江苏省东台市唐洋镇中学九年级英语上册《Unit 5 Films Period 9 Main task》学案(无答案) 牛津版

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《江苏省东台市唐洋镇中学九年级英语上册《Unit 5 Films Period 9 Main task》学案(无答案) 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省东台市唐洋镇中学九年级英语上册《Unit 5 Films Period 9 Main task》学案(无答案) 牛津版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、最新资料推荐Unit 5 Films Period 9 Main task学案预习作业:1. (A)请朗读和理解下列短语 in the first week get full marks speak in front of the whole school explain things to us join the Computer Club do extra work get more organized have many good personal qualities2. (B)请朗读和理解下列句子 We are writing to recommend David as the new

2、 chairperson of the Students Union. We hope that you agree with us. We think that David has all the qualities to be a good chairperson. 3. 请认真阅读第21页信纸上的内容,并试着完成流程图。 当堂训练:1. Write a letter to your teacher to recommend a monitor. Who can be our monitor?(流程图)A formal recommendation letterDear I would l

3、ike to recommend as the new monitor. 1. is confident. 2. I think 3. He/ She is 4. He/ she is also 5. I think I hope Yours sincerely _Some useful sentences for the writing: 1. I would like to recommend as the new monitor of our class. 2. We think that has all the qualities to be a good monitor. 3. We

4、 think he is good enough to become a great monitor. 4. We think will be an excellent monitor because he has many good personal qualities. 5. I think he is the best choice./ He is the most suitable person. 6. He should be confident enough to take this job. 当堂检测:The Studensts Union at your own school

5、needs a new chairperson too.Write a formal letter to the principal to recommend a classmate for the post.9A Unit 1 Star Signs (Period 10)Checkout(教案)教学目标:知识目标:(A)To review key grammar and vocabulary items(B)To give students the chance to practise grammar and vocabulary items能力目标:To encourage student

6、s to recommend a people freely情感目标:(B)To build a good personality through the study教学重难点:To review key grammar and vocabulary itemsTo check their progress and ask any questions they may still have课前预习:To review the important words ,phrases and sentences in this unit To finish Part A&B on P23教学过程:Ste

7、p One 预习检测(15分钟)(A)一、翻译下列词组和句子 1、星座 2、被分成3、放弃 4、注意5、与争论 6、做每件事与众不同7、梦想一切 8、关心9、炫耀 10、牙疼11、做个实验 12、第一只克隆羊13、把足球传给某人 14、在学业或事业上成功 15、与有问题 16、找(想)出新主意17、做额外工作 18、个人能力19、介意做某事 20、你不原谅别人的错误是愚蠢的。21、你有足够的耐心等待,绝不生气。22、Sandy通话已有数小时了。23、我认为他不能组织好事情。24、他从不忘记他要干的事情。25、他不怕对着一大群人做演讲。二、Check the answers to Part A

8、on P23 (Choose three students to be the three main characters . Ask them to role-play the conversation .The rest of the students check their answers)三、Show the six pictures on P23,check the answers to Part B.Step Two 知识的综合运用(20分钟)T:The new school term begins. In order to organize our class much bett

9、er, we need to choose the most suitable person as our monitor. Do you think who is the most suitable person ? Why? 1Let the students in groups ask one another using the following conversation as a model.A: When were you born? B: I was born on . A: Is your star sign ? B: Yes, it is. How do you know m

10、y star sign is ? A: I know the twelve star signs very well. B: Oh, really? Can you tell me what the star sign says about ? A: No problem / Sure / OK. It says people born under . B: Yes, thats right. Whats your star sign? A: My star sign is . B: What does your star sign mean? A: That means .2.Ask the

11、 students to choose one in their own group as our monitor. (Say something about the student using the knowledge in this unit . Lets see which group can use as many adjectives as possible to describe your ideal monitor) 3.If you have become our monitor, you want to thank your classmates for recommend

12、ing you, make a dialogue in their own group.Who will be our monitor? Lets look at the marks in each group.At last lets do some exercise to decide the monitor who is in the best group.Step Three 当堂检测(10分钟)(A)一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、We will have lots of (celebrate) together.2、We made a _(decide) at yesterdays meeting.3、They passed the exams (success).4、Mother is very busy on Sundays because she has lots of housework (do).5、It was your fault, but you blamed me. It was _fair.【参考答案】1.celebrations 2. decision3.successfully 4.to do 5.unfair二、单项选择。( )1. It is very kind _ the girl to hel


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