但要面临着失去市场份额的风险。选项D符合语境。7. 单选题He collects ( )of all kinds of rocks and minerals.问题1选项A.specimensB.timbersC.serpentsD.trunks【答案】A【解析】specimens样品, 标本;timber木材;serpent大蛇, 毒蛇;trunk树干。句意:他收集各种岩石

13、和矿物的标本。选项A符合句意。8. 单选题In most countries a PhD is a basic requirement for a career in academia. It is a (n) (1) to the world of independent research一a kind of intellectual(2) , created by an apprentice in close collaboration with a (n) (3) . The requirements to complete one (4)enormously between count

14、ries, universities and even (5) .Some students will first have to spend two years working on a (6) degree or diploma. Some will receive a stipend; others will (7) their own way. Some PhDs (8 ) only research, some require (9) and examinations and some require the student to teach undergraduates. A (n

15、) (10) can be dozens of pages in mathematics, or many hundreds in history. As a result, newly minted PhDs can be as young as their (11) 20s or world-weary forty- (12) .One thing many PhD students have in(13) is dissatisfaction. Some describe their work (14) “slave labor”. Seven-day weeks, ten-hour days, low pay and uncertain (15) are widespread. You know you are a graduate student,(16) a comment, when your office is better decorated than your home and you have a favorite flavor of (17) noodles. “It isnt graduate school its


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