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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。房地产开发合同,英文篇一:某海外房地产项目收购协议(中英文对照) 1 开发协议1 This development agreement (“Agreement”) is made at this day of Two Thousand and Fourteen BY AND BETWEEN 本开发协议(“本协议”)由以下双方于2020年_月_日订立。 _, a company incorporated and registered under the provisions of the _ having its

2、registered office at _ hereinafter referred to as “the Owner” (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and include its successors and permitted assigns) of the FIRST PART; _,一家根据_规定注册成立的公司,其注册办事处位于_(以下简称甲方的“业主”)(除非与本文件中的上下文或含义矛盾,否则此表述应被视为及包括其

3、继承者及经批准的受让人); AND 及 _, a company incorporated and registered under the provisions of the _ having its registered office at XXXX hereinafter referred to as “the Developer” (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to mean and includes its successors) o

4、f the SECOND PART; _,一家根据_规定注册成立的公司,其注册办事处位于XXX市XX区XXX(以下简称乙方的“开发商”)(除非与本文件中的上下文或含义矛盾,否则此表述应被视为及包括其继承者); The Owner and the Developer are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party”. 业主及开发商以下统称为“订约方”,及分别被称为“一方”。 WHEREAS:- 鉴于: A. Devolution of title of the prope

5、rty to be captured; 拟取得物业产权转让 B. The Owner is seized and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that piece or parcel of land admeasuring an area of 2.5 Acres located in Athi River, Nairobi, Kenya, as more particularly described in the Annexure A hereunder written and as deli

6、neated by red colour boundary line on the plan hereto annexed and marked as Annexure B (hereinafter referred to as “the said Property”); 1AZB Comment: We understand that this agreement is proposed to be executed in and governed by the laws of Kenya. As such, the draft would require to be vetted and

7、confirmed by Kenyan counsel to ensure that the same complies with and in consonance with the laws of Kenya. AZB评论:我们理解本协议拟根据XXX法律执行及受XXX法律规管。因此,本草案须经XXX顾问审查及确认,以确保该草案符合XXX法律。业主占有及持有或以其它方式有权充分享有整片或整块土地,该土地面积为2.5公顷,位于XXX。更多详细说明见本文件下的附录A,并在随附及标记为附录B的平面图上用红色边界线描绘(以下简称“上述物业”)。 C. The Developer has indepe

8、ndently verified and duly satisfied with the title of the Owner to the said Property. 开发商已独立确认及对业主所持上述物业的所有权满意。 D. The Developer has favorable advantages on investment and financing and capability of project development, operation and management and has represented to the Owner that he has the neces

9、sary expertise to undertake/carry out the Project (as defined below) in the manner as set out herein; 开发商在投资和融资及项目开发、经营及管理能力方面具有有利优势并已向业主表明,其具有根据本文件内所载方式承担/实施项目(定义见下文)所需专有知识; E. Pursuant to discussions and negotiations held between the Owner andtheDeveloperthey have agreed to develop, on the said Pr

10、operty, a project comprising of an urban complex in Nairobi and a new general office building integrating hotels, offices and apartments2 on the said Property, together with such amenities and facilities as are commensurate to a project of this nature, and as more particularly set out in Annexure C

11、hereto (“Project”) for the considerationand in the manner and on the terms and conditions mutually agreed upon by and between the Parties hereto; 根据业主与开发商之间的讨论及协商,双方已同意在上述物业上开发一个项目,包括 内罗毕市的城市综合体及上述物业上一栋集酒店、办公室及公寓于一体的新综合办公大楼2以及与该性质项目相适应的便利设施及设施。更多详情载于附录C供订约方审议,其方式及条款和条件由订约方约定(“项目”)。 F. The Parties ar

12、e now desirous of recording the terms and conditions mutually agreed upon by and between them as hereinafter appearing: 订约方现希望记录下文出现的经双方约定的条款及条件: NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS:- 因此,订约方现协议及约定如下:- 1. 定义及解释 1.1 定义 2 AZB Comm

13、ent: Client to confirm AZB评论:客户确认1.1.1. “Actual Saleable Area” shall have the meaning as ascribed to it under Clause 3.1 below; “实际可售面积”应具有下文第3.1条所赋予之涵义; 1.1.2. “Business” shall mean and refer to development and construction projects and all other activities incidental thereto, including but not lim

14、ited to the Project described herein; “业务”应指开发和建设项目及所有其它附带的活动,包括但不限于本文件内所述的项目; 1.1.3. “Construction Schedule” shall have the meaning as ascribed to it under Clause 8.2 below; “施工进度”应具有下文第8.2条所赋予之涵义; 1.1.4. “Development Rights” shall have the meaning as ascribed to it under Clause 2 below; “开发权”应具有下文

15、第2条所赋予之涵义; 1.1.5. “Force Majeure” shall have the meaning as ascribed to it under Clause 9 below; “不可抗力”应具有下文第9条所赋予之涵义; 1.1.6. “FSI” shall stand for Floor Space Index; “FSI”指建筑面积指标; 1.1.7. “Gross Sale Proceeds”3 shall mean and refer to the total sum agreed by the Developer under any contract for the sale of any unit / premises in the Project to a third party, but shall not include the following: “销售总额”应指开发商在将项目中任何单位/房屋出售予第三方的任何合同中约定的总额,但不包括下列内容: (i) All deposits collected from the prospective purchasers for payments to be made to the concerned



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