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1、产 品 规 格 书SPECIFICATION 客户名称:CUSTOMER: 机种名称:DESCRIPTION:车载DVDCAR DVD机种型号:MODEL:DV-7610发行日期:ISSUE DATE:2008.12.01 客 户 承 认CUSTOMER APPROVED批准Approved营业确认Checked by Sales Dept.技术确认Checked byTechnical Dept.制作Prepared程伟涛WTCheng一:范围Scope1. 本产品规格书适用于华阳通用公司车用DVD系统,产品型号:DV-7610;产品代号:7600 This specification is

2、 only suitable for FORYOU Car-DVD system (Model: DV-7610, Product Code: 7600 ).2.本产品规格书规定了DV-7610车用DVD系统的技术要求、试验方法、标志、标签、包装、运输及存储要求。本规格书适用于设计定型与出货检验,在生产检验,定型检验和质量一致性检验时,作为质量鉴定检验的依据。The specification prescribes product performance, technical parameters, testing method, and the items for label, packag

3、e, storage and transportation. It can be used as the referenced standard for Quality Verification including Production Verification, Case-hardened Verification and Quality Conformity Verification.3.下列标准包含的条文,通过在本产品规格书中引用而构成为本产品规格书中的条文。The entire referenced standard listed below will become a part of

4、 the DV-76 specification. 本规格书的引用标准 Referenced standard: 3.1 GB-13837-1997声音和电视广播接收机及有关设备无线电干扰特性限值和测量方法Limits and methods of measurement of interfere characteristics of audio and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment3.2 GB/T9384-1997广播收音机、广播电视接收机、磁带录音机、声频功率放大器(收音机)的环境实验要求和试验方法Requi

5、rements and methods of Environmental test for Broadcasting receiver, TV receiver, Cassette Recorder and Audio Amplifier3.3 GB4013-1995数字音响技术术语Technology terms of Digital Audio system3.4 GB/T14860激光唱机通用技术条件General Technology conditions of Video Compact Disc player3.5 IEC908-1987CD数字音频系统CD Digital Aud

6、io System3.6 EIAJ CP-307CD唱机测量方法CD Player Test Methods3.7 EIAJ CP-308CD唱机用测试唱片CD Player Test Disc3.8 GB/T14277音频组合设备通用技术条件General Technology conditions of Audio Associated Equipment3.9 GB9374-88声音广播接收机基本参数Basic parameter of Audio broadcasting receiver3.10 GB2846-88调幅广播收音机测量方法AM Tuner receivers test

7、methods3.11 GB6163-85调频广播接收机测量方法FM Tuner receivers test methods3.12 GB9883-88广播接收机及有关设备的传导抗扰度特性测量方法Limits and methods of measurement of immunity characteristics of sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment3.13 Publication315 收音接收机设备的测试方法Tuner receivers equipments test methods

8、3.14 SJ/T10730-1997VCD视盘机通用技术规范General specification for Video Compact Disc player3.15DVD视盘机通用技术规范General specification for Digital Video Disc player3.16GB/T xxxx-xxxx液晶显示器测量方法Measurement method for TFT display equipment3.17GB xxxx-xxxx液晶数字电视广播接收机通用技术规范General specification for TFT-LCD digital TV re

9、ceiver二:基本功能描述Basic function description1、 DVD功能 DVD function1.1 支持碟片格式 Support DISC type 12cm DVD-Video (DVD-5/9/10/18), DVDR/RW, DVD-ROM ,CD-R/RW, CD-DA, VCD, SVCD, Photo CD, MP3/JPEG/MPEG三合一碟1.2 支持媒体格式 Support media typeMPEG I/II/IV, MP3, WMA, JPEG, DivX 、XviD1.3 选择字幕语言;选择菜单语言;选择音频语言 Subtitle Lan

10、guage;Menu language;Audio language1.4 快进、快退;慢进,慢退模式;重复播放;扫描播放;随机播放;选择时间播放;图象缩放, 多角度选择,编程,步进和重复播放功能. Fast Forward, Fast Rewind, Slow Forward, Slow Rewind, Repeat Playback, Scanning Playback, Random Playback, Specific Time Playback, Zoom Image, Multi-Angle Supported, Programmable Playback, Step Forwar

11、d Playback.1.5断点自动记忆功能 Last Memory 1.6 章节转换静音 Mute between Chapters Changing1.7密码设置 Password setting1.8 音频解码方式:192/96/48/44.1.f.s 24-bit 6Ch DAC Audio decode mode: 192/96/48/44.1.f.s 24-bit 6Ch DAC1.9 OSD功能:普通OSD1.10 TV Guardian 功能(预留) TV Guardian function(option)1.11 动作时间Action time7.18.1 LoadStart

12、 Play:157.18.2 StopStart Play:107.18.3 Short Access(Tr1Tr2):27.18.4 Long Access(First TrLast Tr):57.18.5 PlayEjected:52、 AM/FM 功能(全制式) AM/FM function (ALL)2.1手动动及自动搜索电台 Manual Search Station & Auto Search Station2.2手动及自动存储电台 Manual Store Station & Auto Store Station2.3 扫描存储电台 Scan and store2.4 30个电台

13、预置:5BAND*6;FM:3 BAND;2 BAND 30 Preset Stations :3 FM Bands & 2 AM Bands, 6 stations per band 2.5调入预设电台 Loaded Preset Stations3、3G无线接入功能(可选) 3G Wireless Access Function (Optional)3.1 多模接入 HSUPA/HSDPA/UMTS/EDGE/GPRS Multimode Access HSUPA/HSDPA/UMTS/EDGE/GPRS3.2 支持频段 Frequency Support:HSPA/UMTS 850/19

14、00/2100 MHz EDGE/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 MHz3.3 速率 Velocity HSUPA uplink up to 2.0 MbpsHSDPA downlink up to 7.2 MbpsWCDMA (UMTS) uplink data rate up to 384 kbpsEDGE data up to 237 Kbps DL and 118Kbps ULGPRS data up to 85.6 Kbps DL and 42.8 Kbps UL4、 TFT 显示 TFT display4.1 电动翻转结构,左右手动可调 Motorlized flip up/down structure, also can be adjusted left/right by hand.4.2 屏幕显示分辨率 800(RGB)480 TFT resolution : 800(RGB)4804.3 视频信号制式自动识别 (NTSC / PAL / SECAM) Auto identified for video signals type (NTSC / PAL / SECAM)4.4 屏幕显示效果调节 (亮度 / 对比度/ 色饱



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