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1、Conven ti on onthe Recog niti on and En forceme nt of Foreig n Arbitral AwardsDo ne at New York, 10 Ju ne 1958; en tered into force, 7 Ju ne 1959(Un ited Natio ns. Treaty Series, vol. 330, p. 38, No. 4739)承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约(1958年6月10日订于纽约)Article I 第一条1. This Convention shall apply to the recognition and

2、 enforcement of arbitral awards made in the territory of a State other tha n the State where the recog niti on and en forceme nt of such awards are sought, and aris ing out of differe nces betwee n pers ons, whether physical or legal. It shall also apply to arbitral awards notconsidered as domestic

3、awards in the State where their recognitionand enforcementare sought.一、仲裁裁决,因自然人或法人间之争议而产生且在声请承认及执行地所在国以外之国家领土内作成者,其承认及执行适用本公约。本公约对于仲裁裁决经声请承认及执行地所在国认为非内国裁决者,亦适用之。2. The term arbitral awards shall include not only awards made by arbitrators appo in ted for each case but also those made by perma nent

4、arbitral bodies to whichthe parties have submitted.二、“仲裁裁决” 一词不仅指专案选派之仲裁员所作裁决,亦指当事人提请仲裁之常设仲裁机关所作裁决。3. When sig ning, ratify ing or acced ing to this Conven ti on, or no tify ingextension under articleX hereof, any State may on thebasis of reciprocitydeclarethat it will apply the Convention to the re

5、cognitionand enforcement of awards madeonly in the territory ofano ther Con tract ing State. Itmay also declare thatit willapply the Conven ti on only to differe nces aris ing out oflegal relati on ships,whethercon tractual or not, which arecon sidered as commercial un der then ati on al law ofthe S

6、tate mak ing such declarati on.三、任何国家得于签署、批准或加入本公约时,或于本公约第十条通知推广适用时,本 着互惠原则声明该国适用本公约,以承认及执行在另一缔约国领土内作成之裁决为限。任何国家亦得声明,该国唯于争议起于法律关系,不论其为契约性质与否,而依提出声明国家之 国内法认为系属商事关系者,始适用本公约。Article II 第二条1. Each Con tract ing State shall recog nize an agreeme nt in writi ng un der which the parties un dertake to submi

7、t to arbitrati on all or any differe nces which havearise n or which may arise betwee n them in respect of a defi ned legal relatio nship, whether con tractual or not, concerning a subject matter capable of settleme nt by arbitrati on.一、当事人以书面协定承允彼此间所发生或可能发生之一切或任何争议,如关涉可以仲裁解决事项之确定法律关系,不论为契约性质与否,应提交仲

8、裁时,各缔约国应承认此项协2. The term agreeme nt in writ ing shall in clude an arbitral clause in a con tract or an arbitrati on agreeme nt, sig ned by the parties or contained in an excha nge ofletters or telegrams.二、称“书面协定”者,谓当事人所签订或在互换函电中所载明之契约仲裁条款或仲裁 协定。3. The court of a Contracting State, when seized of an

9、action in a matter inrespect of which the parties have made an agreement within the meaning of this article, shall, at the request of one of the parties, refer the parties to arbitrati on,uni essit finds that the said agreeme nt is n ull and void,ino perativeor in capable of beingperformed.三、当事人就诉讼事

10、项订有本条所称之协定者,缔约国法院受理诉讼时应依当事人一造之请求,命当事人提交仲裁,但前述协定经法院认定无效、失效或不能实行者不在此限。Article III 第三条Each Con tracti ng State shall recog nize arbitral awards as bin di ng and enforcethem in accorda nee with the rules of procedure of the territory where the award isrelied upon, under the conditions laid down in the f

11、ollowing articles.There shallnot be imposed substa ntially more on erous con diti ons or higher fees or charges on the recognition or enforcement of arbitral awards to which this Convention applies tha n are imposed on the recog niti on or en forceme nt of domestic arbitral awards.各缔约国应承认仲裁裁决具有拘束力,并

12、依援引裁决地之程序规则及下列各条所载条件执行之。承认或执行适用本公约之仲裁裁决时,不得较承认或执行内国仲裁裁决附加过苛之条件或征收过多之费用。Article IV 第四条1. To obta in the recog niti onand en forceme nt men ti oned in the precedi ng article,the party appl ying for recog niti on and en forceme nt shall, at the time of theapplicati on, supply:一、声请承认及执行之一造,为取得前条所称之承认及执行

13、,应于声请时提具:(a) The duly authe nticated orig inal award or a duly certified copy thereof;(甲)原裁决之正本或其正式副本,(b) The original agreement referred to in article II or a duly certified copy thereof.(乙)第二条所称协定之原本或其正式副本。2. If the said award or agreeme nt is not made in an official la nguage of the country in wh

14、ich the award is relied upon, the party appl ying for recog niti on and en forceme nt of the award shall produce a tran slati on of these docume nts into suchIanguage. The translationshall be certified by an official or sworn translatororby a diplomatic or con sular age nt.二、倘前述裁决或协定所用文字非为援引裁决地所在国之正

15、式文字,声请承认及执行裁决之一造应备具各该文件之此项文字译本。译本应由公设或宣誓之翻译员或外交或领事人员认证之。Article V 第五条1. Recog niti on and en forceme nt of the award may be refused, at the request ofthe party aga inst whomit is in voked, only if that party furni shesto the compete ntauthority where the recog niti on and en forceme nt is sought, pr

16、oof that:一、裁决唯有于受裁决援用之一造向声请承认及执行地之主管机关提具证据证明有下列 情形之一时,始得依该造之请求,拒予承认及执行:(a) The parties to the agreeme nt referred to in article II were, un der the lawapplicable to them, un der some in capacity,or the said agreeme nt is not valid un derthe law to which the parties have subjected it or, faili ng any in dicati on the



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