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1、Unit 2 Chinese Food and Tea Culture Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale. Elsa SchiaparelliText A Chinese Dietary Culture Dietary culture is an impo

2、rtant part of traditional Chinese culture. It has rich connotations including the resources of food, cooking skill, food production, dietotherapy, public dietary ways and customs, and dietary art.Throughout the long history of China, cuisine has played an important role and is now considered an inte

3、gral part of, traditional Chinese culture. Generally speaking, there are three essential factors by which Chinese cooking is judged, namely, “color, aroma and taste”. “Color” refers to the layout and design of the dishes. “Aroma” implies not only the smell of the dish, but also the freshness of the

4、materials and the blending of seasonings. “Taste” involves proper seasoning and fine slicing techniques. These three essential factors are achieved by careful coordination of a series of delicate activities: selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing and cooking, adjustment of the heat, and layin

5、g out the food on the plate. A gourmet can find out slight differences in the tastes. People living in different regions display great variety in their diets. People in coastal areas eat more seafood and aquatic products, whereas those in central and northwest China eat more domestic animals and pou

6、ltry. Foods vary from north to south. Tastes also differ regionally because of the climatic differences. One popular summary of Chinese food is“sweet in the south, salty in the north, sour in the west, and spicy in the east.” People in different regions have created their own cuisines to suit their

7、tastes. There are four major cooking styles in China: Sichuan, Canton, Shandong and Huaiyang, each distinctly different. There are called the “Grand Four Categories of Chinese Cuisine”. Another way of categorization has divided Chinese cuisines into eight main schools: Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuis

8、ine, Guangdong (also Cantonese) cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Jiangsu (also called Huaiyang) cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Hunan cuisine and Anhui cuisine. Ingredients in Cantonese food range from fish, shrimp and poultry to snake, wild cat and giant salamander. Dim Sum, or Yum Cha, as it is commonly referr

9、ed to in English, is something like a local institution in Canton. Sichuan (Chuan) cuisine is distinctly spicy. Shandong (Lu) cuisine excels in fish and seafood dishes such as sea cucumber, squirrel fish, crab and eel. Huaiyang specialties are “West Lake Fish” and“Beggars Chicken”, baked in lotus le

10、aves in a clay pot . Chopsticks are the dining utensils most frequently used in Chinese peoples daily life. It is said that chopsticks reflect gentleness and benevolence, the main moral teachings of Confucianism. It may be an awkward experience for foreigners to use chopsticks to have a meal. Fortun

11、ately, learning to eat with chopsticks is not difficult.筷子在中国人平常生活中是最常使用的餐具。据说筷子能反映温柔和爱心,是儒家思想的重要道德教义。外国人用筷子吃饭时也许会是一种尴尬的经历。幸运的是,学习用筷子吃饭是不困难的。China has long been known as the “land of ceremony and propriety”. Consequently, there are certain manners that should be observed at banquets or formal dinner

12、s. First, Chinese people attach great importance to the seating order at banquets or formal dinners. In ancient times, the most honorable guest sat facing the east, and the next important guest sat facing the south, next facing the north and the last facing the west. These days, normally the host si

13、ts facing the door, the person sitting on his right is the most honored guest, and the one on his left is the next most honored.中国长期以来始终被称为“礼仪之邦”。因此,在宴会或正式晚餐上可以观测到一定的礼仪。一方面,中国人非常注重在宴会或正式晚宴上的座位顺序。在古代,最尊贵的客人坐朝东,第二重要的客人面对南方坐,下面客人对北和最后客人面对西方。目前,一般主人坐在面对门,坐在她右边的人是最尊贵的客人,左边是下一种受崇拜的人。 Apart from the seatin

14、g order, there are also rules regarding the order of serving dishes and the way dishes are set on the table. Normally cold dishes are served before hot ones, and dry dishes are served before soup. Newly served dishes are always put near the most honorable guest; when whole fish, whole chicken or who

15、le duck is served, the dish is normally put in such a way that the head is towards the most important guest. This is a way to show respect.除了座位顺序有规定,尚有有关上菜的顺序以及碟子摆放也有一定规则。一般是先上冷菜后上热菜,先上干菜后上汤。新上的菜总是放在最尊贵的来宾附近;当全鸡全鱼,或者是全鸭,这道菜一般是以这样一种方式摆放:把头朝向最重要的客人。这是一种尊重的方式。 In China, people tend to eat together. Hab

16、itually the host will serve some dishes with his or her own chopsticks to guests to show his or her hospitality.在中国,人们常常一起吃饭。主人习惯性地将用她或她自己的筷子夹给客人某些菜肴以展示她或她的好客。 Traditional Chinese Dietotherapy Guided by fundamental theories of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), traditional Chinese dietotherapy(TCD) (also called Chinese medicatedadj. 含药物的,药制的medicated soap 药皂 diet) is a specialty that conce



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