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1、2019-2020 年新北师大版高一英语课时作业:必修 1+Unit+2+Section+ IV + Language+Points(n)# / 18Section VLanguage Points(n )(Lesson 2& Lesson 3)语言基础自测匚高频词匸必会|I 单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1. His speech made a strong impression on the audien观众).2. These people lack all understanding of scientific principles原贝U).3. Its a relief(

2、缓解)to get out of the office once in a while.4. The society was looking for a capable能力强的research worker.5. In a stra nge way his affair caused our relati on ship to strengthens 固).6. You should work hard, but dont overdo it and make yourself ill.7. Hes realistic eno ugh to know hes not going to succ

3、eed overnight.8. This put them in a very awkward position.9. This article gives a few key tips.10. This reminds me of Christmas parties.n .拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1. announcevt.宣布,宣告 announcementn .通告,公告2. disappo int vt.使失望disappo in tedadj.感至 U失望的 disappo in ti ng adj.令人 失望的disappo in tme nt n. 失望;扫兴;

4、沮丧3. strong adj.强大的,强壮的,强有力的 strength n.力气,力量;强项strengthenvi.& vt.(使)强健4. benefitn. 好处,益处 vi.有益于,得益于 beneficial adj.有益的5. equip vt.装备equipmentn. 设备,装备6. achievevt.完成,达至U,实现 achievableadj.可获得成功的 achievementn.成就;功绩7.satisfy vt.使满意,使满足fsatisfied adj.满意的,满足的f satisfying令人满意的f satisfaction n.满足,满意川.补全短语根

5、据提示补全下列短语1.in case以防万一2.sig n up报名3.warm up做热身运动、准备活动4.ought to应该,应当5.cheer_up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来6.be fed up with厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的7.in particular尤其,特别8.be capable_of有能力做9.keep _up继续;保持10.make sure确保V .选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1. We suggested that his project be discussed in particular.2. I am fed up with this kind

6、 of weather.3. Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over.4. He is capable of running a mile in four minutes.5. You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes.6. In case she comes bac, let me know immediately.寻规律、巧记忆n ./adj. + -enf v.v. + upf复合短语shorte n使缩短give up放弃darken使黑,变黑go up增长deepen加深,使变深set u

7、p建立口经典句式必背背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.My friend suggested I should try Ion g-dista nee running.我朋友建议我应该试一下长 跑。should do 虚拟语气Sal suggested that we should go for a swim.萨尔建议我们去游泳。2.it is important to warm up and cool dow n properly before and after running, .跑步前或跑步后适当热 身或降温非常重要,it作形式主语As a college student, it is

8、 importa nt to master a foreig n Ian guage.作为一名大学生,掌握一门 外语是非常重要的。3.Sca nning a text means reading it as quickly as possible to find specific in formatio n.浏览一篇课文意味着尽可能 快的读文章找到特定信息。as.as possibleYou should come here _as early as possible.你应该尽早一点回来。4.There will be times whe n you will want to give up.

9、会有你要放弃的时候。when引导定语从句There comes a time when you have to make a choice.你必须做出抉择的时候到 了。5.1 ts never too late to start gett ing into running and exercis in g.开始跑步和锻炼永远不会太迟n ever too.to.I am n ever too busy to help a n eighbor.我决不会因为太忙不帮邻居的忙。核沁要点IS驿匚j全析重点逝匚戶El cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来(教材P36)to cheeroneup

10、使某人高兴起来(1)cheer sb.on以喝彩声鼓励;为某人加油(2)cheeri ng adj.令某人高兴的cheerful adj.快乐的,咼兴的cheerfully adv.欢快地;愉悦地 A thousa nd supporters packed into the stadium toheer them on1 000名支持者挤进体育馆里为他们加油。 Accompanied by cheeful(cheer)music we began to dance.我们伴随着欢乐的乐曲跳起舞来。 Debbie greeted her cheerfully(cheer) and they got

11、 dow n to bus in ess.黛比愉快的跟她打了个招呼,便开始谈正事了be fed up with厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的(教材 P36)lm a bit fed up with getting sick all the time.我一直有点厌烦生病。fed up不愉快的;厌烦的feed. on/with.用口田主 喂养feed on.以为主食;以当饲料feed up.给吃营养食物;养肥;使吃饱feed.to.把喂给 After work ing in the bus in ess world for a while, Low got fed up.在生意界工作了一段时间后,L

12、ow厌烦了。 Bats fly at ni ght and feed on in sects and fruit.蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫和水果为食物。 rm really fed up with this constant rain.我真的对这连绵不断的雨烦透了。benefit n.好处,益处(教材 P37)As people often say any exercise is better than nonebut long-distaneerunning in particular,has a lot of benefits正如人们常说的,任何运动都比没有运动好,但长跑尤其有好处(1)be

13、 of benefit(to).(对)有益的for the ben efit of.为了的利益(2)be nefit vi.有益于;受益于ben efit from.从中受益(3)be neficial adj.有益的be ben eficial(to.)(对)有益的Without specific information , its hard to estimate the costs and benefitsofmaking differe nt choices.没有特定的信息,很难评估做出不同决定的代价或好处。 We ben efited greatly from this frank

14、talk.这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。 Sunshine is beneficial(be nefit)to health.阳光对健康有益。语境助记I suggestyou give up smok ing for the ben efit ofyour health .1 believe that giving up smok in g will be of benefit/be beneficial toou and it will also benefit your family a lot.In other words,your family will ben efit fromyour stoppi ngsmoki ng.Especially heavy smokerswill find the experienceeven more beneficial tothem.equipment n. 设备,装备(教材 P37)lt is a great sport for beginners you do not need a gym membership or any special equipment对于初学者来说,这是一项伟大的运动,你不需要健身房会员或任何特殊设备equip vt.装备,配备equip sb./sth.t



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