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1、2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Urban motorways have proved no solution to Britains _ traffic congestionindeed some say they have made it worse.问题1选项A.abundantB.adamantC.stickyD.chronic【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项abundant“大量的,充裕的”;B选项adamant“坚决的”;C选项sticky“难办的,棘手的”;D选项chronic“长期的,难以治愈(或根除)的”。句意:事实证明,

2、城市高速公路并不能解决英国_的交通拥堵问题事实上,有的人说,城市高速公路让情况更糟了。横线处修饰traffic congestion“交通拥堵问题”,交通拥堵问题不是短时间形成和解决的,没有提到会带来很严重的后果,需要立刻解决,不至于棘手,D选项chronic“长期的,难以治愈(或根除)的”符合题意。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题Originally designed as work clothes for miners, jeans are now worm by all segments of society, their appeal _ by their comfort and affo


4、. 翻译题 The educated man is presumed to know what is wrong in the world, and what should be done to rectify it. If his education has amounted to anything, it should have increased his ability to think clearly and scientifically, and thus to know how to get at the cause and effect of political, social,

5、 economic industrial evils. No man has right to consider education as merely a personal benefit enabling him to be more prosperous and happy in the world. He must look upon it as imposing upon him a responsibility to increase the welfare of others. Too many regard it as their own possession, and do

6、not realize that it is something to be shared with others, and to be used for good of society at large.【答案】受过教育的人被认定能辨别是非, 并能正确改正。如果他受的教育已经达到了一定程度, 便能提高其进行清晰和科学思维的能力, 从而了解政治、社会、经济工业犯罪所产生的原因和所造成的影响。没有任何人有资格只把教师当作自己的个人利益, 利用教育使自 己在这世界上变得更加富有和幸福。他必须把它看作为强加于他身上的以増加他人福利的职责。太多人把教育作为自己独有的财富, 从未认识到应该与他人一起分享

7、, 将其最大限 度地用在社会公益事业上。4. 单选题Heavy fog had created an optical( )that made the opposite shore seem closer than it was.问题1选项A.featureB.propertyC.illusionD.phenomenon【答案】C【解析】feature特征;property性能,财产;illusion幻觉,错觉;phenomenon现象。 根据句意可知,这里指大雾让人们产生了视觉上的幻觉。选项C符合语境。5. 单选题He had read a patent liver-circular, in

8、which were detailed the various( )by which a man could tell his liver was out of order.问题1选项A.signalsB.systemC.symptomsD.symbols【答案】C【解析】句意:他读过一个专门的肝脏循环图, 里面详细地描述了各种症状, 人们通过这些症状可以知道他的肝脏是否出了问题。选项C符合句意。6. 单选题In North America, the first canoes were constructed from logs and( )by means of wooden paddles

9、.问题1选项A.dockedB.propelledC.chokedD.perceived【答案】B【解析】dock使靠码头;propel推进, 驱使;choke阻塞, 抑制;perceive觉察, 感知。句意:在北美, 最早的独木舟是用原木建造的, 并由木桨推动前行。选项B符合语境。7. 单选题In studying social groups, sociologists often gain ( ) through the use of such devices as questionnaires.问题1选项A.assessB.credibilityC.understandingD.insi

10、ght【答案】A【解析】gain access (to)为固定搭配, 意为“接近, 获得权限, 得到(信息, 资源等)”, 这里省略了介词to。选项A正确。8. 单选题If you stand on top of a cliff booking down a deep valley, youll feel( ).问题1选项A.uncomfortableB.dizzyC.sickD.feeble【答案】B【解析】uncomfortable不舒服的;dizzy头晕目眩的;sick恶心的;feeble虚弱的。句意:如果你站在悬崖顶端往下看深谷,你会感到头晕目眩。选项B更符合语境。9. 单选题He i

11、s planning to go to Tehran to _ peace moves through the Islamic Conference Organization.问题1选项A.publishB.surveyC.initiateD.hoist【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项publish“出版,发布”;B选项survey“审察;测量”;C选项initiate“使开始,发起;使初步了解”;D选项hoist“吊起,拉高”。句意:他计划前往德黑兰通过伊斯兰会议组织_和平运动。这里横线处搭配peace moves“和平运动”,只有C选项initiate“使开始,发起”符合题意。因此C

12、选项正确。10. 单选题My aunt( )a brightly-colored thread round her finger so as not to forget her appointment.问题1选项A.woundB.curvedC.spunD.bent【答案】A【解析】wind缠绕;curve使弯曲;spin旋转;bend弯曲。句意:阿姨在手指上绕了一根颜色鲜艳的线, 这样就不会忘记她的约定了。选项A符合语境。11. 单选题The overwhelming majority of peasant communications were oral in nature in a so

13、ciety that was still largely _.问题1选项A.explicitB.contradictoryC.illiterateD.momentous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项explicit“(说话)清晰的,明确的”;B选项contradictory“相互矛盾的”;C选项illiterate“文盲的,不识字的”;D选项momentous“关键的,重要的”。句意:绝大多数的农民交流都是口头的,当时的社会很大程度上是_。在当时那个社会,大多数农民用口头交流,而不用文字,C选项illiterate“文盲的,不识字的”符合题意。因此C选项正确。12. 单选题Back

14、in 1992, Thomas Edison predicted that “the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and . in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.” Well, we all make mistakes. But at least Edison did not squander vast quantities of public money on ins

15、talling cinema screens in schools around the country.With computers, the story has been different. Many governments have packed them into schools, convinced that their presence would improve the pace and efficiency of learning. Large numbers of studies, some more academically respectable than others, have purported to


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