PEP4 Unit4 B Read and write & C story time

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《PEP4 Unit4 B Read and write & C story time》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP4 Unit4 B Read and write & C story time(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、PEP4 Unit4 B Read and write & C story time 学习目标: 1能够理解Read and write部分内容,能熟练地听、说、认、读相关蔬菜类和动物类单词以及重点句型These are cows. Those are sheep. 等。2. 能够了解并熟练使用句型:Are these? Yes, they are. No, they arent. These areThose areWhat are these/those? Theyre3能理解Story time的故事内容。学习重点: 听、说、认、读相关蔬菜类和动物类单词以及重点句型These are c

2、ows. Those are sheep. 等。学习难点: These are.和those are.构成的肯定句、疑问句、肯定和否定回答以及特殊疑问句等。课前预习: 1.以小组为单位,搜集关于vegetables和animals单词。2.Read and write和story time内容录音听3遍并能熟读和简单模仿。3.复习本单元学过的课文。课前学习:以小组为单位,汇报搜集的相关vegetables和animals单词。Vegetables:Animals:课堂学习:Task11播放Let s sing部分的录音,说唱歌谣。(全班齐唱) 2. 播放Let s chant部分的录音。(全班

3、跟说)Task 21. Look at the pictures, and then say the vegetables and animals quickly.(看图片快速说出蔬菜与动物的名称。)2. 一起参加Ask and answer的游戏。S1:What are these? S2:These are cows.S3:What are these? S4:These are horses.S5:What are those? S6:Those are sheep.S7:Are these tomatoes?S8:No, they arent.S9:Are these carrots?

4、S10:Yes, they are.Task 3Lets go to Mr. MacDonald farm. (一起走进Mr. MacDonald的农场) 1. Can you see these on Mr. MacDonald farm? VegetablesPotatoescarrotsgreen beanstomatoesAnimalscowssheephenscats2Read after the tape.(跟读,朗读)3.以小组为单位进行朗读。Task 41. Listen and tick or cross(听Story time,打对错。)Zoom likes vegetables. ( )The turkeys(火鸡) are at the farm. ( ) They like sheep, because(因为) they like mutten. ( )The cow eats Zooms hat.( )2. 再听一遍录音并跟读,然后在小组内找伙伴表演。


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