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1、高校学院及职位的英文翻译公司内部档案编码:OPPTR9PPT2&OPPTL9&OPPNN08SchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolof Mines 矿院of Safety Engineering 安全工程of Mechanics & Civil Engineering 力建of Mechatronic Engineering 机电工程of Information and Electrical Engineering 信

2、电 of Resource and Ear th Science 资源of Chemical Engineering & Technology 1.环测of Environment Science and Spatial Informat of Electric Power Engineering 电力工程 of Materials Science and Engineering 材料 of Sciences 理学院of Computer Science and Technology 计算机of Management 管理of Literature Law & Politics 文法of Ma

3、rxism马克思of Foreign Studies 夕卜文of Arts & Design 艺术of Sports 体院Sun Yueqi Honors College 孙越崎International College 国际学院College of Applied Science and Technology 应用College of Adult Education 成教党委副书记 Deputy Party Secretary英语里常用 vice-, deputy-,associate, assistant, co-, sub-,等单词 和前缀来表示“副”字,按习惯不同选用。一般来说,职位较

4、高的副职人员多采用vice-如:国家副主席一一vice president,畐U委员长、畐U主任委员vice-chairman,畐lj总理vicepremier, 国务院属各部副部长vice-minister,中国科注院等国家级研究院副院长vice-president,畐lj省长vice-governor,大学畐lj校长vice-president o职务稍低的副职人员多用deputy来翻译,如:副市长deputy mayor,副书记deputy Party secretary, 畐lj秘书长deputy secretarygeneral, 畐lj主任deputy director, 畐U总编

5、deputy editor-in-chief, 研究院,所的副职deputy director等。大学里的副教授一般用associate professor,不用vice-professor或 deputy professor, 同样的例子如:畐9研究员associate researchfellow, 畐lj主编associate editor, 畐9审判长associate chiefjudge,学院的副院长、大学的副教务长associate dean。在行政职务中,assitant指“助手”,可译作“副”或“助理”,即正职 的主要助手,如:部长助理assistant minister,副

6、司令员assistant commander,公司副经理assistant manager,副校长(中小学)assistant headmaster;在技术职称中,assistant 指助理,如助理工程师assistant engineer,助理农艺师assistantagronomist,助理会计师assistant accountant,助理巡视员assistant counselo用sub-作为前缀来译“副”字,有“下级”、“助理”、“次要”之意, 如:大学副系主任sub-dean,副专员、副州长sub-commissioner,副院长sub-principal,中小学副校长sub-ma

7、ster等。译“副”字时,要注意英语的习惯搭配。一般来说,vice与president, premier, chairman, minister, governor 搭配; deputy 与 director, chief, head secretary, dean, mayor 搭配;chairman,sub-与 commissioner, dean, head, chief, editor, master, principal 搭丙己。校长: president; Chancellor学院院长:Head of xx School; Dean of xx school 系主任: Dean o

8、f xx Department系主任 department headChairman of DepartmentDirector of Department系主任1. department chairman academic dean 教务长 department chairman 系主任 professor教授2. Department Chairman /Department Head 戏剧系 Department of Thea tricals系主任 Department Chairman /Department Head 系主任办公室Office of the Department Head3. deanlecturer 讲师dean系主任counselor辅导老师4. Director of Department/Dean of the Faculty注册主管Registrar系主任 Direc tor of Depar tment /Dean of the Faculty 客座教授 Visiting Professor


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