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1、They have seen the Pyramids课题Module 2 ExperiencesUnit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.课型阅读课课时2学习目标1、 掌握本单元单词。2、 学会用现在完成时描述自己的一次经历。 重点词汇:move, send, ancient, way, mix, miss短语:countdown,sofar,inmanyways,havebeento,findithardtodosth. 句型:I have seen/ travelled/ visited.难点现在完成时的基本用法学法指导1. 根据发音规则自主拼读单词,运用“记

2、忆卡片”加强单词记忆。2.快速阅读法浏览短文内容并回答课后问题。预习案 一、预习课本Activity2,把里面重要的句型画出来并自己翻译成中文,以便上课时能更好地理解。并完成课本页的问题。二、写出下面动词的过去分词。send_ be_ see_begin_ learn_ ask_三、中英文互译1.此刻_ 2.例如_ 3.与不同_ 4. so far _ 5. count down _ 6. by train _ 7. 全世界_ 8. 过得愉快_ 9. have been to _ 10. find it hard to spell_探究案一、学习课本Activity2,用笔划出重点单词或词组。

3、二、阅读短文,完成下列的连线任务Para 1 Robinsons trip to EgyptPara 2 The reason why Robinsons moving againPara 3 Learning the language of the countryPara 4 The reason why Peter in GermanyPara 5 Where is Mike and Clare now?三、句子分析与运用 1.one of the biggest and busiest cities in Africa.One of 意为_用法:one of +_+_, 谓语动词常用_2

4、. Theyhavebeentomanyinterestingplaces.辨析have/ has been to与have/has gone tohave/ has been tohave/has gone to3. Forexample,inEgypt,theyhaveseenthePyramids.(1)forexample意为_(2)辨析forexample与suchas检测案用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. In _, people speak _(Germany).2. So far we _(learn) 100 words.3. I learned _(dance) at the

5、 age of 8.4. I found it hard _(learn) English.5. Have you_(eat) your lunch?No,I_(have)6So far,they_(learn) more than 400 words.7My mother often asks me_(finish) my homework before 8:30 pm every day.8His new bike is different from_(I)9They began_(watch) TV at 8:00.用have/has been to和have/has gone to填空1. -Where is Lucy? -She _ Paris.2. I _Beijing twice. It is a good place.3. My father is not in. He _ Nanning.4. We _ to shop and bought a lot of things there. 课后反思


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