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1、学校:惠东县平山飞鹅中学设计教师:课题名称:Module2 Unit1 I can speak English教学年级:初一教材版本:外研版授课时间:45分钟一、学生分析1、本班学生年龄在13岁左右,都是来自乡镇,特点是情感外露、好动、好奇心强,接受新鲜事物能力较强,对英语有较大兴趣,但胆量不够大,学习缺乏目标性和积极思考能力。2、他们小学接触过英语,学习了大约200个词汇和基本日常用语及简单对话,基本能听懂一些简单的课堂用语;通过第一模块的学习学生对班里同学的基本情况已基本了解,而且在预备级教材学习中已接触过can情态动词和一些表活动的动词短语,为本课学习打下了一定的基础。3、一直提倡学生主


3、入了访问同学,进行复述、介绍,达到知识拓展和迁移的目的。本课内容较多,要在一节课完成所有的内容难度较大,因此我把Activity5放在下一课时。三、教学目标根据英语课程标准,结合学生实际和本课的课型,教学目标的核心任务是能听懂并表达、谈论所能做/不能做的活动的对话和文章,学习相关词汇,具体目标设定为下面几个方面:1、语言知识、技能目的:a、掌握词汇:parent, can, basketball, piano, table tennis, tennis, ride, horse, welcome, international.b、能听懂并表达谈论所擅长的体育项目的简单对话或文章,在同学之间进行

4、真实的互相介绍。c、运用can 表示能力的肯定、否定与疑问形式。2、情感态度目标:a、提高学习英语兴趣,树立信心,培养其积极主动参与各种语言实践活动的学习态度。b、培养合作精神,乐于与他人分享学习经验。c、培养热爱体育活动的精神。3、学习策略目标:a、培养话题和词汇的语言域意识,形成话题联想的习惯。b、掌握询问和澄清策略。c、创造浓厚的学习氛围,采取形式多样的学习方法引导学生参与实践,进行真实的交际。 四、教学策略本节课型为Listening and speaking,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生


6、同时在使用的过程中发展语言的能力。4、通过访问,交流信息,强化运用所学知识,并为课后的写作训练任务打好铺垫,搜集材料和信息。五、教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动目的Step1 Lead-in1. Organization2. Ask the Ss describe a sportsman that theyve known or they like.1. Sing a song.2. Describe a sportsman that theyve known or they like.1、激发学生的学习兴趣,使课堂充满轻松、愉快的气氛。2、既复习了上一个模块有关介绍的知识,又能调动学生的

7、学习情绪,而且能够自然引入新课。Step2 Pre-task1. Show photos of different kinds of sports on the screen, have a student do the actions like the photos and organize four students to try to guess what the student do.2. Have the students match the new words or phases with the pictures on the side, and learn the new wo

8、rds.3.Organization.1. A student do the actions like the photos, four students (stand in front of the screen and mustnt look back) try to guess what the student do(Just say out the phrases, e.g. ride a horse).2. Match the new words or phases with the pictures on the side, and learn the new words.3. O

9、ne student come to the blackboard and put the pictures in two categories(what he/she can do and what he/she cant do). Then tell what he/she can do and what he /she cant do.e.g. I can ride a bike . But I cant ride a horse. etc1/2、让学生在情景中学习词汇,增加动感和乐趣,集中学生注意力。3、在学生熟悉短语的基础上,培养学生的英语表达和自主探究的能力。Step3 While

10、-Task1. Play the tape. Then organize Ss to check the answers.2. Play the tape. Then organize Ss to check the answers in pairs.3. Organization.4. Organization.1. Listen and tick the pictures what Lingling can do in activity 1 . Then Ss check the answers with their partners.2. Read through the questio

11、ns in the box in activity 4. Then listen to the tape and choose yes “” or no “” to the sentences. Then check in pairs.3. Practice reading and acting out the dialogue in avtivity 3 in small groups. Then have two groups act it out.4. work in groups of four, introducing their friends, themselves like a

12、ctivity3. Then two groups act out their dialogues in the front. The other Ss listen and fill in the form.1、建立音与意的联系。2、训练学生从听力材料中获取有关个人信息的技能。3、理解、熟悉对话。4、培养学生运用所学知识的能力和整理、记录信息的能力。NameAgeFromActivityCan doCant doBasketballFootballTennisTable tennisRide a bike Ride a houseSingSwimSpeak ChineseSpeak Engl

13、ishPlay the piano1231235. Organize the Ss to make a report.5. Look at the above form and make a report like this: is years old .He /she is from .He/She can .He/She cant 5、把学到的语言知识及形成的能力运用到语言实践中去,即在听、读“输入”的基础上,激发学生的“说”。而且通过这些活动,培养学生的合作精神。Step 4Post-Task1. Organization.1.Interview anyone they like . I

14、nterview what they can do and cant do, and fill in the form. They are allowed to walk around in the classroom.1、用本课所学的知识,在学生之间进行采访、交流。2、对信息进行整理、汇报,这样既巩固了本课的重点句型,又培养了综合运用能力和自主探究能力。ActivitiesCan CantBasketballFootballTennisTable tennisRide a bike Ride a houseSingSwimSpeak ChineseSpeak English2. Organize the Ss to make a report.2. Get into groups . Make


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