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1、2022年考博英语-西安电子科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题1. NewtonNewton used his great skill in mathematics to form a better understanding of the world and the universe. He used methods he had learned as a boy in making things. He experimented. Then he studied the results and used what he had learned to design new

2、 experiments.Newtons work led him to create a new technique in mathematics for measuring areas curved in shape. He also used it to find how much material was contained in solid objects. The technique he created became known as integral calculus.One day, sitting in the garden, he watched an apple fal

3、l from a tree. He began to wonder if the same force that pulled the apple down also kept the moon circling the Earth. Newton believed it was. And he believed it could be measured.He called the force gravity. He began to examine it carefully.He decided that the strength of the force keeping a planet

4、in orbit around the sun depended on two things. One was the amount of mass in the planet and the sun. The other was how far apart they were.Newton was able to find the exact relationship between distance and gravity. He multiplied the mass of one space body by the mass of the others. Then he divided

5、 that number by the square of their distance apart. The result was the strength of the gravity force that tied them to each other.2. Hubbles LawIn the late 1920s, Hubble studied the movement of galaxies through space. His investigation led to the most important astronomical discovery of the 20th cen

6、turythe expanding universe.Earlier observations about the movement of galaxies had been done by V. M.Silpher. He discovered that galaxies are moving away from Earth at speeds between three-hundred kilometers a second and one-thousand eight-hundred kilometers a second.Hubble understood the importance

7、 of Silphers findings. He developed a plan for measuring both the distance and speed of as many galaxies as possible. With his assistant at Mount Wilson, Milton Humason, Hubble measured the movement of galaxies. The two men did this by studying what Hubble called the “red shit”. It also is known as

8、the Doppler effect.The Doppler effect explains changes in the length of light waves or sound waves as they move toward you or away from you. Light waves from an object speeding away from you will stretch into longer wavelengths. They appear red. Light waves from an object speeding toward you will ha

9、ve shorter wavelengths. They appear blue.Observations of forty-six galaxies showed Hubble that the galaxies were traveling away from Earth. The observations also showed that speed was linked directly to the galaxies distance from Earth. Hubble discovered that the farther away a galaxy is, the greate

10、r its speed. This scientific rule is called Hubbles Law.3. DreamMen and women in ancient times often believed that spirits visited them in their dreams. The spirits brought messages of hope or danger. Ancient Assyrians (亚述人), Egyptians, Greeks, and, Romans all turned to dreams for supernatural answe

11、rs to their questions. They believed dreams could show the future, warn of evil, bring happiness. Priests (僧侣) and medicine men studied dreams to learn the cause and cure of sicknesses. They built temples and made sacrifices so their gods would speak to them through dreams.The ancient Greeks, specia

12、lly, saw dreams as hidden messages from the gods. However, one Greek philosopher, Aristotle, did not. He believed the gods would speak only to a few special people, not everyone. And everyone had dreams. Almost two-thousand-four-hundred years ago, another GreekHippocrateswrote about dreams. Hippocra

13、tes is considered the father of medicine. Hippocrates believed dreams could be used as tools for learning the nature of a persons sickness. For example, suppose a person dreamed about a fruit tree that would not grow. Such a dream, Hippocrates said could mean that the person had a disease of the rep

14、roductive system (再生系统).Some historians think the dreams of ancient peoples led to the development of religion. This includes the belief in the survival of the spirit after death.【答案】1. 牛顿牛顿运用他在数学方面的高超技巧,对世界和宇宙有了更好的认识。他用小时候学到的方法做东西。他尝试。然后,他研究结果,并利用他所学到的设计新的实验。牛顿的工作使他在数学中创造了一种测量曲面面积的新技术。他还用它来发现固体中含有多

15、少物质。他创造的这项技术后来被称为积分学。一天,他坐在花园里,看到一个苹果从树上掉下来。他开始想,把苹果拉下来的力量,是否也让月亮绕着地球转。牛顿认为是。他相信这是可以衡量的。他称这种力为重力。他开始认真地调查。他认为保持行星绕太阳轨道运行的力量取决于两个因素。一个是行星和太阳的质量。另一个是它们之间的距离。牛顿能够找到距离和重力之间的精确关系。他用一个空间物体的质量乘以其他物体的质量。然后他把这个数字除以它们之间距离的平方。其结果是将它们相互绑在一起的重力的强度。2. 哈勃定律在20世纪20年代末,哈勃研究了星系在太空中的运动。他的研究导致了20世纪最重要的天文发现不断膨胀的宇宙。关于星系运

16、动的早期观察是由V. M .希尔弗做的。他发现星系正以每秒300公里到每秒1800公里的速度远离地球。哈勃明白希尔弗发现的重要性。他制定了一个计划来测量尽可能多的星系的距离和速度。哈勃和他在威尔逊山的助手米尔顿哈马森一起测量了星系的运动。这两个人是通过研究哈勃所说的“红色大便”来做到这一点的。这也被称为多普勒效应。多普勒效应解释了光波或声波在向你移动或远离你时长度的变化。从加速远离你的物体发出的光波会延伸到更长的波长。出现红色。从一个物体向你飞来的光波的波长会更短。它们出现蓝色。哈勃对46个星系的观察表明,这些星系正在远离地球。观测结果还表明,速度与星系离地球的距离直接相关。哈勃发现星系越远,其速度就越快。这一科学规律被称为哈勃定律。3.梦想古时候的男人和女人通常相信灵魂在他们的梦中拜访他们。灵魂带来了希望或危险的信息。古代亚述人、埃及人、希腊人和罗马人都从梦中寻求超自然的答案。他们相信梦可以显示未来,警告邪



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