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1、人教PEP版英语四年级下册Unit+4+At+the+farm+专项训练:易错题选出每组中画线部分读音不同的一项。1AthereBthingCthat2AthisBthinCclothes3AlunchBchickenCschool4AfishBcheapCshirt5AniceBcleanCclever选择正确图片/词句。6Wow! You have a lot of animals. What are those? ()They are cows. ABC7What would you like, my dear? ()Id like some potatoes, mum. They ar

2、e yummy. ABC8 ( )AIts four thirty now. Lets play.BIts five forty now. Lets play.9 ( )AcowBcatChorse10 ( )ApotatoesBonionsCcarrots选出每组中不同类的一项。11AsecondBthirdCMarch12AwhenBthatCwhere13AtalkBeatCon14AChristmasBNovemberCAugust15Asports meetBschool tripCmake a snowman单选。16These are twenty-six _. ()Apotat

3、osBpotatoCpotatoes17How _ cows do you have? ()AmuchBmanyCare18They love _ eat _! ()Afor; onionsBto; carrotCto; carrots19_ animals do you have? ()Twenty.AWhatBHow manyCHow much20Mary _ a little lamb. ()AhaveBisChas21当你想知道这些是什么时,你应该问:_ ()AWhat are these?BWhat is this?22当你想确定那些是不是奶牛时,你应该问:_ ()AAre thes

4、e cows?BAre those cows?23当别人问你“那些是母鸡吗?”时,如果是,你应该说:_ ()ANo, they arent.BYes, they are.24当你想描述这些是绵羊时,你应该说:_ ()AThese are horses.BThese are sheep.25当你想表达“它们真可爱”时,你应该说:_ ()AThey are so big.BThey are so cute.根据对话判断图片正(T)误(F)。26判断对话与图片正(T)误(F)相符:This is my farm. Wow! So many animals. ( )27判断对话与图片正(T)误(F)相

5、符:Are these hens? Yes, they are. ( )28判断对话与图片是(T)否(F)相符:What are these? They are tomatoes. ( )29判断对话与图片是(T)否(F)相符:What is this? Its a sheep. ( )按要求完成下列各题。30Its an apple. (改为复数句)31These are carrots.(改为一般疑问句)carrots?32Are they apples? (作肯定回答), they .33It is a horse.(改为一般疑问句)a horse?34These are tomatoe

6、s .(对划线部分提问) 35Is this her car? (作否定回答), it .英汉互译。36Look at the green beans. They are so long. (英译汉)37I love to eat tomatoes. (英译汉)38Try some. They are good. (英译汉)39这些是什么?(汉译英)40马铃薯非常大。(汉译英)选内容补全对话/短文。May: What is it, Mum?Mum: 41 May: Are those carrots?Mum: 42 Theyre green beans. Look at these anima

7、ls.May : They are little ducks. 43 Mum: Look there, May!May: Wow! 44 Mum: No, they arent. 45 AThey are so cute.BIts a tomato.CAre those cows?DTheyre horses.ENo, they arent.将下列句子排序,组成完整的对话。46( ) Theyre hens.( ) How many cows do you have?(1) Wow! You have a lot of animals! What are these?( ) Mmm Sixte

8、en.( ) No, they arent. Theyre cows.( ) What are those? Are they horses?阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。My name is Ben. My friend has a big farm. I often go there with my parents. There are many animals on the farm. My friend has fifteen sheep, six goats, five cows and two horses. He has twelve hens and ten ducks,

9、 too. I like the farm very much.47Bens friend has a big farm. ( )48There are many animals on the farm. ( )49There are sixteen sheep on the farm. ( )50There are five cows and two horses on the farm. ( )51There are ten hens on the farm. ( )52Ben likes the farm very much. ( )阅读选择。53Its _ today. ()Asunn

10、yBrainyCsnowy54This is _ farm. ()AJohnsBMikesCToms55There are some _. ()AonionsBpotatoesCcarrots56Are there any goats? ()_.ANo, there arentBYes, there areCYes, there is57The girl is _. ()Aon the first floorBon the second floorCin the vegetable garden任务型阅读。Come and see this farm. It is a small farm.

11、But it is very fun. There are eleven white sheep near the house. The horses are tall and strong. They are behind(在后面) the sheep. Those are goats. The hens are so small. They are between(在之间) the sheep and the goats. Oh! Look at the cows. They are in front of the sheep.58判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(1) This is a

12、big and fun farm. ( )(2) The white sheep are near the house. ( )(3) The horses are tall and strong. ( )(4) There are some goats on the farm. ( )(5) The hens are between the horses and the cows. ( )59短文内容,将动物图片的标号填写在正确位置。A. B. C. D. E. 试卷第5页,共6页参考答案:1B 2B 3C 4B 5A6B7A8A9C10C11C 12B 13C 14A 15C16C17B18C19B20C21A22B23B24B25B26T27F28F29T30Theyre apples.31 Are these32 Yes are33 Is it34What are these?35 No isnt36看这些豆角。它们多长。37我喜欢吃西红柿。38尝一些,它们很好吃。39What are these?40The potatoes are very big.41B 42E 43A 44C 45D46 2 5 6 4 347T 48T 49F 50F 51F 52T53A 54A 55C 56A 57B58 F T T T F 59答案


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