北京语言大学21秋《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业一答案参考84

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1、北京语言大学21秋英汉 汉英翻译在线作业一答案参考1. Since he often travels on business, he can _ himself to sleeping in any place he can find.A.makeB.accustomC.forceD.let参考答案:B2. 我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的信用证。我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的信用证。Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.3. We are interested in your new produ

2、ct and shall be pleased to have a catalog and price list.We are interested in your new product and shall be pleased to have a catalog and price list.我们对贵方的新产品甚感兴趣,希望收到贵公司的产品目录和价目表。4. He went to the dance last night but couldnt find a _ because of his strange clothes.A.pondB.saddleC.partnerD.salad参考答

3、案:C5. If you use _, you can get a higher quality picture.A.waxB.shameC.gooseD.slides参考答案:D6. All the memories of his childhood had _ from his mind by the time he was 65.A.fadedB.illustratedC.comfinedD.concerned参考答案:A7. There is too much noise outside. I can not _ my attention on my work.A.connectB.f

4、latC.fillD.concentrate参考答案:D8. She would have to _ her own living when she grows up.A.supportB.produceC.earnD.supply参考答案:C9. If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a _ for me.A.chapterB.ceremonyC.chamberD.challenge参考答案:D10. The door was unlocked.She went i

5、nside and sat in a stupor.She was near collapse, barely able to moveThe door was unlocked.She went inside and sat in a stupor.She was near collapse, barely able to move her swollen feet.门没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆地坐了下来,极度的衰弱几乎使她无力挪动她那红肿的双脚。(三句合一)11. 在这儿等简直是浪费时间。 It is simply a waste of time waiting here.( )A、错误B、

6、正确参考答案:B12. It&39;s a great shame for me _ (laugh at)in front of so many people.Its a great shame for me _ (laugh at)in front of so many people.to be laughed at13. You will see this product _ wherever you go in this city.A.advertiseB.to be advertisedC.advertisedD.advertising参考答案:C14. The returns in

7、the short _ may be small, but over a number of years the investment will be well repaid.A.intervalB.rangeC.spanD.term参考答案:D15. We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly _ to the stated in ourWe wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly _ to

8、the stated in our sales confirmation so as to avoid subsequent amendments of the L/C.AconfirmBconformCinformDperformB16. Since there is only a little left, then he wouldnt have enough to pay the interSince there is only a little left, then he wouldnt have enough to pay the interest on a loan.参考答案因为所

9、剩不多,他没有足够的钱来偿还银行的贷款利息。17. According to the theory of photoperiodism,_ A.birds should migrate in the middleAccording to the theory of photoperiodism,_A.birds should migrate in the middle of the winterB.longerDays cause changes in the bodies of birdsC.seasonal changes in the length ofDaysDo not affect

10、 migrationD.increasing Daylight increases the Distance of migration正确答案:B18. He has no one help him. 没有人帮他。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A19. 写作的技巧比起其他的技巧来相当困难。 The technique of writing is rather difficult compared with that of the other arts.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B20. Several international events in the early 1990s se

11、em likely to _, or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980s.A.revoltB.revolveC.reverseD.revive参考答案:C21. The greatest challenge_education is likely to come from our new opportunities for divThe greatest challenge_education is likely to come from our new opportunities for diversity.AoffBt

12、oCupDover正确答案:B22. It was the third of March,1887,three months before I was seven years old. 那是1887年3月3日,我差三个月不满七岁。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A23. We carved their names on the stone so that younger generations could know what their forefathers _ for the nation.A.didB.were doingC.had doneD.have been doing参考答案:C

13、24. 我忘了已经告诉她了。 I forgot to tell her about it.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A25. 下列选项中,不能说明新石器时代农业革命历史地位的是( )A促使人类生活方式发生了根本性的变下列选项中,不能说明新石器时代农业革命历史地位的是( )A促使人类生活方式发生了根本性的变化B促使人类由迁徙生活转变为定居生活C促进了商品交换的发展D促进了生产力的发展正确答案:C26. The international situation is very _ in the Middle East.A.deliciousB.perfectC.delicateD.percen

14、t参考答案:C27. Neither of us _ the experience of studying abroad. Ahas Bhave Chaving DarNeither of us _ the experience of studying abroad.AhasBhaveChavingDare havingA28. Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they even thought of a divorce, let alone _ one.A.gettingB.to getC.gottenD.get参考答案:C29. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes. (lose)Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes. (lose)


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