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1、2022年成人高考-英语(专升本)考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Many governments are now taking _ to reduce smoking in public places.问题1选项A.stepsB.sidesC.effectD.change【答案】A【解析】2. 单选题Passage FiveClaude-Oscar Monet ( 1840 - 1926 ) was a French artist and a leading member of the Impressionist group of painters. Born in Pa

2、ris, Monet spent his childhood in Le Havre. There he met a local artist, Eugene Boudin. Who encouraged him to become a landscape painter.In 1859, Monet went to Paris to study at the Academie Suisse. Between 1860 and 1862, Monet served in the army in Algeria ( 阿尔及利亚 ). He returned to Paris where he m

3、et most of the major artists of the era.In 1870, Monet married Camille Doncieux. To escape the Franco-Prnssian war,they moved to London Back to France, they settled at Argenteuil, a boating centre on the Seine (塞纳河) which drew many other Impressionist painters. Working from nature was a particular s

4、ymbol of the Impressionist movement, and one that Monet valued, reflecting in his paintings the ever-changing impact of light and weather conditions.In 1872,he visited Le Havre where he painted An Impression,Sunrise. When exhibited in 1874, part of its title was used by a critic to label the whole m

5、ovement Impressionism.Monets wife died in 1879,and he set up home with Alice Hosched, the wife of one of his most important sponsors. During the 1880s, Monet traveled through France painting a variety of landscapes. He gradually became better known and for the last 30 years of his life he was regard

6、ed as the greatest of the Impressionists.From 1890 he began to paint a series (系列) of pictures of one subject, including Haystacks Rouen Cathedral and Waterlilies. The latter were painted in the fine garden Monet created at his house at Giverny, where he lived from 1883 on. He painted them over and

7、over again,most significantly in a series especially for a museum in Paris.Monet was introduced to art _.问题1选项A.by an artist in his childhoodB.by his father in Le HavreC.during his short stay in AlgeriaD.during his visit to Paris【答案】A【解析】3. 单选题Mary:We couldnt ask for a better day, could we?John:I kn

8、ow. _56_.I love this time of the year.Mary:This bus seems to be running late, doesnt it? _57_ ?John:Ive been here for at least ten minutes.Mary:Ah, here comes a bus!John:Oh good. Wait ! _58_ .That bus goes downtown.Mary:Well, it looks like we11 be waiting a little longer. _59_ , I guess.John:Oh, Im

9、afraid you have no time for that. Heres our bus.Mary:Oh great! I thought it would never come.John:_60_ !Mary:You too.56_问题1选项A.Where are you going todayB.Thats not our busC.Ill catch up on my reading to kill timeD.There isnt a cloud in the skyE.Did you catch the news todayF.How long have you been wa

10、itingG.Have a nice dayI.Dont forget your book【答案】D【解析】4. 单选题-How much did this set of furniture cost?-I forgot _问题1选项A.how much it costsB.how much did it costC.how much it costD.how much does it cost【答案】C【解析】5. 单选题You should learn through failures.Why dont you _ your plan or try a new approach?问题1选项

11、A.adjustB.repeatC.acceptD.Refuse【答案】A【解析】6. 单选题Which of the following is true according to the passage?问题1选项A.Impressionism was born in London.B.Monet was one of the sponsors of ImpressionC.Argenteuil was the birthplace of many impressionistsD.Impressionist paintings are mainly based on nature【答案】D【

12、解析】7. 单选题59_问题1选项A.Where are you going todayB.Thats not our busC.Ill catch up on my reading to kill timeD.There isnt a cloud in the skyE.Did you catch the news todayF.How long have you been waitingG.Have a nice dayI.Dont forget your book【答案】C【解析】8. 单选题22_问题1选项A.AtB.BeforeC.AfterD.Since【答案】C【解析】9. 单选

13、题_问题1选项A.boomB.gooseC.floodD.Gloom【答案】C【解析】10. 单选题28_问题1选项A.amountB.purityC.natureD.quality【答案】D【解析】11. 单选题Lets go to the airport a little earlier _ we can choose better seats.问题1选项A.by thatB.so thatC.for thatD.now that【答案】B【解析】12. 单选题What is the most attractive feature of Solex Cover-up?问题1选项A.It h

14、elps one get a more beautiful tan.B.It is often on sale in supermarkets.C.It blocks out more suns rays than other oils.D.It helps one tan gradually and gently.【答案】D【解析】13. 单选题What did the author realize after the surgery?问题1选项A.His wife was a talkative woman.B.His house was full of pleasant talks.C.His son didnt like talking.D.His dog liked pleasant birdsongs.【答案】B【解析】14. 单选题To make the fish_


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