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1、ABB 6KV高压开关柜安装调整施工工艺浅析敬承风(山东电力建设第二工程公司 山东省济南市工业北路297号)本程序为了确保ABB 6KV高压开关柜(ZS1/ZVC+)安装调整的正确性、安全性、可靠性,规定了6KV高压开关柜的安装工艺、顺序以及施工中应注意的事项。以有效的控制施工过程及质量,确保工程高质量的按期完工。This procedure specifies installation process, installation sequence and precautions during construction to ensure the correctness, safety and

2、 security of ABB 6KV HV Switchboard (ZS1/ZVC+) installation.1. 6KV高压开关柜安装调整的施工工艺流程图: Process flow chart of 6KV HV Switchboard installation and adjustment as below:施工准备Preparation for construction开关柜找正固定adjustment and fixation of switchboard开关柜吊装、运输、就位lifting ,transportation and location of switchboa

3、rd柜体接地检查Check the earthing of switchboard 小母线配置Configuring of small bus bar母线连接Connecting of bus bar开关柜机械部件检查Checking for mechanical components in switchboard开关柜电气部件检查Checking for electrical components in switchboard8.2 施工准备2. 施工准备Preparation for construction2.1 施工前仔细审阅图纸,熟悉系统;了解并执行DEP63.10.08.11-CS

4、PC中4.4.1对传导试验的要求Check drawings and comprehend the system before construction. Comprehend and conducted the Conductivity tests on main bus bar and earthing bar according to the requirements in Section 4.4.1 of DEP63.10.08.11-CSPC。2.2了解规范和标准的要求,掌握质量要求和验收标准,编写质量检验计划, 编写及准备符合DL/T标准的安装记录表;了结掌握ABB的安装和调试手册

5、的要求Comprehend the requirements of specifications and standards, be familiar with the requirements of quality and standards of acceptance, compile quality inspection plan, compile and preparative form of DL/T standard shall be used to record the inspection and tests performed during installation of s

6、witchgear; Read and understood the contents of ABBs installation and commissioning manual.2.3 对施工人员进行安全、技术交底Tell the relative workers their real intentions about safety and technique.2.4 土建交接验收 Handover inspection for civil construction 检查土建已具备安装条件,并办理交接签证Check the condition for installation, and tr

7、ansact the visa of handover.现场安装工作开始时,配电室土建工作必须已施工完毕,照明充足且已送电,室内干燥通风,门、锁齐全;所有与盘柜、电缆施工有关的前期工作已完成;室内条件达到VDE 0670标准1000/ IEC 60694部分对环境的要求,包括室内温度不低于负5摄氏度On commencement of installation at site, the switchroom must be completely finished, provided with lighting and site electricity supply, lockable, dry

8、 and with facilities for ventilation .All the necessary preparations such as wall openings, ducts, etc.for laying of the power and control cables up to the switchgear must already be complete. Compliance with the conditions for indoor switchgear to VDE 0670 part 1000/IEC 60694, including the conditi

9、ons for “minus 5 indoor” temperature class must be ensured.a. 配电室门、窗、墙壁、装饰棚应施工完毕,地面应抹平,室内干净整洁无杂物The doors, windows, walls and decorate booth shall be completed and the floor shall be smooth, clean and free of sundries.b验收土建地面水平度,误差应在ABB的文件NO.XZS1-1474 A1对地面水平要求的范围内。Check that the tolerances of the f

10、loor level do not exceed the floor level tolerances as per ABBs document NO.XZS1-1474 A1c 基础型钢安装牢固可靠, 并经验收合格Make sure that the base profiled bars are fixed and have been checked and accepted.d. 一、二次电缆进线孔符合设计要求及实际需用The entry of primary and secondary cable shall be in accordance with design and practi

11、cal requirements.2.5 设备开箱检查Unpacking inspection设备开箱应有物资公司、制造厂及电仪专业人员参加The unpacking shall be witnessed by personnel from material department of manufacturer and electric I&C team.a. 设备型号、数量符合图纸要求The type and quantity of equipment shall be in accordance with requirements specified by drawings.b. 设备完好

12、无损伤变形,附件、备件及专用工具齐全、完整;柜内安装设备型号规格符合设计及规范The equipments shall not be with any damage; the quality and quantity of accessories, spares and special tools shall be in accordance with requirements. The type and specification of equipments to be installed in switchboard shall be in accordance with requirem

13、ents of design and specification.c. 出厂技术资料齐全。A full set of technical documents is required.2.6 加工制作安装用垫铁及小滚杠 Fabrication of iron packs and rolling sticks for installationa. 垫铁大小在40mm50mm左右,厚度为0.5mm2mm不等, 垫铁要平整,无尖角毛刺,数量应满足施工要求The iron packs shall be about 40mm50mm and 0.5mm2mm in length. The iron pac

14、ks shall be even and smooth without burr and the quantity shall meet the requirements of construction.b. 准备20根200mm长12mm圆钢Prepare 20 pieces of 12mm round steel in length of 200mm. 2.7 检查运输路径,确定合适的吊装方案 Check the transportation route, confirm the appropriate lifting scheme.a. 运输道路应平坦,无障碍物The road shal

15、l be flat without barriers.b. 吊装口应满足盘柜尺寸要求The size of lifting orifice shall match the corresponding switchboards.2.8 配电室准备工作 Preparation for electric distribution room清扫配电室地面,依据图纸用墨线打出每列柜的平齐线及端线Clean the floor of electric distribution room, mark the base lines of each row of switchboards according to drawings.a. 基础型钢上不得有焊渣、水泥等妨碍柜体安装的杂物Surface of the base profiled bar shall be free of welding slag, concrete etc. foreign objects which may affect installation of the switchboard.b. 两列柜的端线要同时打出The base lines of the two rows of switchboards shall be marked at o



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