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1、 Module 1 Unit 1watermelon 西瓜 grape 葡萄 plum 李子 cherry 樱桃strawberry 草莓 peach 桃子 taste 尝 smell 闻bitter 苦的 sweet 甜的 think 认为 juice 果汁purple 紫色的 guess 猜 or 或者 right 对的often 经常 inside 里面 around 周围 fruit 水果crunchy 脆的 yard 院子 also 也 glass 杯子want 想要 vine 葡萄藤 them 他们(宾格) fox 狐狸yum 好吃的 these 这些 those 那些 sour

2、酸的for me 给我 a glass of juice 一杯果汁 watermelon juice 西瓜汁in summer 在夏天 sit around 围坐一圈 big and round 又大又圆two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶 on sunny afternoons 在阳光灿烂的下午notat all 一点也不 those plums 那些李子 these peaches 这些桃子purple grapes 紫葡萄 red apples or green apples 红苹果还是绿苹果cherry-cherries strawberry-strawberries pe

3、ach-peaches child-childrenIs it cherry juice or watermelon juice? Its cherry juice.它是樱桃汁还是西瓜汁?樱桃汁。Is it grape juice? No, it isnt. 这是葡萄汁吗? 不,不是。What is this? Its orange juice. 这是什么? 它是橘子汁。Is it a peach or an apple? Its a peach. 这个是桃子还是苹果?它是桃子。How does it taste? Its sweet. 尝起来怎么样?它是甜的。What do you have

4、? I have some strawberries. 你有什么?我有一些草莓。What do you like? I like apples. 你喜欢什么? 我喜欢苹果。Do you like red apples or green apples? I like red ones. 你喜欢红苹果还是青苹果?我喜欢红苹果。How does the red apple taste? Its sweet. 红苹果尝起来怎么样?它是甜的。How about the green one? Its very crunchy? 这个绿色的怎么样? 它很脆。The grapes are purple and

5、 round. What nice grapes!葡萄又紫又圆。好漂亮的葡萄啊。Those grapes are sour. They are not sweet at all.那些葡萄是酸的。他们一点也不甜。These strawberries are very nice. Lets eat them.这些草莓非常好。让我们吃吧。Module 1 Unit 2knife 小刀 pencil case 铅笔盒 purse 钱包 floor 地板slim 苗条的 young 年轻的 find 找到 beautiful 美丽的hard 硬的 soft 软的 rough 粗糙的 smooth 光滑的

6、sharp 锋利的 blunt 钝的 thick 厚的 thin 薄的thing 东西 whose 谁的 put 放 beach 海滩 sand 沙key 钥匙 shoe 鞋 something 某物 parent 父(母)亲all 所有 another 另一 blind 盲的 say 说 ask问answer 回答 last 最后一个 touch 摸 skirt 裙子long 长的 elephant 大象 office 办公室 right 对的名词的复数:man-men woman-women tooth-teeth foot-feetfish-fish sheep-sheep child-

7、children mouse-micevery sharp 非常锋利 over there 在那边 so thick 如此厚 very much 非常many knives 许多小刀 behind the door 在门后 find her purse 找到她的钱包buy a skirt for me 给我买条裙子 some drinks 一些饮料 of course 当然in the school yard在校园里 take off my shoes 脱下我的鞋子 on the beach 在沙滩上 the man over there 在那边的男人 the key to the door

8、门的钥匙 taketo 把拿到put on 穿上lostproperty office 失物招领处 the last elephant 最后一头大象one of the brothers 兄弟中的一个 another student 另一个学生answer the question 回答问题Whose knife is this? Its Dannys.这是谁的小刀?它是丹尼的。Whose pencils are these? They re Peters. 这些铅笔是谁的?他们是Peter的。Alice,put your hand in the bag. All right.Alice, 把

9、你的手放在这个包里。好吧。Touch one thing. How does it feel? 摸一个东西。它感觉怎么样?Its big and round. Its smooth and soft. Its a ball.它又大又圆。它又光滑又软。它是一个球。Whose ball is it? Its Kittys ball.这个球是谁的? 它是Kitty的。Can I take off my shoes? Yes, of course you can.我能脱下我的鞋子吗? 是的,你当然可以。Module 1 Unit 3sun 太阳 rise 升起 high 高 grow 变得 again

10、 又down 朝下 hill 小山 lawn 草坪 path 小路 bench长椅noon 中午 shadow 影子 torch 手电筒 stick 粘贴 also 也stay 停留 sometimes 有时候 strong 强壮的 tea 茶 deer 鹿bear 啤酒 tear 眼泪 cry 哭 back 向后 bite 咬wait 等 like 像 stop 停停止 sound 声音 shape 形状away 离开 follow 跟随 afraid 害怕 behind 在后面go down 落下去 behind the hill 在小山后 on the path 在小路上in the s

11、ky 在空中 on the lawn 在草坪上 grow short 变短in the morning 在早上 at noon 在中午 in the evening 在傍晚 the trees shadow 树的影子 cut out 剪下 make a shadow 做一个影子on the wall 在墙上 on the floor 在地板上 go off 熄灭 in front of me 在我前面play together 一起玩 a sunny day 一个晴朗的日子 run away 逃跑 play with my ball 玩我的球 run very fast 跑的非常快 follo

12、w him 跟着他walk down the road 沿着马路走 be afraid of dogs 害怕狗The trees shadow is long in the morning.树的影子在早晨很长。The trees shadow is short at noon.在中午,树的影子很短。The trees shadow is long in the evening.树的影子在晚上很长。The trees shadowLook at the sun. In the morning, it rises behind the hill. The trees shadow is long.

13、 It is on the lawn. At noon, the sun is high in the sky. The trees shadow grows short. It is on the beach. The sun goes down in the evening. The trees shadow grows long again. It is on the path.My shadowLook at my shadow. Shes also my friend. I go to school at seven oclock in the morning. My shadow often goes with me. Sometimes my shadow stays behind me. Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me. Sometimes my shadow grows



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