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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页克林顿在总统图书馆发表致谢演讲President Clintons Remarks at Library Dedication11月18日,美国第12个总统图书馆克林顿图书馆正式向公众开放,克林顿政府要员、前总统老布什和现任总统小布什、演艺明星等人前往捧场,出席总人数估计达到了3万人。 该图书馆名为威廉杰斐逊克林顿总统中心,座落在美国前总统克林顿的家乡美国中南部阿肯色州的小石城。 按照美国政府的传统,军乐团奏起向总统致敬,克林顿在老布什、小布什和前总统卡特的陪同下走上台。早些时候他们的夫人已经上台。由于下着大雨,每

2、人都撑着一把伞。November 18, 2004PRESIDENT Clinton: (Applause) Well, ladies and gentlemen, if my beloved mother were here, she would remind me that rain is liquid sunshine and that I shouldnt complain about this because the ground probably needs it and somebody is benefiting from it. Mr. President and Mrs.

3、Bush, President and Mrs. Carter, President and Mrs. Bush, members of the Eisenhower, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy and Carter families; to the vast number of members of Congress and former members of Congress here - I dont know where they are because youre all in ponchos - (cheers) - but there they are; t

4、heres a huge group from Congress, and the president sent four planes down and I thank him for that; to all the guests from other countries; and my fellow Americans - welcome to my rainy library dedication. (Laughter) Thank you Skip Rutherford and all those on my staff and the volunteers from Arkansa

5、s and across America who work so hard to make this event just perfect - ( he laughs) - and except for one thing, it is. I thank the previous speakers and those who have sung and entertained. Mr. President, I cant thank you enough for your generous words and for coming to the opening at all. I mean,

6、after all, you just delayed your own library opening by four years. (Laughter.) I congratulate you on your election, and I wish you Godspeed, especially in a new and more hopeful time for peace in the Middle East. I remember the first time I ever heard George W. Bush give a speech in Iowa, and I cal

7、led a friend of mine and I said: My God, that guy can beat us. He is a good politician. He has been very kind and generous to my family, and I thank him for that. Today were all red, white and blue. I thank former President Bush and Mrs. Bush for coming and for their service to our nation. President

8、 Bush, I loved all that stuff you said. But I want to thank you for something seriously. In 1989, after I had been governor for a long time, you were the president who finally called us together and asked us to develop national education goals for America so that all our children could get a good ed

9、ucation. It was the beginning of a serious reform effort, which I tried to carry through and which I know President Bush has tried to push. So thank you for doing that and for giving me the opportunity to work with you. Thank you President and Mrs. Carter for all you did in the White House and all y

10、ouve done in the years since to make the world more just and peaceful. John Quincy Adams once said, There is nothing in life so pathetic as a former president. Well, he turned out to be wrong because of his own service, and President Carter has proved that nothing could be further from the truth. (A

11、pplause) He just told you we met 30 years ago when he was trying to help me. He didnt tell you that, less than a year later and less than a mile from here, Jimmy Carter asked Hillary and me to join in his campaign for the presidency. We did, and as you can see from this day, it was the beginning of

12、quite a ride. I recently spoke with President Ford, who, at 91, is unable to come and - with his extraordinary wife, Betty. But they still are strong. Yesterday I received a wonderful letter from Nancy Reagan, who remains in our thoughts and prayers. I thank the Fords and Nancy and the late Presiden

13、t Reagan for their service to our country. I want to thank all the vast numbers of Congress and former members who are here who served with me. I couldnt have done most of the good things we did without em, and theyre not responsible for any of the mistakes I made. I cant see through all the umbrell

14、as and all the ponchos or whatever you call those plastic things that make you all look so beautiful - (laughter) - but Im pretty sure Senator Kerrys out there. And if he is, I want to thank him and Im glad hes back on the job. (Applause) I want to thank the people of my beloved home state for your

15、support, for your love, your friendship, the trust, the sacrifices you so willingly made when we worked together here and when you carried me to the White House. I thank the friends of a lifetime who also made indispensable contributions. Ive said a lot of times I may be the only guy that ever got e

16、lected president because of his personal friends. I thank my pastor, Rex Horne, and all the other ministers here who have taught me, prayed with me, and counseled me over the years. I thank God for my family and Hillarys family. A lot of them are here today, and I thank you for making this whole long trip. Like I said, I do wish my mother were here. She woul


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