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1、2022年考博英语-合肥工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Systematic efforts at national nutrition planning in developing countries go back barely a decade. During that brief time there has been considerable progress in establishing the extent and causes of malnutrition and what can be done to reduce it.Ten years

2、ago, malnutrition was often thought to reflect primarily a shortage of protein (and in some cases, vitamins or minerals). Most nutrition programs concentrated on providing high-protein food to children, usually in schools. The emphasis today is different. There is now a wide measure of agreement on

3、several broad propositions.Serious and extensive nutritional deficiencies occur in virtually all developing countries, though they are worst in low-income countries. They are usually caused by undernourishmenta shortage of foodnot by an imbalance between calories and protein. There may often be shor

4、tage of specific micronutrients and of protein, especially among young children. But given the typical composition of the diets of the poor, to the extent that calorie requirements (as estimated by the FAO and the WHO) are met, it is likely that other nutritional needs will also be satisfied.Malnutr

5、ition affects old and young, male and female, urban and rural dwellers; particularly prevalent among children under five, it reduces their resistance to diseases and is a major cause of their death. In many societies, girls suffer more than boys.Malnutrition is largely a reflection of poverty; peopl

6、e do not have enough income for food. Given the slow income growth that is likely for poverty-stricken people in the foreseeable future, large numbers will remain malnourished for decades to come.Poor nutritional practices and the inequitable distribution of food within families are also causes of m

7、alnutrition.The most effective long term policies are those that raise the incomes of the poor, and those that raise food production per person. Other relevant policies include food subsidies, nutrition education, adding minerals or vitamins to salt and other processed foods, and increasing emphasis

8、 on producing foods typically consumed by the poor.These points will be amplified in the following discussion.1. During the past 10 years developing countries _.2. Which one of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause of malnutrition?3. With regard to the future, the author tends to believe that _.

9、4. “Nutrition education” is mentioned in the passage as _.5. It can be predicted from the last sentence of the passage that the author is going to talk in detail about _.问题1选项A.have made considerable attempts to plan about nutrition on a nation-wide scaleB.have started nutrition programs that aim at

10、 providing high-protein food to children in schoolC.have taken effective measures to reduce malnutrition everywhereD.have reached an agreement to fight malnutrition by combining efforts问题2选项A.Poverty.B.Poor nutritional practice.C.Inequitable distribution of food.D.Inadequate nutrition education.问题3选

11、项A.malnutrition will be largely eliminated in some developing countries in the next few yearsB.the developed countries are planning to offer some help to reduce malnutritionC.many people still have to suffer from malnutrition in the near futureD.peoples income in developing countries will grow rapid

12、ly in the foreseeable future9. “Nutrition education” is mentioned in the passage as _.问题4选项A.one of the most effective policies to reduce malnutrition in the long termB.one of the secondary measures of reducing malnutritionC.one of the ways to improve education in developing countriesD.one of the ef

13、forts that has been made during the past 10 years10. It can be predicted from the last sentence of the passage that the author is going to talk in detail about _.问题5选项A.policies for reducing malnutritionB.the causes for malnutritionC.how to raise the incomes of the poorD.producing foods typically co

14、nsumed by the poor【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“在过去的10年里,发展中国家”。文章第一段第一句指出Systematic efforts at national nutrition planning in developing countries go back barely a decade.(发展中国家在国家营养规划方面的系统性努力仅仅可以追溯到过去十年里)可知,A项“已经做了相当多的尝试来计划全国范围内的营养方面”符合原文;由第二段第二句Most nutrition program

15、s concentrated on providing high-protein food to children, usually in schools. (大多数营养计划集中在为儿童提供高蛋白食品,通常是在学校)可知,不是所有计划是针对学校儿童的,B项“已经开始了旨在为学校里的孩子提供高蛋白食物的营养计划”表述不准确;C项“采取了有效措施减少各地的营养不良情况”没有提到;由第二段最后两句The emphasis today is different. There is now a wide measure of agreement on several broad propositions.(今天的重点有所不同。如今在几个广泛的主张上已经达成了广泛的共识。)可知,D项“已经达成一致通过共同努力来对抗营养不良的情况”并不是过去十年里发生的。因此,该题选择A项正确。2.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“下列哪一个没有被提到是营养不良的原因?”。根据倒数第四段第一句Malnutrition is largely a reflection of poverty(营养不良在很大程度上是贫困的反映)可知,A项“贫困”正确;由倒数第三段Poor nutritional practices and the inequitable distribution of f



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