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1、行为动词一般现在时一 我们这里所说的 行为动词 , 指的是除 be 动词、情态动词和助动词之外的全部动词 。行为动词为数众多 ,主语为第三人称单数 he, she, it 时,词形有变化。当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词的一般现在时通常有三种变化:1.一般在动词原形后加splay-play slike-like sread-read s sing-sing s dance-dance s cook-cook s2.以 s ,x,sh , ch ,o 结尾的动词加esgo-go es wash-wash es watch-watch es catch-catch es do-does 3.以辅音

2、字母加 y 结尾,把 y 改 i 再加 esfly fl ies study stud iestry-tr ies4. 如果词末为 o,或 o 前为辅音字母,加 es :go-go esdo-do es只有第三人称单数动词才要变,其他人称I, you ,we ,they)则用动词的原形。((这种变化与名词的单数变复数有点相像。)二 . 肯定式 :I/ You/ They/ 复数名词 + doHe/ She/ It/ 单数名词 +does三 . 否定式: I/ You/ They/ 复数名词 + do not (don t)后接动词原形He/ She/ It/ 单数名词 +does not (d

3、oesn t)后接动词原形四 . 疑问式:一般现在时的疑问式是将助动词 do/does 提到句首,然后加 主语和动词原形 。结构是:1). Do + 主语 + 动词原形 +其他成分 ? ( 注意:回答时须用人称代词 )Yes,主语 +do. / No, 主语 +don t2). Does +主语 +动词原形 +其他成分?Yes,主语 +does. / No, 主语 +doesn t.(注意:回答时须用人称代词)五 . 那么,什么情况下用行为动词的一般现在时呢?当这个动作经常发生或表示习惯性的动作时,通常用一般现在时,它经常与表示频度的时间状语连用,如,当句子中有every day every

4、year ,on Sunday, in themorning ,often, sometimes, usually, at oneoclock等词时,用一般现在时。例句: He gets up at 6 o clock.She usually watch esTV in the evening.Sometimes he goes to school by car.Tom often flies a kite on Sunday.1.I(go) to school at seven in the morning.2.Mike( do) his homework at eight in the e

5、vening.3.His father often( read) books in the library on Saturday.4.My mother usually(watch) TV plays at home.5.My cousin sometimes(play ) cards with me.6.you often(study ) after school ? Yes, I./No, I.7.Mike and Tom usually(fly ) kites on Sunday.8.They(go) to school by bus every day.9.She(go ) to s

6、chool by bus every day.110.We usually(listen ) to the radio in the morning.11. He usually(listen ) to the radio in the morning.12.he usually(listen ) to the music at home? No, he.13.your parents have a car?Yes, they. / No, he.14.Alana computer? .15.Do youvolleyball?Yes,I do.16. Bill Smithsports game

7、s on TV every Sunday evening.17.Sonia Hall five baseballs. A.haveB.don t have C.doesnthas D.doesnthave()18.Janeoften play sports.But she always watches them on TV.A.doB. dontC.doesD.doesn t( )19.-_Sandra_dessert?-Yes, she does.A. Do; likeB. Does; likesC. Is; likeD. Does; like()20.Do you like to have

8、 _?A. lots of chickensB.some chikensC. more chickensD.some chicken()21.What do you like_?Strawberries.A.have B.eatC.to haveD.has()22. Do you like broccoli?-_ .I like to eat it.A. Oh, noB. Yes, I doC. Yes, I amD.No, I don t()11.-_your teacher like movies?-No, she doesnt. A.AreB.Can C.DoD.Does()12.Doe

9、s Emma like action movies?-_.She likes Jackie Chan s film very much.A.Yes, she is. B.No, she doesntC.Yes, she doesD.No, she isn t()13.Do you want _ some new clothes?Yes, I do.A.buyB.to buyC.buysD.buying()14. Teresa doesntlike documentaries( 纪录片 ). She thinks it s.A.interestingB.shortC.difficultD.bor

10、ing()15. Robert like_to the movies very much. A.goB.goesC.to go D.to goes()16. Tom wants to go to the movies _ his friends.A.and B.withC.in D.for()17. Mr Green comes to China to _ Chinese. A.learn B.know C.seeD.watch()18. I _ the thrillers are scary, so I don tlike them.A.want B.need C.think D.make(

11、)19.Does your sister_to a movies? I don tknow.A.wants to goB.want to goC.want go()20.What kinds of sports _ Rick _?-Tennis and soccer.A. does; likeB. is; likeC. do; like2()21. When do you usually get up, Eric?-_6:30 in the morning.A.InB.OnC.WithD.At()22. Mingmingto bed late _ evening.A.goes ;in theB

12、.goes ;inC.go ;in theD.go ; in()23. She _ to the shop _ Saturday afertnoons. A.goes;in B.go ; on C.goes ;on()24. They would like to _ No.11 bus to the Great Wall. A.come B.go C.take()25. Jack s parents are workers. They always _ back home at five every morning.A.goB.goesC.go toD.goes to()26. _ do yo

13、u usually shower? Eight o clock. A.What B.How C.What time()27. Marie _ to school at half past eight. She goes to school early.A.don tgoes usually B.dontusually goesC.usually doesnt go()28. _ your father _ at home on Sunday?No, he doesnt.A. Is ;stayB. Do ;stayC. Does ;stay()29.My father _ a new car and he_ it very much.A.have,like B .has,likes C.has,like()30. What do you always do _ ? Play soccer.A.on weekendsB.nowC.last Friday1. I go to scho


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