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1、丽星邮轮面试专业问题1. |问: Which position are you applying for? /Which position do you apply for?你应聘哪个岗位?答:I apply for XX .我应聘XX岗位。2. 问: Do you know any knowledge about Starcruises? Could you tell something about Starcruises?你了解丽星邮轮集团吗?说说你对丽星邮轮的了解。答:Yes, I do. Starcruises is the firs t biggest cruise company

2、in Asia. It includes Super Star Virgo, Super Star Gemini, Super Star Pisces, Super Star Libra, Super StarAquarius.是的,我了解丽星邮轮。它是亚洲第一大邮轮公司,旗下有处女星号,双子星号,双鱼 星号,天 秤星号,宝瓶星号。3. 问: Why do you want to work in Starcruises? For what reason you want to join Starcruises?How many years do you pla n to work in Sta

3、rcruises?为什么你想来丽星工作?为了实现什么目标你想加入丽星邮轮?你打算在丽星邮轮工作多长时 间?答:Because I want to look for a more challenge job. I plan to work for Starcruises for XX years. 我想来丽星邮轮工作是因为我想挑战一下自己。我打算在丽星邮轮集团工作XX年。4. 问: Have you told you pare nts that you want to work for Starcruises? What their idea? Do they agree/disagree wi

4、th you?你有没有告诉你的父母你打算在丽星邮轮工作?他们有什么意见?他们赞同你么?答:Yes, I have told them. They agree with me.我已经告诉我的父母打算在丽星邮轮工作。他们没有意见。他们很支持我。5. 问:If you parents do not allow/object you to work on ship/for Starcruises, what will do?如果你的父母不同意/反对你在船上/丽星邮轮上工作,你会怎么办?答: I will try my best to persuade them to agree with me.我会尽

5、我的最大努力说服他们同意我上船/到丽星邮轮工作。6. I、可: Do you have any work experienee? What your working experienee background? Can you describe your work ing experie nee?你有过工作经验吗?你有哪些工作经验?能否描述一下呢?答:Yes, I have. I had worked in XX Hotel/Company. My working experienee isXX.我有工作经验。我曾在 XX酒店/公司工作。我的工作经历是XX7. |、可: What the po

6、sition your held? What your duty?/ Can you state your responsibilities?你的职位是什么? 你的职责是什么?答:My position held is XX. The duty is XXs.我的职位是XX。我的职责是XX。8. 问:Why do you want to apply for this job?你为什么想申请这份工作?答:Because I felt working on starcruises is a good thing.因为我觉得能在丽星邮轮上工作是一件美好的事情。9. 问: Do you like yo

7、ur previous/present job? Why did you quit your previous job? Is that full time job or part time job?你喜欢以前/现在的工作么?你为什么辞职?是全职工作还是兼职工作?答:I like/d on like my prese nt job. Because it expirati on of a con tract. It a full time job.你喜 欢/不喜欢我现在的工作。因为合同期满了。是全职工作。10. 问:How about your salary? How much can you

8、 get a month?你的薪资待遇是多少?你的月薪 是多少?答:Just so so. Its about XX RMB a month. 一般般。月薪大概 XX RMB。问:How much salary do you expect?你期望的薪水是多少?答:My expect salary is 3000 4000RMB per mon th.我期望的薪水是 3000 4000 元 / 月。11. 问: How many hours you should work per day? How many days you should work per week?你 每天工作多少时间?你每周

9、工作多少天?答:I work 10 hours per day. And I work for 7 days per week.我每天工作10个小时。我每周工作7天。12. 问:Do you think it is dangerous to work in ship? Why?你认为在船上工作危险么?为什么? 答: No, I don tthink so. Because I think you will make sure to keep our safe.不,我不这样认 为。因为我相信你们会确保我们的安全。13. 问:If the guest complains to you, what

10、do you do?如果客人向你抱怨,你会怎么做?答:If the guest complains to me, I will smiling with the guest .如果顾客向我抱怨,我会以笑脸相 迎。14. 问:Do you think smiling is very important when you are working? Why?你认为工作的时候微笑 重要么?为什么?答:I think smiling is very important when I am working. Because it can make the guests happy. 我认为工作的时候微笑很

11、重要。因为这会让客人心情愉悦。15. 问:What do you think is the important thing in this job?你认为这份工作最重要的是什么?答:I think the import thing in this job is must take patience and smiling.我认为这份工作最重要 的是耐心和微笑。16. 问:Is this the first time you take interview? Why are you so nervous?这是你第一次面试么?你 为什么这么紧张?答: Yes, it is./No, it isntm

12、y first time to take interview. I m nervous is that I really hope to be selected by Starcruises./I m not nervous.这是/不是我第一次面试。我紧张是因为我真的希望被丽星邮轮选上。/我不紧张。17. 问:If you cannot be recruited by Starcruises this time, what will you do?如果你这次没有被丽星 邮轮录用,你会怎么样?答:If I really don tmeet the requirement of recruitin

13、g, I will try my best next time.如果这次真的 没有达到录用的要求,我会下次继续努力。18. 问: Why do you apply for XX position? Do you have any information about this position?你为什 么来应聘XX岗位,你了解这个岗位吗?答: Because I think I can do it well. I have some information about this position. Its responsibility include XX.因为我认为我能做好。我了解这个岗位。这

14、个岗位的职责包括XX。19. 问:How long you have to work on the ship for one contract?你在船上工作一个合同期是多少时 间?答:I think it s 8-10 months.我想是八到十个月。20. 问: Can you work on ship? Can you work overtime? Can you work for a long time standing?你 能轮班吗?可以加班吗?长时间站着工作可以吗?答:Yes, I can.是的,我可以。21. 问: Are have you confident to take th

15、is job? Do you have confidence to work onboard?你有信 心做好这份工作么?有信心在船工作好吗?答:Yes, I am./ Yes, I do.是的,我有信心做好这份 工作。我有信心在船上工作好。22. 问:How muchis five plus seven? 5 加 7 等于几?答:Its twelve. 5 加 7等于 12。23. 问:How muchis ten minus five? 10 减 5 等于几?答:It s five.10 减 5 等于 5。24. 问:How muchis six times three? 6 乘以 3 等于

16、多少?答:It s eighteen. 6 乘以 3 等于18。25. 问:How much is twelve divided by four? 12 除以 4 等于几?答:It s three. 12 除以 4 等于 3。26. 问:Do you have any question? Do you want to know more about us?你有问题要问我们么?还 想向我们了解更多信息么?答:No, I don t./ Yes, I do. So I wish you may give me a chance.我没有问题要问了,谢谢!27. 问:Why should Starcruises offer you this posit


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