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1、t feDl well.I. This pers on can help you if you don2. You have to look in the mirror to see this part of your body. F3f you have long hair, you n eed to use this every day. B4f you eat this fruit once a day you will stay healthy. A5. People use this to wash themselves. S6. People are take n to hospi

2、tal in this whe n they are ill. A7. You can watch programme on this. T8. This is a comfortable seat for two or more people. S9f you want to know the time, you need to look at this. W10. This usually has gree n leaves and you can grow it in side a house. P11. People turn this on whe n it is dark. L12

3、f you have a drink or snack, you can put it down on this. T13.Stude nts are taught in the classrooms here.C14.If you have a special card, you can take books home from here.L15. You can order a meal in this place. R16. This is a large building and things like cars are made here. F17. You can look at

4、in terest ing old thi ngs in this buildi ng. M18. This store sells everything you need for cooking and cleaning. S19. These fall from trees in the autu mn whe n the weather gets colder.L20. This grows on the ground and horses and sheep eat it.G21. You usually see lots of tall trees in this place. F2

5、2. You need to stand on a hill on a windy day to fly this. K23. People come here to go fishi ng.R24. This is very high and it can take a long time to walk to the top. M25. When your friends go on holiday, they send you this. P26f you don understand a word, you can look in this. D27. You can buy this

6、 every week and read about many in terest ing subjects in it. M_28f you write about your daily life in this, you may not want anyone to read it. D_29. You write this for your mother whe n you an swer the pho ne for her. M30. People buy this every mor ning to read about what has happe ned in the worl

7、d.N_31f you do not wear a coat outside in the snow, you feel like this. C32.People feel like this whe n they get good n ews. H33f you have worked hard all day, you feel like this. T34.Whe n you have fini shed play ing football, you want a shower because you feellike this. D35f people go without a me

8、al all day, they beg in to feel like this. H36. You feel like this if it is hot or there is no thi ng to drink.T37. You will n eed to buy this to travel on a bus or an airpla ne. T38. You may n eed to show this whe n you travel to a foreig n coun try. P39. The pictures you take with this will help y

9、ou remember your holiday. C40. You can sit on this on the beach or use it to dry yourself. T41. Make sure this is big eno ugh to hold all your clothes for your holiday. S42t good to read this on the beach or in an aeropla ne. M43.You need this to cut up meat. K44.Soup is usually put in this. B45.A c

10、arrot or an onion is an example of this. V46f you eat in a restaura nt, this pers on brings your food to you. W47. You can drink the juice of this yellow fruit, but it isn sweet. L48. To make chips, you cut up potatoes, put them in oil and do this. F49f you enjoy tak ing pictures, youll n eed one of

11、 these. C50f you enjoy camp ing, youll n eed this to sleep in. T51.People learn to play music on this. G52f you like read ing stories about pop stars, you may n eed to buy these every week. M53.People who like walk ing in the forest n eed these to keep their feet dry. B54f you enjoy watch ing films

12、at home, you may n eed to rent this. V55. You may write your appo in tme nts in this. D56. This place has many books for you to read, but you cannot keep them. L57. You read this to find out what is happening in the world. N58. You may n eed to write this if you an swer the phone for ano ther pers o

13、n. M59. The teacher writes on this and every one in the class can see it. B60f you go on holiday, you may write this and send it to a friend. P61. This is where a compa ny makes the thi ngs that it sells. F62. People can study differe nt things here. C63. You can look at very old things here. M64. Y

14、ou may need to buy a ticket before you go on the platform here. S65n this place, a waiter will bring you your meal. R66. You can go here to watch a big match. S67. You go to see this pers on if you are ill. D68. This pers on lives in the coun tryside where he grows food and keeps an imals. F_69f you

15、 have a problem with your car, this pers on can repair it. M70. This pers on writes for a n ewspaper. J71. You speak to this pers on whe n you ask for a meal in a restaurant.W72. This person uses a camera in his work. P73f you go on a camp ing holiday, you may sleep in this. T74. This is where you lie in the sun and go swimmi ng. B75. You can pack all your holiday clothes in this. S76. Without this you cannot go to some coun tries.P77. This is what you use to dry yourself after you go swimming. T78. You need to put a stamp on this to



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