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《chinadaily hot words》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《chinadaily hot words(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chinadaily1. Pensionforcleangovernance廉政年金2. National public(civil) servants exam 国考3. The uncouth rich 土豪Nouveauriche4. Golden Week 黄金周5. House-for-pension program 以房养老6. Anti-rumor campaign 打击谣言7. Fat-finger trade 乌龙指8. Magpie bridge on Qixi 七夕鹊桥会9. Having a second child if one of the couple doesn

2、t have siblings.10. Qigong master 气功大师11. Urban management officials城管12. The mass line 群众路线13. Likonomics克强经济学14. To visit aging parents regularly常回家看看15. PRISM scandals 棱镜门16. Shortening approval procedures and decentralizing powers简政放权17. Families bereft of their only child失独家庭18. Third Plenary S

3、essionof the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议19. FDI =foreign direct investment 外商直接投资20. (SMEs)=small- and medium-sized enterprises中小型企业21. PBOC= peoples bank of China22. piloted in selected provinces and cities 在几个城市试点23. Air defense identification zone 防空识别区24.

4、 Comprehensively deepening reform 全面深化改革25. Satellite launch center 卫星发射中心26. Lunar rover 月球车27. IPO= initial public offerings 初次公开上市股票28. DPRK=domestic peoples republic of China 朝鲜29. QE3=a third round of quantitative easing 第三次量化宽松 的缩写30. Bitcoin=比特币31. international monetary fund国际货币基金组织32. Speci

5、al drawing right =SDR特别提款权33. the united nations development program 联合国计划开发署34. benchmark interest rate 基准利率35. joint commission on commerce and trade中美商贸联委会36. courier inspect parcels收寄检视制度37. lax supervision监管不利38. mixed ownership economy混合所有制经济39. artificial precipitation人工降雨40. the central econ

6、omic work conference 中央经济工作会议41. to seek steady growth and promote reforms and innovations 稳中求进,改革创新42. phubbing低头族43. instrument landing system 仪表降落系统44. smog and haze雾霾45. the flights on-time performance航班正点率46. car plate bidding车牌竞价 license-plate lottery车牌摇号 47. traffic restriction based on the d

7、igit of license plate number尾号限行48. the General administration of quality supervision国家质检总局49. overseas purchasing agency代购50. live broadcast of court trial庭审直播51. aggregate financing 融资总量52. interbank negotiable certificates of deposit 同业存单53. fourth generation mobile network 4G网络54. reception stat

8、ion基站55. dispute settlement understanding争端解决谅解协议56. official reception 公务接待57. Chinese abacus 珠算 intangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产58. mompetition 拼孩59. full state funeral国葬60. anti-apartheid icon反种族隔离偶像61. red tape繁文缛节 green tape 环保类的条条框框62. off-shore account 离岸账户 market-determined interest and

9、exchange rate利率汇率市场化 full convertibility of the yuan 人民币可自由兑换63. state bureau of calls and letters国家信访局 信访制度 petitioning system信访制度64. refined oil 成品油 crude oil 原油 diesel柴油gasoline汽油65. peer to peer lendingP2P借贷 66. illegally absorbing public deposit非法集资 ponzi schemes 旁氏骗局67. change 3 lunar probe嫦娥三

10、号探测器 manned lunar orbit mission载人绕月飞行68. Pank( professional aunt, no kids)潘克族69. overcapacity产能过剩 relocate capacity产能转移70. high-end steel products高端钢铁制品71. 搭售和附加不合理条件(tie-insaleandimposingunreasonableconditions)、掠夺性定价(predatorypricing)、独家交易(exclusivedealing)72. two-childfertilitypolicyforcoupleswher

11、eeitherthehusbandorthewifeisfromasinglechildfamily(“单独二胎”政策)73. offshore real estate investment 海外房地产投资74. urbanization ratio城镇化率75. anti-graft inspection team反腐败检查小组 tradingpowerformoney(权钱交易)、abusingpower(滥用职权)、bribery(受贿),以及undesirableworkhabits(不良工作作风),如formalism(形式主义),bureaucracy(官僚主义),hedonism

12、(享乐主义)和extravagance(铺张浪费)。76. 383 plan trinity reform of market, government and enterprise77. patient doctor disputes 医患纠纷78. business off-limits业务禁区 上海自由贸易实验区的英文表达是China(Shanghai)PilotFreeTradeZone theThirdPlenumofthe18thCentralCommitteeoftheCommunistPartyofChina(十八届三中全会)79. vertical sprawl垂直扩张80.

13、Li-fi 光保真(light-fidelity)81. criminal correction center 劳改所82. to declare personal assets 申报个人财产83. “三公经费”(publicspendingongovernmentcars、overseastripsandofficialreceptions)84. FDI=foreign direct investment 外商直接投资85. the state council information office 国务院新闻办公室86. exhaustpurificationequipment(排气净化设

14、备)87. ladybro闺蜜88. the third-party payment platforms 第三方支付平台 cross-border settlements 跨境支付89. 以房养老”的英文表达为house-for-pensionprogram/scheme,也被称为reversemortgageloan(住房反向抵押贷款/倒按揭)endowment insurance 养老保险90. shill bidding 自抬竞价91. shooting rampage 枪击事件92. 美国海军海上系统司令部总部(headquartersfortheNavalSeaSystemsComm

15、and)93. fabricating online rumors 网络造谣94. 注入流动性” (toinjectliquidity)就是提高货币供应量95. 三聚氰胺”(melamine)96. debt audit债务审计97. 英国王室第三顺位继承人”的表达是thirdinlinetotheBritishthrone98. visa-free stay 过境免签99. 限购私用汽车”的表达是tocurbthepurchaseofvehiclesforprivateuse100. selfie 自拍101. 八国集团(theGroupofEight, G8)102. first-tier city一线城市103. Punitiveduties指“惩罚性关税”,也可用punitivetariffs表示反补贴税(countervailingduties)104. 外公布的当日人民币与其他货币交易的benchmark(基准价)就叫汇率中间价(centralparityrate),参考汇率(referencerate)105.


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