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1、5B Module 1单元测试卷ClassNameNo.Mark()1. A. It s mi ne.B. Its hers.C. Jenny.)3. Acan hear a lorry.B. It a lorry.C. Yes,it a lorry.)5. A. It shis.B. Theyre his.C. It his no tebook.)7. A. Tha nk you.B. OK.C. It my pleasure. )9. A. Leaves.C. YBs,Sdkworms()1. A.dearB.there()3. A. pilotB.tiger()5. A. wearB.

2、bear()7AB.()II. Choose the best o n e.(选出最佳应答句前的序号Part I Liste ning 听力部分(30%)I. Choose what you hear .(选出你所听到的单词或音标词)8%2. A.crayB.cryonB.hear4. A. pairB.join6. A. no iseb.n 口%AB 或 C) 10%)2. A.It in the classroom.B. Theyre in the classroom.C. Theyre desks and chairs. )4. A. Yes,it loud.B. It loud.C.

3、It quiet.)6. A. Yes,theyre.B. Yes,it is.C. They re mi n e. )8. A. A motorbike.B. Yes,it s a motorbike.C. I can see a motorbike.)10. A. I like it.B. Yes.But I dont like pop music.IV. Give“T” or “根据听到的对话,判断下列句子。如与对话意思一致用“ T表示,不一致用“ F表示)6%()1.Mr Zha ng went for a walk this morning.()2.He heard a no isy

4、 bird at first.()3.He did n like the drill,because it was so no isy.()4.The motorbike was no isy too.()5.He did n thear an aeropla ne.()6.Je nny wan ted to see Mr Zhan puppy.V . Complete the sentences.根据听到的语段,把下列句子填写完整 ,每空一词。)6%First they are silkworm eggs. They have many . They eat .They make alot

5、of .Next they are white silkworm.The n Five moths out. Fi nallythey can fly and eggs.Part II Readi ng and writi ng读写部分(70%)1. Write the words.(仿照给出的例子写单词,每格一词 )22%Yes,it min e.(l)e.g., Is that your (you) bird?(1) (2) (3) Let(we) help (they).(4) Is this book(you),Kitty ?-No,itCan you make a paper rob

6、ot for (he)?Give a no tebook and a brush to (she)s my (father).2. was thi n. Now she is fat.(1) The boys in the classroom.Now theyin the library.(2) There(be) some apple juice in the bottle yesterday. But now there (not be) any apple juice here.(3) My mothera teacher, but now she works in a shop. Sh

7、ea shop assista nt.(4) It half past two in the after noon. The pupilsin the classroom no w. I n themorni ng, they in the park.3. e.g. They played (play) some loud music.(1) I(enjoy) the loud music.(2) They (have) great fun.(3) Jane (want) to play some loud music for me.(4) She(hear) ano ther loud no

8、 ise.?4. e.g .It was a caterpillar, now it is a butterfly.(1) It was a chick ,now it is a(2) They were duckli n gs, now they are.(3) It was a puppy ,now it is a .II. Choose the proper answers.( 选择合适的词,用 A, B 或 C 表示)11%()1.- Whose butterfly is it?Is it?-No,it isn is black.A. your,Mi ne B. His,YoursC.

9、yours,Mi ne()2. Excuse me, is this watch ?A you B.yours C.your()3. Let sdo homework now.A. our B.us C.ours()4. Give some milk.A. they B. them C. their()5. -May I borrow your bicycle? -Sorry, this bicycle isnt.A. my B.mi ne C.me()6. Put it your bedroom, Peter.A. in B. on C. un der()7. Tidyyour room,

10、Danny.A. on B. i n C. Up()8.The little boy looked at his father.He was .A.quiet Boud C.afraid()9.He wan ts to buy this bike, ifstoo dear.A. and B. or C. but()10. The flowers red but now they blue.A. were, are B. was, areC. are, were()11.Dont make a . The baby is sleep ing.A. no iseB. loudC. quietIII

11、. Fill in the blanks as required.(根据要求改写句子)14%1. Those brushes are theirs and these crayons are ou改为单数句)brush isandcray on is.2. My brother makes a model house 改为现在进行时)My brother a model house.3. That her scarf.(改为同义句That.4. We can hear a loud noise in the street对划线部分提问)in the street?5. There are so

12、me brushes in the box.(一般疑问句)brushes in the box?6. The red in sect is mine.(寸划线部分提问)the red in sect?7. The butterflies were wet.(改单数句)wet.8. There was a pop group in the playground. 改为一般疑问句 ) a pop group in teh playgro un d?9.Is this notebook yours?Is this notebook his? 合并句子)Is this notebook ?10.Doe

13、s Peter have dinner at six? 改为肯定句) dinner at six.IV. Tran slate the sen te nces.(把下列句子译成英语)8%1. 把她的所有的书都放在她的桌子上。 her books on her desk.2. 把它放在你的卧室里。it in your .3. 现在它是一只漂亮的蓝蝴蝶。Now it is a blue .4. 蚕是小的。(用一般过去时The small.V. Read, write and an swer. 10%1?阅读短文,填入所缺单词Eating a good breakfast is important(

14、重要的)because we have eaten anything forabout 12 hours by breakfast time. Our bodies n eed food to make en ergy for our daily activities (日常活动).A good breakfast is rice or bread, an egg, milk, and fruit. On a cold mornin g, its a good idea to have a hot drink.We must get up early to have eno ugh time

15、to eat a good breakfast. Eati ng a good breakfast helps us to work better and play more happily.1. We n eed some to make for our daily activities.2. On a cold morning, you can drink somedrin ks.3. A good breakfast helps us tobetter and happily.2阅读短文并回答问题Mr White was in London for a holiday. One day he wan ted to go to the British Mus



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