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1、2010年12月英语四六级考试词汇笔记:第4讲1500字 大家普遍感觉比较困难的问题就是背单词.单词背的好坏直接决定着考试成绩的高低.为了帮助考生有效记忆单词,毕业整理了以下词汇笔记资料,供考生复习。 51. He must have had an accident, or he _A_ then. / A would have been here B had to be here C should be here D would be here / must have + 过去分词 表示对过去行为的肯定推测;与过去事态相反用:情态动词 + have + 过去分词 来体现虚拟语气;must 一

2、定,必须; neednt, dont have to 不必; 作文 /53. You _A_ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.A neednt have done B must not have doneC shouldnt have done D can not have done 毕业 should have + 过去分词 本应该,本应当; shouldnt have done本不应该,本不应当; /44. It was very kind of you to do the washin

3、g-up, but you _D_ it. 作文 /A mustnt have done B wouldnt have done 作文 /C mightnt have done D didnt have to do 52. It was essential that the applications forms _C_ back before the deadline.A must be sent B would be sent C be sent D were sent /It be essential that 后面一定用虚拟语气,且句子谓语动词固定为(should) + 动词原型; 毕业

4、It was essential that the applications forms send back before the deadline.53. We _D_ our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A just have had B have just had C just had D had just had when 还可以表示刚.就 (有动作先后关系)、恰在此时;44. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _D_ I heard voic

5、es.A as B while C after D when /45. I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, _C_ something occurred which attracted my attention.A unless B until C when D while 毕业64. It was essential that these application forms _D_ back as early as possible.A must be sent B will be sent C are sent D be sent


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