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1、Review language points一短语翻译1故意地_答案:on purpose2付账;买单_答案:pay the bill 3考试作弊_答案:cheat in the exam4一系列事实_答案:a series of facts5把控制住_答案:holdin ones power6遛狗_答案:walk the dog7. 担心,挂念 _答案:be concerned about8.从严重感冒中恢复过来_答案:recover from a bad cold9.忍受孤独/头疼之苦_答案:suffer from loneliness/headaches10.在黄昏时刻_答案:at du

2、sk 二单词或短语填空1. James was_(心烦意乱) because he had lost his ticket.2. I felt sorry for her,Bob_(补充说). 3. I cant_(不理睬)her rudeness any longer.4. They_(遭受)huge losses from the big fire.5. She has grown _ about computer games.6. From the beginning ,Paul made it clear that he would be _ (完全地)in control.7. He

3、 used to work _ even in the middle of winter.8. A diary is often kept to _ what happens in peoples daily lives.9. The excited boy finally _.10. She hurried to finish her work_ catch the train.三短语及句型复习1.should have done 本来应该做某事 (而实际没做, 含有责备的意味)should not have done 本来不该做某事(而实际已做)1). He looks upset. I

4、_ shouldnt have told him the bad news_. (本不该告诉他这个坏消息)2).You are late. You _ should have come five minutes earlier_. (早五分钟来)2.It / This is the first / second time that +主语+have / has done. It / This was the first / second / third time that + 主语+ had done.意为“某人第几次做某事” 1)Im not familiar with the town.

5、It is the first time that I _ have come here_(来到这里)_. 2)He told me it was the fourth time that he had made the same mistake_ (犯同样的错误).3.face to face 面对面地(在句中作状语)face-to-face a.面对面的 (作定语)类似的还有heart to heart 坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地 back to back背对背地1)She stood _ face to face_ (面对面地) with him. 2)W

6、e had _ a face-to-face talk_ (面对面的交谈).3)That night they talked _ heart to heart_ (坦诚地) with each other.4.happen to do It happens(ed) that 碰巧 1)I _ (恰好在车站)when he arrived. 2)It happened that _ when he arrived . 5.and you had to pay to _ get the camera repaired _(修理照相机)get sth done 让被做=have sth done1)

7、 你得按时完成作业.Youll get your homework finished on time.2) 今早我无法发动汽车.I couldnt get the car started this morning.3) 去把头发理了.Go and get your hair cut.6.concern (vt./n.) be concerned about/ forbe concerned with sth. 1) Why is she so concerned _ his attitude to her work?A.to B.with C. in D. about2) 这项问卷与诚实有关.

8、The survey is concerned with honest.7.强调句型: It is / was +被强调部分 + that/ who (被强调部分是人时,可用who替代 that) 对下列句子的划线部分进行强调: I came across them in the club two days ago. It was I who came across them in the club two days ago. It was them that I came across in the club two days ago. It was in the club that I came across them two days ago. It was two days ago that I came across them in the club. 被强调部分也可以是从句。 eg. He went back to his hometown when the war was over. It was when the war was over that he went back to his hometown



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