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1、2022-2023年考博英语-四川大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题His_ in gambling has eventually brought about his ruin.问题1选项A.indulgenceB.habitC.actionD.engagement【答案】A【解析】indulgence嗜好,放纵,沉溺;habit习惯,嗜好;action行动,活动;engagement婚约,诺言。句意:沉溺于赌博最终导致了他的毁灭。indulgence in sth.指放纵, 任性(的习惯),选项A符合句意。2. 写作题Directions: Write a composition in

2、 the title “On Aging Society” based on the following given outline. Your composition should be about 150 English words. Please write your composition on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】There is a classic question in China which may seem bizarre in the eyes of foreigners: should we help the old people who fell

3、down on the street? The topic is controversial because it happened that people who helped the old people got themselves in trouble. I believe we should always offer assistance to senior people who fell down, because if we dont, citizenship will never prevail.This dilemma shows the lack of trust amon

4、g us and it has been translated into the indifference to others, considering that we have entered into a “society of strangers”. And the situation has been worsened by the unpleasant cases that have happened. But if we want to see changes, we need to do the right thing, and if we all choose to do so

5、, there will be no room for deception and blackmail. In that case, justice will gain the upper hand.It is more important for the government and public media to form an agreeable environment that encourages people to do the right thing. On the one hand, The government should use its hard power to est

6、ablish laws to protect people who offer help and punish those taking advantage of peoples kindness. On the other hand, public media should make full use of its soft power to raise peoples awareness of citizenship. It has to tell people what is right and what is wrong, and should not hype the bad exa

7、mples in which kindhearted people get extorted.3. 单选题Do governments really assign and enforce property rights? Despite the fact that Registries of Deeds now record land ownership of every square inch of North American territory, it is obvious: hat these rights have not always existed. 1In 1785, the

8、U.S. Congress was busily assigning unclaimed land to the construction of public schools in the Northwest Territory; later to the construction of railroads in the West. Today, most land is claimed, but national governments and international agencies alike are busily creating new rights in other types

9、 of scarce resources such as the electromagnetic spectrum or the geostationary arc.2The electromagnetic spectrum, popularly called the airwaves, is an immense range of frequencies (radio waves, microwaves, visible light, X-rays, gamma rays, and more) that are converted by many for voice communicatio

10、n, navigation, data transmission, and the like. Almost all currently available frequencies are being used by someone, and the unchecked arrival of new users would lead to serious overcrowding and bad reception for all. But new arrivals keep coming and thus create an airwaves gridlock. These would-be

11、 users include the obvious: AM and FM radio stations as well as VHF and UHF television companies. They include people engaged in airplane, boat, car, and railroad communications, and others building cellular phone companies and satellite navigation systems. 3They also include energy companies wantin

12、g to relay safety information from remote pipeline monitors, makers of high-definition television, and scientists with radio telescopes waiting for messages from extraterrestrials. Most of all, they include the users of millions of gadgets, such as baby monitors, cordless phones, garage door openers

13、, pagers, TV remote controls, and ultrasonic denture cleaners. The jammed airwaves problem came.to a head in 1990 when UPS, the largest private package carrier in the United States, decided to outfit its 55,000 trucks with radio receivers and transmitters so customers could be given up-to-the-second

14、 information about deliveries. The Federal Communications Commission allocated a frequency to UPS that had been used by ham radio operators, which caused many problems. The 170,000 member American Radio Relay League picketed federal buildings in major cities across the land. It deluged the FCC, the

15、Congress, and the White House with angry letters, and it challenged the FCC action in court. Two congressmen quickly introduced the Emerging Telecommunications Technology Act. It would take 200 megahertz of spectrum from the military (in light of the end of the Cold War) and distribute this peace di

16、vidend to civilian users. President Bush, in turn, chided the FCC for practically giving away scarce frequencies and included in the 1991 budget $ 3 billion of revenue from selling a portion of the airwaves to would-be owners. 4While the FCC had been charging favored recipients nominal annual license fees, the average sales price of AM and FM radio stations in the 1980s came to $ 1.24 million


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