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1、五年级英语上册教学设计 Lesson 1: Li Mings Big Family一、教学目标 :1、知识目标:学生能熟练的掌握家庭成员的英文名字:father,mother,grandfather,grandmother,has,brother,sister,parent.2、能力目标:能在情景中灵活运用词汇和句型,简单介绍自己的家庭成员。3、情感目标:让学生了解做任何事情前,都应想想他人的感受,学会关心别人,培养学生喜欢用英语交流的兴趣。二、教学重难点:教学重点:使学生能够正确地认识本课生词,理解并应用这些基本句型:I have.。教学难点:能运用所学介绍自己的家庭。三、教学准备:录音机,

2、卡片。四、教学过程:Class Opening and ReviewSing The Family in Our House to review members of the family mastered in Level Key ConceptsI am older/younger than _INTRODUCEShow a picture of my family. Introduce my family to the students.T: Look, this is my father and mother. My father is fifty-seven years old. T

3、his is my mother. She is fifty-five years old. Are they young? ( No, they are old.) T: Look, Who are they? Can you guess? Yes, they are my grandfather and my grandmother.Teach these two words.Are they old? (Yes, theyre very old.)T: Who is she? Guess. She is my sister.Yes,I have one sister.I dont hav

4、e brothers.Ask: Do my father and mother have sons? How many daughters do they have? My sister is thirty. Im twenty-eight. Who is older? My sister. My sister is older than me. Im younger than my sister. T: My father is older than me. My mother is older than me. Older, whats meaning. Younger, whats me

5、aning.Make up the sentences Ask the students to make up the sentences with older /younger than.USE THE STUDENT BOOK AND AUDIOTAPE Ask the students to look at the books. Discuss the pictures:How many people are there in Li Mings family?Who are they?Explain Why Li Ming has two grandfathers and grandmo

6、thers.Does Li Ming has brothers and sisters?Look at the Smith family.Discuss:Where does Jennys family live?Who are in Jennys family?How old are they?Play the audiotape as the students follow in their student book.SING A SONGJenny is twelve. Bob is twenty. Bob is older than Jenny. Bob is older than J

7、enny. Lynn is eight. Lynn is eight. Lynn is younger than Jenny. Lynn is younger than Jenny.PRACTICEAsk the students to introduce their family in groups.PRESENTUSE THE ACTIVITY BOOKClass Closing可向同学们介绍知识窗:同学们你们知道family的由来吗?Family就是Father and mother, I love you.这句话的每一个单词首字母组合而成的。在国外,小朋友们起床以后的第一件事就是对父母

8、说这句话。五、板书设计Lesson 1: Li Mings Big Family grandfather grandmother father mother son daughter (brother) (sister) 六、练习:(一)、用家庭成员填空。I have two _ and _ .My _ and _ have one son, he is my _ .My sister is my father and my mothers _ .(二)、写一写:用older /younger than 各写两句话。Lesson 2:What Do They Look Like?一、 教学目标

9、: 知识目标 听、说、读、写并能口头运用下列词汇:white,hair,black,uncle,cousin,thin.能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:HeShehas能力目标 能把所学单词、句子运用到日常生活之中,做到学以致用,如在向他人介绍家庭成员。情感目标 通过创设真实生活情境,使课堂成为一个大家庭,用温馨、轻松、愉快的方式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。让每个孩子感知英语的特有的魅力,通过努力,体验成功!二、 教学重难点:教学重点:white,hair,black,uncle,cousin,thin. 教学难点:能够认读,理解并应用这些基本句型:HeShehas三、教学过程:(一)、Cla

10、ss opening and reviewStep 1:Lead a dialogue like this: T: How tall are you? S1: _ metres tall. T: How tall are you? S2: _ metres tall. T: Is he/she taller/shorter? S:He/she is taller/shorter.Step 2:导入新课 一、利用图片卷发、直发、长发、短发4种不同的发型,并涂上颜色复习staight hair, curly hair ,long hair, short hair以及blond,red,brown,

11、black.并画上不同颜色的眼睛。 二、猜单词:根据英语表达(如fathers brother)猜出单词,获胜的同学可以随意挑选发型、眼睛、来组成自己这个组的人物标志,为下一步教学做铺垫。(二):新授 一、描述各组的人物标志 如:She has short ,curly , blond hair. Her eyes are brown. (分层教学,学生自由选择:A:能流利地用英语描述一个人物B:能参照课本描述出一个人物C:能用英语短语说出这个人物最基本的特征。这样可以使每个阶段的学生得到练习) 二描述自己的特征。 三、猜猜看。请学生用英语说出一个同学的特征,其他同学猜猜是哪位。 四自学课文

12、1、自学课文第二部分,找出重点。 2、wear glasses,gray.以实物讲解单词,开火车拼读单词,比比谁能最先默写出来。 3、赛读课文。以小组为单位赛读课文,一人读一句,比比哪个小组的课文读地最流利,发音最准确。 4,跟读。五、让学生自己介绍自己的家庭(自己说,让学生学以致用)(三)、Class closing五、板书设计Lesson2: What Do They Look Like?Gray glass-glasses六、练习 仿照课文写一篇小练笔,介绍自己的家庭。(写之前学生已经在课上进行了口头表达)七、课后反思: Lesson 3What Do They Do?一、 教学目标:A

13、. 知识目标1掌握句型 : He is a _. She is a _.学生须掌握表示职业的单词,如driver等。(在听说的基础上研究到背写,但对于写单词不做具体要求,根据学生的个体差异,个别对待)2.说出并且灵活运用重点句型 What do they do ?How do they go to work? 掌握一般疑问句的两种回答方式。3培养学生正确使用本课所学句型,来介绍人们的各种职业。B,能力目标能用本课重点句子和职业名称互相问答,并能简单介绍父母及家人的工作。 在教学过程中培养学生的学习兴趣,并向学生渗透尊重父母的劳动,劳动最光荣的意识。二、教学重点:充分掌握句子 He is a _. She is a _.三、教学难点:让学生感知主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加s 或加 es 四、教具学具:单词卡片,电脑光盘五、教学过程:(一)Class Opening and Review (1)Greeting with each other(2)Play a game: Simon Says : _ (复习几种交通方式)drive a car ride a bicycle take a bus walk to school



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