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1、IQC Inspection report for Non-woven fabricNo.:Item n ameSS grade non-wove n fabricSpecification and modelGB-SSQuan tity of incoming materials500KGIn Date2021/06/03Sampli ngAppeara neeGB/T 2828.1-Accepta nee levelAQL 2.5sta ndardDime nsions2003AQL 1.5In spect ionIn specti on itemsIn specti on sta nda

2、rdIn spect ion methodIn spect ion resultsNumber of samples(n)Unq ualified qua ntity (PCS)Si ngle decisi onPackag ing appeara neeQuan titative packagi ng, no damage in packagi ng, material marki ngVisualOK500OKNon wove n appeara neeNo damage, oil stai n anduneven thick nessVisualOK500OKQualified prod

3、uctsFactory in specti on qualificati on reportVisual in spect ionOK500OKChromatic aberrati onThe color differe nee grade shall be 4Comparis on with sample un der D65 stan dard light sourceNG5015NGGram weightWeight per square meter20G +5%OK5018NGDoor leafAverage size of BOM header, middle and tail1cm

4、. Len gth deviati on of each roll: 8%OKHigh temperature resista nee178 2 C / 3min, no melt ingHeati ng plateOKCombustio n testCon ti nue to burn sometimes self exti nguish ing! Fragra nt smell,LighterOKWashi ng testThere shall be no damage on the surface after washi ngWash ing mach ineOKRemarksPrelimi nary determ in ati onMRB_review Qualified V unq ualifiedExam in ati on clerkTo exam ine:Man ager of Tech no logy Departme nt:Tech ni cal chief engin eer:Purchase:Final result qualified specially purchased selected processed other qualified speciallypurchased selected processed returned other



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