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1、人教PEP英语四年级下册Unit3Weather专项训练:语音选出每组中与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。1art ()AcardBwarm2time ()AdinnerBoutside3tall ()AfarmBmall4cold ()AhomeBhot5first ()AnurseBsister读短文,从中找出含有al且al发/,以及含有ar且ar发/:/的单词,写在下面的四线三格上。Im Amy. Im tall. This is my bedroom. My ball is near the wall. My toy car is on my card. Sarah is my goo

2、d friend. She has a farm. Its warm outside today. Sarah and I go to the farm arm in arm.6tall: 7farm: 读句子,归类含有所给单词画线部分发音的单词。8I am an art teacher. This is my arm. I draw a car on a farm on a card.bar: 9I am tall. I have a ball. Its small on the wall.all: 读一读,找出含有与所给单词画线部分相同读音的单词。Hello! Im Miss Brown.

3、 I am an art teacher. Its sunny today. I drive my car to the farm. On the farm I see a tall boy and a short girl. The boy is playing with the ball. The girl is making a card. Theyre very happy.10: 11: 将下列单词按画线部分的读音分类。doorclassshortartfortywarmsmallarmfloorfather12/a:/ 13/:/ 读句子,归类含有所给音标的单词。14I am an

4、 art teacher. This is my arm. I draw a car on a farm on a card./a:/ 15I am tall. I have a ball. Its small on the wall./:/ 读一读,圈出句中含有与所给例词画线部分相同读音的单词。16My art teacher has a card.17All the small mice are talking about that tall wall.读一读,将下列画线部分读音相同的单词写在一起。armnursegirlballfartallfarmwallbirdcar18arm 19

5、nurse 20ball 试卷第1页,共2页参考答案:1A 2B 3B 4A 5A6ball; wall; tall 7car; farm; arm; card8art, arm, car, farm, card 9tall, ball, small, wall10art car farm card 11tall ballshort12classartarmfather 13doorshortforty warmsmallfloor14artarmcarfarmcard 15tallballsmallwall16card 17small talking tall wall18far farm car 19girl bird 20tall wall答案第1页,共1页


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