step by step000 第二册 Unit1原文及答案

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1、step by step000 第二册 Unit1原文及答案Unit 1 Part I - A 87, 80, 53, 48, 24, 17 Script: The Porter Family Mr William Porter is very old. He is 87. And Mrs Catherine Porter is 80. Mr Porter is from Wales. John Porter and Mary are brother and sister. John Porter is 53 and he is a lawyer. His wife Susan is 48,

2、and she is an architect. James Porter and Joan Lee are cousins. James Porter is 24 and Joan Lee is 17. Part I - B 1. spending special time together. 2. specific, complain, request, praise. 3. fatigue, insecurities, foxhole, striking out , protect. 4. distant 5. all marriages, Work together o underst

3、and 6. Respect, danger, professional, physical, verbal 7. Understand, win Part I - C 40, excel, domestic argument, losing win-win, lose-lose, win, a gift, returns argue over, arent, who, in control, fear, didnt need, ought not to , couldnt, tried to, destroy, marriage love, loved, secure, discover,

4、garden, cultivate, the most precious, own self, bloom. obtain, our partner, loved and respected, control. Part II- A A2 1. similar social backgrounds. 2. the same race or same ethnic background. 3. the same religion. A3 Japan / 9.2% / arranged marriages 3% / between blacks and whites Many people in

5、Western cultures choose their own wives and husbands. In many other countries, spouse are often chosen by the parents. In China and Japan before this century (20th century), upper-class marriages were arranged by the older males. In many cultures in the Middle East, Asia, and pre-industrial Europe,

6、the mans family negotiated a bride price with the womans family; the mans family was expected to pay it. In Hindu India, the brides family paid a grooms price to the family of the man. These customs are weakening;for intance, only 9.2 percent of Japanese 1 marriages are now arranged. What are the cr

7、iteria for choosing mates? Most marriages-whether arranged by families or occurring from personal attraction or love-are based on similar social backgrounds. In other words, the man and the woman come from the same social class (or else a class that is only slightly higher or slight lower). Among ma

8、ny people in Egypt, key members of the mans family must go to the family of the woman and propose marriage. These family members must be able to show that the mans family is at least of the same social class as the woman and that a certain amount of money exists to allow the marriage to go forward.

9、Having the same race or the same ethnic background is the second main criterion for marriage throughout the world. In the U.S,. Where there are many different races, only 3 percent of all marriages are between blacks and whites, meaning that the races are still largely separate in marriage. In many

10、countries, marriage is also based on the woman and man having the same religion; this is a third common criterion for choosing a mate. In culture in which religion is very strong value, marriages would often not take place if there were religious differences. Part II - B 1. physical appearance; 2. w

11、hat somebody looks like, ., look beyond the physical appearance 3. the high percentage of divorces. 4. falling love with somebody,. ,loving somebody Script: What do you think it is that attracts people to each other, that makes people want to be together? I think that perhaps unfortunately in the in

12、itial stages its the physical appearance that attracts. I think unless you find somebody attractive, unless theres something about them-it could only perhaps be the way they smile or they laugh, or a twinkle in their eye, or the way of a curl falls over their forehead. But something like that has to

13、 make you interested enough to find out more about that person, unless thats there I think you just dont bother. So initially physical attraction I think is all important. Why do you say unfortunately? Because in fact it shouldnt be what somebody looks like that is important. You should be able to l

14、ook beyond he physical appearance and see what sort of a person he or she is, whether they are selfish or selfless, whether they are kind, caring. But I think initially you are not bothered with that. That come perhaps later. In pop songs and magazines and newspapers and son on, the idea of falling

15、love in s always emphasized, so people have this idea that you have to fall in love. Do you 2 think this is misleading for people? Do you think people expect something that in fact doesnt exist? Yes, I do. In fact I think we can probably lay the blame for the high percentage of divorce-its a third I

16、 think now, isnt it? I think one in three people get divorced. Probably as far as I can see it, the reason is that they go into marriage or into a relationship with a very romantic view of love which I think has been created by the pop songs, by all the love stores, by the Barbara Cartland novels, etc. , that young people read. Really, y


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