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1、原版英语口语情景对话第0235集:介绍墨西哥鸡腿的作法John非常喜欢墨西哥食物,并且会做墨西哥鸡腿,是不是流口水了呢?一起跟他取个经吧。Todd: John, so youre wife taught us how to make tacos.John: Shes a good woman.Todd: Can you make anything?John: Yeah, my favorite food is Mexican food. So I can make a pretty good Mexican chicken casserole.Todd: OK, first of all, w

2、hat are the ingredients?John: Lets see. Well, you need chicken, chili powder, rice, canned mushroom soup, and lots of cheese.Todd: OK, and how do you make it?John: Basically, you cook the chicken. You can like grill it or bake it. Whatever you want and you strip it into pieces and then you cook the

3、rice and then you take the rice and the chicken and the mushroom soup and the cheese and the chili powder and you basically mix it all together in a big slop and then you put it in a casserole dish and throw it in the oven.Todd: Oh, wow, sounds pretty good. How long does it take to make?John: You could do it in about an hour.Todd: An hour!John: Yeah.Todd: Wow, thats pretty fastJohn: An hour or under an hour.Todd: OK, have you made it recently?John: No, I havent made it in awhile. Its hard to find all the ingredients. Cream of mushroom soup is, I dont see it that often in Japan.


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