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1、时态专题复习一、一般现在时:(1、现在的状态。2、经常或习惯性动作。3、主语所具备的性格和能力。4、真理。)1、标志:often(经常),usually(通常),sometimes(有时),always(总是),never(从不),on Sundays(在星期天), every day/month/year(每一天/月/年)2、结构:(1)主语+连系动词be(am/is/are)+名词/形容词/数词/介词短语/副词等做表语表状态(包括There be +n.)练习:1.I_(be) a student. My name_(be) Tom. 2. Where _(be) my shoes? Th

2、ey_(be) here.3.Who _(be) the girl with long straight hair? I think she _(be) Kate. 4. You and I _(not be) in Class Six.5._(be) there a supermarket on the Fifth Avenue? Yes, there_(be). 6. _ her parent tall? No, he_.(2)主语(非第三人称单数)+行为动词原形+其他 (用助动词do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问)(3)主语(第三人称单数)+行为动词的第三人称单数+其他(用助动词

3、does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)行为动词第三人称单数加-s的形式1.- s 2. 辅音+y: study-studies 3.以s,x,ch,sh结尾watch-watches teach-teaches4特殊have-has do-does go-goes练习:肯定句1)His parents _(watch) TV every night. 1) My brother _(do) homework every day.否定句2)His parents_(not watch) every night. 2)My brother_(not do)homework every

4、day.一般疑3)_his parents_(watch) TV every night? Yes, they _. No, they _3)_ your brother _ homework every day? Yes, he_. No, he _.特疑 4)When_ his parents _(watch) TV? They watch TV every night. 4)When _ your brother _(do) homework? He does homework every day.二、现在进行时:1.定义:表示现在正在进行的动作或当前一段时间正进行的动作.2.结构: b

5、e (am, is , are )+ 动词现在分词( - ing form )常见的表示时间的词语: I am doing homework now. Look! Tom is playing soccer. Listen! They are reading English. Where is your mother? She is cooking dinner.*现在分词的构成规则如下: 1)一般动词后直接加-ing. 如: reading, watch see do play 2)以不发音的e结尾的词去掉e再加-ing. 如: makemaking write take 3)以重读、闭音、

6、单辅音字母结尾的词,双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing.如: get-getting, swim put run sit begin star 现在进行时的其他变化:1.否定句形式: 直接在be动词后加not 如:The man isnt running.He is walking fast.2.一般疑问句形式: 把be动词提到句首 如:Is the man playing the guitar?Yes, he is.3.对画线部分提问: What+be+主语doing? (be动词要和主语保持一致)用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.Look! The cat_ _(run)up the tree.2

7、.Her parents_ _ _(have)breakfast now.3.-_he _(clean) the room? -No,he isnt.4.Tom_ _(play)the piano in the room. Please ask him to come here.5.Listen! They_(sing)in the classroom.6.Its 8 oclock.We _ (watch) TV . 7. That sounds _ (well).8. _ they doing? Theyre swimming. 9. Lets _ (sing) the song now.1

8、0. Ben wants _ _ _ (go) to the movies this evening.11. Where are they?They _ (read) in the library. 按要求句型转换。1.He is doing his homework now.(变为否定句)He doing his homework now.2.They are watching TV.(对划线部分提问) 3.She is reading.(变为一般疑问句,并否定回答,用括号里的词填空) ? No,she .She (write).4. Linda usually gets up at six

9、. (用now替代usually改写句子) 5. You are doing your homework.(用“I”作主语改写句子) 三、一般过去式。表示过去某一时间或某一段时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:in 2000, two days ago,yesterday, last night等。一般过去式也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often ,always等表示频度的时间状语连用。如,He always went school by bus last year .动词过去式的构成分规则与不规则两类。规则动词过去式的构成和发音如下:构成规则原形过去式读音一般

10、情况在词尾+edplay, stay, clean, listen, look, help, wait, start,sound, visit,清辅音后面读作/t/;元音、浊辅音后面读作/d/t/, /d/后面读作/Id/口诀:(清读/t/;元、浊/d/;/t/, /d/后面读/Id/)结尾是e的动词+dlive, hope, use,practice末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再+edstop, 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再+edstudy, worry不规则动词变化:go have see eat read- put- do- take win ri

11、de- feed- is- are- drink- buy 用括号中词的适当形式填空。 1.The weather _ (be) terrible yesterday.2.-Did you _ (have ) a good weekend?-Yes, I _. I _ (have ) a nice weekend. I _ (go) to the beach. 3.-What _ you _(do ) last Sunday?-I _ (study ) for the English test. 4.-_ you have breakfast yesterday? -No, I _. I _

12、(get ) up late.I just _ (drink) a cup of coffee. But I _ (eat) a lot for lunch. 5.-I went to a movie over the weekend.-I _ (not do ) my homework. I _ (visit) my grandma. 6.-What did you do yesterday? -Yesterday we _ (play) basketball on the playground. 7.Eric doesnt want _ (watch) TV with his grandm

13、other.8.They _(have) a school trip last Sunday. They _ (visit) the Mount XiangShan and _(meet) a lot of foreigners.改写句子. 1.Lucy did her homework at home.(否定句)Lucy_ _her homework at home.2.He found some meat in the fridge. (变一般疑问句,并作肯、否回答) _ he _ _meat in the fridge?Yes, . /No, .3.She stayed at home last weekend. (划线部分提问) _ _she _ last weekend?4.There was some orange juice in the cup. (变一般疑问句,并作肯、否回答) _there_ orange juice in the cu


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