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1、人教PEP英语五年级下册Unit5Whosedogisit专项训练:阅读写作A: Welcome to my home, Sarah.B: Thank you. Which room is yours, Amy?A: The small one, Come in, please.B: Wow! Its beautiful! Where is your sister?A: She is in the living room.B: What is she doing?A: She is playing with dolls.B: Is the computer yours?A: Yes, its

2、mine.B: Can I play on it now?A: Yes, of course. Lets play together.1They are in _ home. ()ASarahsBAmysCAmys sisters2Where is Amys sister? ()AIn the Amys room.BIn the Sarahs room.CIn the living room.3Is the computer Amys sisters? ()AYes, it is.BNo, is isnt.CWe dont know.4What is Amys sister doing? ()

3、AShe is sleeping.BShe is eating food.CShe is playing with dolls.5Do Amy and Sarah play on the computer together? ()AYes, they do.BNo, they dont.CYes, they can.根据汉语意思补全英文句子。6这幅黄色的画是我的画。The picture is .7这是谁的?is it?8看!那是我的狗!Look! my !9这本书是她的。The book is .10这幅北京的画很漂亮。This picture of Beijing very .翻译下列句子

4、。11The picture of Changsha is great.(英译汉)12There are pictures of trees.(英译汉)13Whose storybooks are these?(英译汉)14Its ours.(英译汉)阅读对话。15选词填空。myyourhishertheirourmineyourshisherstheirsoursMiss White: There are many books in my bag. Look! Whose Chinese book is this?Alice: Its Lilys. Its book.Miss White:

5、Whose English book is that?Lily: Its Johns book. Its .Miss White: Whose maths books are these?John: Theyre Alices and Amys books. Theyre .Miss White: Is this music book, Oliver?Oliver: Yes, it is book. Its .Miss White: Are these your art books?Sam and Lucy: Yes, theyre books. Theyre .16根据上面的对话内容连线。A

6、lice(1) English bookLily(2) maths booksJohn(3) Chinese bookAmy(4) music bookOliver(5) art booksLucySam17书面表达。根据图片内容写一篇英语小短文,介绍每个人的小动物都在做什么。要求:1.句子通顺,有条理;2. 不少于5句话。There are many animals here. What are they doing? Look!_试卷第3页,共3页参考答案:1B 2C 3B 4C 5A6 yellow mine 7Whose 8 Thats dog 9hers 10 is beautifu

7、l11这幅长沙的图片太好了。 12有一些关于树的图片。 13这些是谁的故事书? 14它是我们的。15 her his theirs your my mine our ours 1617范文:There are many animals here. What are they doing? Look! Olivers cat is playing with a ball. Toms rabbit is sleeping under the tree. Its so cute. Davids dog is running. Amys duck is swimming in the lake. Sarahs chicken is eating.答案第1页,共1页


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