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1、此题目已经按首字字母排列,方便查找。“Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need(B) to read through it.”“Can I help you?” “Well, Im afraid the box is too heavy for you, ( D) thank you all the same.”“Im sorry to keep you waiting.” “Oh, not at all. I(A ) here only a few minutes.”“Where do you live?” “I live ( B ) 5

2、50 Dalian Road.”“Where do you suggest going?” “We promised(B) the children to the West Lake.”“Where(B) the recorder? I cant see it anywhere.” “I() it right here. But now its gone.”“Which of these two ties will you take?”(B)AA question then (C ): What are we going to do when we graduate from the univ

3、ersity?About 100 new students have been (B) in the English Department.Alice received an invitation from her boss,(C) came as a surprise.Although he is considered as a great writer, ( A ) .Although he was so tired,(C) he went to the concert with his friend that night.Although she was frightened, she

4、answered with a(D) voice.BBill told me that(A) live with his roommates again next year.By nine oclock I(B) that my guests were not coming.By the time he was twelve, Edison(C) to make a living by himself.CCrusoes dog became ill and died,(B) made him very lonely.DDay after day, a small blue truck spee

5、ds along the streets of Funen. A dog sits besides the driver, looking at him as if listening to his 1 . Whenever the truck goes by, the people of Funen turn and stare, some in 2 , others in admiration, for on its _ _3 are printed the words TRACKER DOG and a telephone number.答案:1-5 BADCD 6-10 CBDCC 1

6、1-15 BBAAD 16-20 CBBACDont be too(C) about things you are not supposed to know.EEarly to bed and early to rise(C) a man healthy, wealthy and wise.Everyone else was killed in the accident. I was the only one to(D).FFew of us thought that the problem was worth(C) .GGood care must (A) babies particular

7、ly while they are ill.Good care must(D) babies particularly while they are ill.Governments,media and people around the world have become very worried about something called Sudan I (苏丹红1号). This chemical dye,_1_ in many food products, was said to _2_ cancer. Newspapers told everyone to be careful an

8、d governments pulled this product off supermarket _3_.答案:15. CBACD 610 BDCCA 1115 CBDBA 1620 CDBADHHardly had Julie graduated from university (C) she got a job in a bank.He as well as I(D) the suggestion you put forward just now.He called the police for help,(D) that the problem was more than he cou

9、ld deal with.He didnt keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch(B) .He didnt know what(C) while he was away from home.He finished his lunch very fast, because he(D) attend an important meeting.He was completely (B) by the thiefs disguise.He wont(C) to bring me my umbrella unless

10、I tell him again.Her parents objected to(A) that farmer, though he has a lot of money.Her(B)English is the best in the class.His grandma(B) in bed for a week.His handwriting is bad and(A) is worse.His speech made(A) deep impression on the audience that they could hardly forget it.II am going to(A) a

11、 group of foreign guests.I asked him to(C) me a few minutes so that we could go over the problems.I bought a shirt because it was good in quality and(A) in price.I carry only enough money to make change for a(B) bill.I dont quite remember the key(B) the question though I answered it correctly.I dont

12、 trust him at all. His smiles always make me(D) .I like spring. I hope good weather will(B) .I wonder if he(B) us, and I think if he() us well be able to complete the task ahead of time.I(B) up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 oclock a.m. .Id like to (B)_ this old car with a new model,

13、 but I cant afford it.Id love to join you(C) I have to drive my son to his football game.If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty,(C) great it is.If you drink too much, your health will get even(C) .In Hangzhou Mr. Green was so struck by(C) beauty of(C) nature that he stayed for

14、 another night.In todays newspaper, it(D) that there will be strong wind this afternoon.It can take up three months to(C) a man to do this work.It rarely snows in the south in winter,(D) ?It was the training that he had as a young man(A) made him such a good engineer.It will(A) much time if we drive

15、 the car instead of walking.Its interesting to watch so many boats(C) up and down the river in the morning.LLittle(B) about his own safety though he was in great danger himself.MMany new (A) will be opened up in the universities.Mrs. White found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and(A) very worried.My father can speak three languages (B) Chinese and English.NNot only(A) the data fed into it, but it can also analyze them.Not until Mr. Smith came to China(A) what kind of a country she is


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