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1、6大特征说明你喜欢自己的工作6 Signs You Are Enjoying Your Work6个特征说明你喜欢自己的工作1. Time flies by and you lose yourself.时间飞逝,你忘掉了自己it is a nearly transcendental state where time ceases to matter 一 what is in front of you is all there is, and worries and other tasks slip away. It happens when you do something that is r

2、eally enjoyable or being with someone you really care about.这是一种接近超然的境界,似乎时间都已经静止你会专注于眼前的一切,忧虑和其他的任务都不 重要了。当你做着一些你真的喜欢的事情或者和你真正喜欢的人在一起的时候,才会有这种感觉。Its the same thing when you are doing work you really love.当你在做着你真正喜欢的工作的时候也才会出现相同的情况。2. You feel like you are doing something of value. You feel fulfille

3、d.你觉得自己做的事情有价值,很充实Humans feel happy when they are connected to others, but also when they give or create something of value. It doesnt have to be curing cancer; it could be more simple like being a carpenter and building things that people want or need. Whatever the job, you feel a deep sense of gra

4、titude for being able to help and serve people.当与他人有关联,知道自己能创造价值的时候,人们会感到很高兴。不是非得是治好癌症,可以更简 单的就像是做做木工,或者帮别人做好他们要的东西。不管是从事什么工作,你内心都会为有能力帮 助别人而充满感激。3. You are excited to wake up in the morning.早上会迫不及待地醒来If you arent ready and raring to get up in the morning, something might be amiss. Of course, everyo

5、ne has off days. But if you continuously dread going to work to a serious amount, it might be time to change.如果早上你起不来,那可能是哪里出了问题。当然,每个人都有特殊情况。但是如果你经常害怕去工 作,也许应该做些什么改变了。4. You do not complain.不抱怨If youre constantly complaining, you either need a mindset change or its your internal guide showing you t

6、hat you need to find a different job you would enjoy more.如果你经常抱怨,你得调整思想,或者说明你需要找一份你真正喜欢的工作。Whatever the case, in work you enjoy there may be times you complain about work load or an annoying task. But overall you know these are small potatoes compared to the happiness that comes from doing what you

7、 love.不管是哪种情况,就算是你喜欢的工作也可能会有那种抱怨工作量太大或者太烦人的时候。但是总的 来说,你知道和那种你喜欢的事情相比那些都是小菜一碟。5. You dont mind the struggle.你不怕困难Work can be a struggle. Writers spend hours editing and must work daily. Artists may do entire portraits and then throw them out. Engineers come up with designs that are faultyand have to

8、go back to the drawing board of equations and figures.工作中会遇到困难。作家得用好几个小时创作,并且必须每天都工作。艺术家可能会做完一整件作品 之后,把它丢弃。工程师可能会设计出错误的产品,不得不重新开始在画板上计算公式。But when you enjoy your work, you dont care. You love the struggle. You love coming back, refining, and the process of progression to get what you want.但是如果你喜欢自己的

9、工作,你就不会在乎这些。你喜欢这些困难,你喜欢重新开始,做到更好,重 复这一过程去得到你想要的。6. You get energized when you talk about what you do.当谈论到你所做的事情时,你会活力四射When people ask, “What do you do?”,you get revved up. You cant shut up about it. That is a sign that you love what you do and you want everyone else to know.当别人问你,“你在做什么? ”时,你会觉得很振奋。你会侃侃而谈,几乎没法停下来。那就说明你 喜欢你所做的工作,想要其他人都知道你的工作。


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