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1、Unit 2My favourite season教学设计B Lets learn & Lets talk一、教学目标:语言知识目标、能听、说、读、写本课四会单词及词组swim,fly kites,skate,make a snowman,plant tree. .能听、说、认读句子Which season do you like best?/ What s your favourite season? I can make a snowman.语言技能目标:本课主要让学生运用所学英语句型Which season do you like best? /What s your favourite

2、 season? Why? 询问别人喜欢的季节并能够用Because I can.等句子表达自己为何喜欢的原因。情感态度目标:在本课的教学中,注意激发并强化学生的学习兴趣,引导他们将兴趣转化为学习动机,使他们树立自信心,培养他们的团队精神及热爱大自然,热爱生活的美好情感。 二、教学重难点:、教学重点:掌握关于活动的五个单词及词组swim, fly kites, skate , make a snowman,plant tree.、教学难点:能自如运用Which season do you like best? /What s your favourite season? Why? Becaus

3、e I can make a snowman.等句型并在模拟情境中进行实际交流。 三、教具准备: 课件、单词卡片、图片、 五、教学过程:Step 1 Warming up & Revision 1、T: Hello .Boys and girls .How are you today?S: Fine .T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its cold today.T: Its cold today. We wear coats. Next we have a chant that it tells us we can wear different clot

4、hes in different weather.(用Lets chant进行 Warm-up,可以调动学生的学习兴趣,进入学习状态。PPT呈现和播放)2、 Free talk and leading:T: What day is it today?Ss: Its Wednesday. T:Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its warm today.T: Its warm today .I can wear my (教师没把句子完成,让学生思考和补充。)T: Do you know in which season I can wear my (jacket、

5、T-shirt、 sweater、 coat)?Ss:Spring、summer、fall and winter.(在此教师将全班分成四组,分别以春、夏、秋、冬命名。)T: Whats the weather like in summer? Now lets chant and answer the questions.(用Lets chant复习四个季节的天气情况,PPT呈现和播放) (设计意图:通过师生之间的问答,可以引导学生进入英语思维的课堂环境。同时复习了旧知,为学习新课学习作铺垫,营造了和谐的课堂气氛。)Step 2 Presentation1、 教授单词plant treesT:

6、Which season do you like best? S1:I like spring. T: Do you know whats Miss Wus favourite season? Guess!Ss: Your favourite season is (给猜出的学生组往前进一步,适当做一点拓展。)T: Yes! I like summer! Because I can 故意不说完,用动作代替。Ss : You can swim!S1:You can 在学生猜的基础上引出:I can swim,然后教学swim,并拼读,写板书T:Spell the word.S:S-w-i-m sw

7、im ii swimT: Can you swim?(表演动作)S1:Yes,I can swim . (表演动作)/No, I cant swim.T: I can swim in summer. (老师做游泳的动作,引导学生用句型:I can swim in summer )T: Do you like to swim?S1:Yes, I do./No, I dont.(与实际生活联系,接着引出了什么时候是植树节,让学生先接触知识,为下单元铺垫,并使学生懂得要爱护树木,不可以乱砍滥伐。此处让学生在学习新知识的同时,对学生进行了情感教育,教育学生要保护好环境。)2、 教授五个新单词T: I

8、like to swim very much, but I cant swim now because its spring .What can we do in the spring?(出示一副关于春天的图片,上面有放风筝和种树、种花的,通过PPT引出两个词组。)S: We can plant trees in spring.T: Youre clever.(举起大拇指表扬)T:Spell the word.S:P-l-a-n-t plant t-r-e-e tree plant i: i:treeT:I like to plant trees, so I like spring.教学并板书

9、plant trees,在教学时,可让学生拓展plant flowers , plant grass,发散学生的思维T: We can plant trees in spring. Can we plant trees in fall?S: No.T: OK! Then what can you do in fall? (做放风筝动作,然后提问学生)S: I can 教学fly kites,拼写并板书,教学方法同上。T:Spell the word.S: f-l-y fly k-i-t-e-s kites fly kiteT: What about in winter? What can yo

10、u do in winter?T: Miss Wu can skate.引出skate,表演动作教学并拼写板书T:Spell the word.S:S-k-a-t-e skate eiei skate在教学skate 的基础上引出make a snowmanT: What else can you do in winter?S: Ski. T: Yes! Good job! And I can make a snowman in winter, too.教学并板书make a snowman. 同时又让学生拓展make snowmen 是复数。T:Spell the word.S: m-a-k

11、-e make a s-n-o-w-m-a-n snowman eieimake snowT: We can play with snow in winter, too.(设计意图:本环节采用TPR呈现并操练新词,使课堂教学生成显得形象化,激发了学生的学习兴趣,让学生学完一词后再进行拓展性造词,培养了学生的创新思维能力,增强了学习自信心。)Step 3 Drills1、 Listen to the tape 学生跟录音读单词。然后集体认读单词并拼读。2、Play a game Use the student cards. Say the words 、 spell the words and

12、touch the cards as quickly as you can(录音为学生提供了准确、地道的语言模拟标准, 跟读录音有利于学生更好地模仿纯正的语音、语调,有助于培养学生的语感,形成良好的听读习惯。)Step 4 Practice1. 小组竞赛:教师利用开火车形式要学生操练句型Which season do you like best? Why? Because I can春、夏、秋、冬四组学生,哪一组用的时间最少,句子准确清楚,哪一组就赢。2、教师引导学生填表时询问的句子Which season do you like best? Whats your favourite seas

13、on? Why? 学生可以回答because I can climb mountains, plant trees, fly kites, play sports , have a picnic教师利用PPT出现这些词组,并询问: Whats the weather like in ? You can wear your学生可以回答Its .I can wear my .(设计意图:通过竞赛形式充分调动学生开口说英语的积极性,上课30分钟左右是学生心理和生理的疲劳时期,是学生思维的低谷和注意力最容易分散的时候,通过开火车的竞赛形式,使学生集中注意力。)Step 5 Communicative

14、and activities Make a surveynamefavourite seasonI canweatherwear clothes(设计意图:通过完成表格这一调查活动,实现生生操练,巩固所学语言,拓展了学生思维,培养学生的口头、笔头的交流能力。有利于培养学生的合作精神。)Step 6 Consolidation and extension Do an activity -Who is the excellent sales (运用所学的知识询问要参加旅游的顾客,推荐他们去旅游的地方,选出一名excellent sales进行奖励)教师设计四个旅游景点 春( 昆明)、夏( 海南)、

15、秋(北京)、 冬(哈尔滨)。(设计意图:创设了生活化的情景,让学生在实际的情景中运用,意在学生拓展运用所学知识, 培养学生的学以致用与合作能力。同时学生通过欣赏各地美景图片油然而生一种热爱大自然,热爱生活的美好情感。)Step 7 Homework1. 听写五个四会词组swim,fly kites,skate,make a snowman,plant tree. 2. Listen to the tape and read the text3. 根据书本17页make a survey,用本节课所学句型,访问你的朋友,把他(她)的favourite season and activity 记录下来。板书设计Unit Two My favourite season B Lets learn & Lets talkWhich season do you like be



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